
1// The Beginning

//Jungkook's P.O.V//

Chungus was the most popular guy in school. I, on the other hand, just wanted to focus on becoming a writer, until the day we got detention together. He pushed me up against the wall, making me blush. "Chungus, what are you doing?" I asked, my legs shaking. 

Ok that was a bit much. Let me start over. It all began when I moved school. I used to be bullied in my old school. They thought it was funny that I wanted to be a writer. At first, it was a joke, just teasing and embarrassing me. But then, they started to call me a nerd and slam my books out of my hand and they once even read out the fanfiction I wrote- it was...embarrassing. 

Ever since then, everyone laughed at me in the corridors. My cheeks would heat with shame with every name they called me. They called me messed up in the head for writing romance fanfiction. They said that was what girls do. I couldn't take it. 

I was so happy when my parents announced we were leaving the country. And so, we packed our bags and left to go to back home to South Korea. It felt refreshing, like a new start, leaving my old life behind. I had been born in America, so no one knew me here, apart from my relatives. Maybe I could even make some friends. I didn't have any back in America. 

I settled in pretty nicely, not many noticed me, since I was the new kid. But there were a few who fought over who would show me around and be friends with me. To be honest, I didn't take any notice of them. I didn't really care. There was only one person, or rather, one particular bunny...

He was a voluptuous bunny with a very handsome face. Like many of the others, I had taken an immediate liking to him. He was such a...bad boy. Chungus didn't care what others thought of him. His rebellious nature made him seem so...attractive. The thing was, he wasn't interested in any of the others. That what was made me think I had no chances with him. I was wrong. I realised I was wrong the day we got detention together. That day changed everything.