
◇Dark Souls◇

Year 2563 the young Reverie lived a life full of sorrow, pain, loneliness and broken trust. One day on her way to college, her life changes drastically with a certain incident and makes a fateful encounter. The mysterious Vincent who seems to know things that he shouldn't while having a grudge against her and aims for her life. While they both go their ways in this apocalyptic world and travel through time and dimensions, the secrets of the past come to the surface more and more. Will they both end up at a mutual understanding or will they stay forever enemies? a dramatic, dark ,psychological fantasy story with many fights and emotions. Dive into the depths of the abyss with Reverie and find the truth about the past and why Vincent wants her death. Editor: Gabblit Cover art: Ploutoki original character: mine Design by: piffi-sisters Story: Ryakishou

Rya_kishou · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 7: Resurrection pt 2

In the middle of a snowy mountain, a certain young man in complety black garment made his way back to town.

It has been 6 months since the meteorites hit earth and brought doom upon most of the population.

It was also 6 months since the train incident upon which he not tried to think back. He felt uneasy whenever he thought about it. What if the girl he killed, wasn't the one he meant to kill? She looked different than the girl in his memories after all. He stomped through the thick snow, while his long jet black coat fluttered drastically in the wind.

-it's been 6 months and I still couldn't find any of my comrades...how is that even possible? I should at least be able to find a portal but even those didn't appear yet. But why? The portals are most important, I won't be able to find 'it' as long as I'm stuck here. Something is definitely off with this timeline. I should have at least met him by now. Are all these changes because I killed the girl? If so, doesn't that mean she really was 'her'?! But what if not? It no use to think about the what if's. I have to make the best of the current situation as much as I can.

While he came closer to the forest that was ahead, more and more monsters popped up to serve themselves a new found dinner. However, he was completely unfazed.

With skillful swings he sliced all of them to pieces without even stopping in his tracks.

The poor creatures blood dyed the pure white snow in a beautiful crimson.

-monsters. Ever since the meteorites hit, these things showed up as well. I couldn't figure out whyin my past timeline, but maybe I will this time. For now I should focus on finding my companions. First one will be him, I have to find him at all costs. He's mandatory for the future missions.

Vincent made his way into the forest and vanished in it's dark shadows, like the shadow he was himself.


"I missed you!"

Reverie hugged her cat dearly before taking him in her arms to carry around.

-I was so worried how he would be doing but it seems like he's fine. What a relief. I wonder how much time passed for him, ever since my death. He's healthy and well fed so it couldn't have been long, right? Time really is a complicated thing...I have to make preparations to go back now though. No time to waste. I gotta find that bastard.

Having made up her mind she turns around to face the bunny once more.

"Mr. bunny, can I return to the living world?"

"of course you can, my lady"

"but my body..."

"It was just a 'shell'"


"Yes. They aren't actual bodies, more like a container that retain your soul"

"so even if that body dies, I won't?"

-that would be quite a neat skill to have, though I'm pretty sure it got it's limits too.


"how many times does that work?"

"till your actual body is killed or damaged"

"my actual body?"


"where is it?"

"I don't know. That is something only you know, or knew till you erased your memories"

"Great...all the more reason to get my memories back"

-till then I gotta hope no-one finds it, that real body of mine

She pet her cat, thinking about what her actual body would look like. She dropped Nox on the bed making up her mind.

"I will find that bastard who killed me, I need a new shell and clothes for that though. The first I already seem to get when I leave the abyss, for the latter..."

Before she could finish her sentence ,a door popped up in the middle of the room. The heavy doors opened and revealed a big closet room behind it.

She stepped inside to admire all the fancy dresses and shoes.

-wow I think I've never seen so many clothes and shoes in one place in my entire life and that means something. I study fashion design after all. They are all so pretty though. Will be hard to pick but instead of something fancy ,I shall take something practical.

Skimming through the closet, she found a white dress with a buttoned collar which was adorned with a black ribbon and crystal, a huge white coat that embraced her fully even when she stretched her arms sideways and knee high white boots with Black soles. They seem to be of victorian style. The long bell sleeves of her dress had three layers of lace which gave it a cute but elegant look. The chest area was set with bisen (a sewing technique that gives the fabric straight lines optic) and the coat had a big hood with fur attached.

Ren grabbed a few silver belts to attach all around her waist and under bust area. They should be useful later to carry around things.

She put on a set of white tights and packed a pair of black gloves in her coats pockets. You never knew when you would need them.

After dressing she made her way to the mirror to admire her new outfit.

-Not bad. Not fancy enough in my opinion but it's a start. At least it will be practical.

"Mr. bunny, are there any weapons here that I could take with me?"

-that bastard stabbed me with a sword, so I gotta learn how to defend myself.

"of course my lady. Here you go!"

With that a big black scythe with gold adornment showed up in front of her. It was pretty but had something ominous about it. She grabbed it and set her hand on the mirrors surface.

"What time will it be when I'm outside?"

"Your cat was brought in from the past, however the 'present' you refer to now, is 6 months from your 'death' my lady"

"I see. Winter it is then. Time to head out"

-to be continued-