
Her Identity

3 years ago, in Harlem Prison. After proven guilt on her 70th serial killing case, the Madwoman, once again arrested and locked in a private cell for her life sentenced prison, with legal custody.

"Have you reach the Agency?" - Dr. Filan Dos Bandidos, he is Madwoman's personal Psychiatrist.

"Yes, Doctor Filan. They released an official job interview to work for Madwoman. But, I'm thinking, aren't we just wasting time for it?" - Dr. Gish Brows, she is Dr. Filan's assistant doctor for Madwoman.

"It's not a waste of time. Time comes and it'll be her end." - Dr. Filan

"What do you mean?" - Dr. Gish

"Just wait and see." - Dr. Filan

That's the countdown of everything for her. That's the day, she's waiting for.

On the other hand, inside the Cell 0903, a woman who's on her late 20's, lying on the curtains tied on each sides of her cell - the Madwoman. She's always spot on that position writing something on her notebook; journal.

A man in charge then came to bring her meal for the evening with a cart. He was tall, strong, white and bald, he has a scar on the half of his face. He wears a uniform like a nurse; Physical Therapist. Madwoman bend her back to come down and walk slowly towards the man, "Is that all?" That man didn't reply. But Madwoman didn't stop, "You don't answer me? Why am I not also a human to you? Why? Are you ever a human to them?" she said. The man frowns and grab her neck and said, "What do you know about me to say that? You're a wench and everyone knew it." Madwoman smiles and lick her lips in circling motion and speak, "You are no different from me, my dear. I can see it in your eyes, and on the scar on your face it speak clearly to me." She then touch the man's face and wipe her finger to it's scar, she continue, "Either of us aren't accepted in this world, you know how it feels right? You only want it, right? Now tell me, man, do you want... this?" She grabbed the man's hand and place it on the lower and sensitive area of her body, she smirk, "Yes.." the man replied. And the desire from her eyes begin, her lust for that man's soul, her will to kill him.

"Then, release me." -Madwoman

On that late afternoon, the Madwoman and that man who serves to be her Physical Therapist, had one night stand on that cell. The Doctors and the guards found out through the cctv footage, but they were late to catch that man, he was already dead lay in the Madwoman's bed with the knife stabbed on his neck. After a week, the diagnosis' test came out, there were no prints from the Madwoman that could prove she use the knife to kill the man. The police checked the footage once again and it can clearly seen that the man stabbed himself alone while staring at the back of Madwoman.

"She killed someone again." Dr. Gish said while looking at the Madwoman's cell in the monitor. Dr. Filan sigh and said, "There's no way we could stop her. Has the Agency reply?" Dr. Filan asked. Dr. Gish scan her emails and said, "Yes Doctor Filan, and to be my surprise. Her Physical Therapist is already in the outside of the prison." The two doctors were suprised with the email. "This must be it." Dr. Filan replied. On that late morning they immediately left and meet the new Physical Therapist, who's ought to be me. Doctor Filan greet the man infront of him, "Hi, my name is Doctor Filan Dos Bandidos, I'm the Madwoman's personal Psychiatrist, she's my assistant Doctor Gish Brows."

"Nice to meet you." Dr. Gish open her arms towards the man. And the man replies, "Nice to meet you, my name is... Blank, Blank Lothario, before here, I was working at Golham Mental Hospital." The man said with a gist of innocent smile on his face. The two Doctors look at each other with the same thought on their minds. Without further do, they let him come inside and see whereas the facilities and what are the prisoners do inside. At last, Doctor Filan bring the man inside of that room where they monitor the Madwoman and he begin to introduce her, "She is the Madwoman who's known for killing people by striking their mentality." Doctor Filan hand him the files and continue, "Her real name is Augusta, Augusta Occidere. 27 years old, her Nickname 'Madwoman' is derived from her disorder itself, sociopath. But before becoming a sociopath she was a late Psychiatrist like--"

"Like you?" - Blank

"Like me. In her recent killing activities she killed a total of 74 people, including her recent and past Physical Therapists. I'm afraid that you might end in that way as well, but I know you also know that this woman infront of you is in mental ill, so don't dare to listen to her words, they are all lies." - Doctor. Filan

"Doctor Filan, on my own calculation, Madwoman will wake in three hours." - Doctor Gish.

"Her life depends on you, Blank. I hope you know that." - Dr. Filan, pat my back for that late morning the sun rise slowly.

- On that day, I couldn't understand why this people treat a woman like an animal in a cage. For me they were like an alchemists but not a doctors who experiment someone to solve something or a writer who explores to find answers to riddles. Because that woman in that cell, is surely indeed innocent.
