

•THE REVENGE• Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer TAGS»•» Secrets, Death, Betrayal, Revenge, Romance and Envy. ★★★★ Imagine being birthed in a cruel world where killing is your daily food. You don't want to imagine right? Well that's where Damon Salvatore is. A handsome and cold hearted person. He kills with no mercy and he does it only because his father ask him to do it. He was made this way because of his ruthless father. Little Brianna & her twin, wealthy, happy and fulfilled life, taken away by Damon and the ruthless mafia clan grows up and seeks REVENGE but does the merciless behaviors turn upside down? DOES THE MERCILESS BEHAVIORS TURN INTO LOVE? Will she melt his cold heart? EXCERPT: She felt a presence in the room and she looked back to see Damon standing behind her with his hands behind his back. "Sexy devil." Damon walked towards her and she stood up so they were inches away from each other. "How do you do? Mouse?" She said with a smirk Damon punched her, and she retaliated immediately. They fought hard till Brianna was on the ground and Damon was on top of her. "How dare you! Have you lost it!" Brianna snarled. "One day, we'll be in this same position, and you know what? I'll kiss you." He said with a smirk and she pushed him away before standing. Follow this book for further details... I hope you'll enjoy it.

Vera_odigie_20 · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 15


Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer.

⁠✧⁠ Chapter 15 ✧


"Stop right there!!!" A voice sounded and she froze on her spot as she began shaking.

"Who are you?" The person asked again but Daniella didn't reply.

"Turn around!" The voice said and Daniella did so slowly.

It was Arianna!!

"Who are you?" Arianna asked as she walked to her.

"Please don't harm me. I just want to escape from Don. He has been torturing me and he'll kill me if he finds me. Please help me" she pleaded and Arianna felt bad for her.

"Alright! Follow me, I'll get my sister" she said and removed her hoodie. She gave it to Daniella and she wore it.

They walked to Brianna's room and met her sitting on the bed holding her wounded tummy.

"Bri!" Arianna called and she looked at her.

She looked at the woman behind her and gasped.

"Daniella!" She called shockingly.

"Do you know her?" Arianna asked as they both walked in.

"Yes! She is Damon's mother!" Brianna said.

"What?!" Arianna asked shockingly.

"Enough of the explanation. Take her away from here please" she told Arianna.

"Alright!" She said and Eric came in immediately.

"Eric! Please help Arianna. Take Daniella away please before Don will know she has escaped" she told Eric and he nodded.

They all left Brianna's room and left the mansion easily. They entered a black Lamborghini and drove off.

"Where will we take her now?" Arianna asked Eric.

"I honestly don't know" Eric muttered with a sigh.

"Please take me to Lauren's street, close 24!" She said and Arianna looked at her.

"Where's that?" Arianna asked her.

"It's my friend's house. She said I can stay there and no one will ever find me there even Don!" Daniella said and Arianna nodded before looking at Eric.

Eric looked at her too and sighed before facing front.


Brianna was wearing a white singlet and a black bum short. She was about climbing her bed when her door flew open.

"Who's that?" She asked angrily and 5 hefty men came in.

"Don wants to see you!" One of them said and Brianna gulped.

"What for?" She asked.

"Ask him when you get there now let's go!" He said and she secretly carried her pocket knife and put it at her back pocket.

"Okay!" She said and walked to them.

One held her right arm tightly while the other one held her left her tightly.

"Hey! Let me go! I already said I'll go with you!" She said as she struggled to get free.

"We don't want you running away so that's why. No more questions and start walking!" The leader said and she frowned deeply as she began walking.

'What's going on?' She thought.

They arrived at the main hall and she saw Damon standing near Don. Rose and Alex were present, Irene was also there smirking evilly at Brianna.

The guys holding her left her when she got to his front and she frowned.

"Why did you call me and why did they have to bring me in like that?" She asked angrily.

"What do you do with the money I give you?" He asked and she sighed inwardly.

"I give it to my nannies!" She said bluntly and he chuckled.

"I guess that won't happen again since they're dead" he said and her eyes widened.

She looked down and chuckled inwardly. She looked up and faked a cry.

"How could you?? They did nothing to you. Why did you kill them?" She yelled angrily and Rose scoffed.

"How dare you shout at Don like that?" Rose said and Brianna turned to glare at her.

"Shut that hole you call a mouth. You're not involved in this so stay the hell out of it" she said and Rose rolled her eyes.

Brianna faced Don and saw him chuckle. He stood up and came to stand in front of her.

"Did you put out the fire that day?" He asked calmly.

"What fire?" She feigned ignorance and he chuckled slowly.

He raised his fist up and punched her heavily. Her hair scattered all over her face as blood began bleeding from her bursted lips.

"DON'T ACT STUPID. ARE YOU THE ONE THAT PUT OUT THE FIRE?!!!!!" He yelled and she looked at him.

"I am!" She said and he kicked her wounded stomach making her fly to the ground with a loud groan.

Her wound opened again and her white shirt got bloody. She stood up with great difficulty and held her bleeding stomach.

"Who gave you the right to do that huh? Who?" He yelled.

"Who gave you the right to have my parents killed huh?? Who?!!!" She yelled back at him and he slapped her soundly.

She slapped him back shocking every one and she moved back a bit.

"She's brave!" Alex muttered.

"But her bravery will lead to her death. I like that" she said and Alex looked at her.

"Sorry!" She mumbled and he faced front again.

Damon smiled a bit as he saw what Brianna did but the smile didn't last long cos that alone can make her get killed.

'No one has ever laid hands on me except her! She's really not scared of me?' He thought staring at her.

He felt a little liquid dropping down his lips and he touched it. He looked at his finger and saw....


"How dare you!!" He yelled and punched her heavily on her face making her fall to the ground heavily.

He grabbed her up by the neck and slapped her again. She used her knee and kneed his stomach making him to let go of her.

She fell to the ground and he walked to her. She was about standing up when he came to her and kneed her nose really hard making blood to splatter.

She fell to the ground as blood began bleeding from her nose. He carried her up above his head and raised his knee.

Brianna used her elbow to hit his eye.

"Arg!" Don shrieked and threw her away. She held her bleeding stomach as she stood up again.

"You're a monster!!!" She screamed at him.

"Damon is the monster cos he killed your parents!!!" He yelled and Brianna frowned as she looked at Damon.

Damon bit his lips in guilt and she looked away.

"You both are monsters!!" She yelled and Damon could feel a sting in his heart.

'Monster!' He thought with a slight frown.

Don brought out his gun and aimed it at her. He pulled the trigger but she dodged by doing a front flip. She pulled out her pocket knife and ran towards him. He pulled the trigger again but she dodged and stabbed his stomach.

He slapped her away and she fell to the ground. He shot her stomach, then her arm, then her leg.

"Any last words?" He asked.

Blood already covered her white cloth and she was bleeding from her mouth.

"You're a monster!!!! A devil!!!!" She screamed and he aimed her head.

She closed her eyes as she waited for him to shoot but nothing.

She opened her eyes to see Damon standing in front of her glaring at his Dad.

"Move away!!" Don said calmly.

"No! Before killing her, you need to kill me first!" He said and Brianna looked at his back side.

'He is really.. helping me?' She thought.

"Move!!" He yelled.

"No!" Damon said and smirked.

Someone switched off the lights and Don furrowed his brows.

The lights went on again but Damon and Brianna were no where to be found.

"Who did that?!!" He yelled but got no reply.

"Find them and kill Brianna but make sure my son is here safe and sound!!!! Now go!!!!" He yelled at them and they all left the room.

"You managed to escape this time Brianna but you won't next time" he said with gritted teeth and Irene walked to him.

"You're injured! You need to go..."

"I'll be fine!" He said angrily and left.


A car drove into Lauren's street, close 24 and Damon came down. He carried Brianna in a bridal style and took her inside.

Arianna actually told them where they'll be so he brought Brianna here.

They went into the house and Eric and Arianna stood up immediately.

"Brianna!!" Arianna called and rushed to her.

"Get her treated please!" He said and Eric carried her before taking her into a room.

He opened his phone and broke the sim. He did the same with Brianna's phone before sitting down on the couch.

Daniella came out of her room looking all freshened up. Eric already treated her injuries and she got dressed.

"Damon!" She called and he looked up to meet Daniella's smiling face.

He stood up immediately and began walking to her.

"Mum!" He called and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so happy you're safe!!" He said crying on her shoulders.

Daniella patted his back slowly as she smiled as well.

"I'm glad am with you again" she said and he smiled widely as the tears kept pouring.


Eric already removed all the bullets from Brianna and also treated her. He bandaged her stomach, arm and leg. She was currently sitting down on her bed as she stared at her palms.

'What do I do now?' she thought.

'Rihanna is still in that hell hole. How will I save her?' She thought and sighed loudly.

She heard a knock on the door and she looked at the door.

"Who's there?" She asked.

"It's Damon!" He said and she sighed.

"I'm not ready to see you" she said and he sighed.

"Please just hear me out first" he said and she sighed.

"Come in!" She said and he opened the door before walking in.

He came to sit in front of her on the bed and he held her hand but she removed her hands away.

"Why did you kill them?" She asked and he bit his lips.

"Don said I should. I didn't agree at first but he threatened to kill my mum. I had no choice than to do it. I was only 11 then, I didn't want to loose my mum just like that" he said.

"What of me huh? Do you know how I felt loosing my parents right in front of me. I was only 9, I didn't want to be an orphan at that age but you made it happen!!" She half yelled and he bit his lips.

"I'm sorry. I've been feeling guilty ever since and it always hurts me when you call the person that killed your parents a monster. It really hurts hearing you call me that" he said and she sighed.

"I knew you were the one all along. I just wanted to see if you'll feel guilty about what you did and you did but am still angry at you. They died because of you Damon and I don't know how I'll forgive you" she said.

"Just try please. I can't bear you to be mad at me. I seriously can't" he said and a tear drop fell from his eyes shocking Brianna.

He stood up and knelt down beside her.

"Please find it in your heart to forgive me Brianna. Please!!" He pleaded as more tears fell from his eyes.

★ FORGIVE HIM DEAR! ★ A voice spoke and she closed her eyes.

It was her mum's voice.




Her mum's voice said and Brianna opened her eyes.

She looked at Damon before standing up. She rose him up by the arm and he stood up as more tears fell from his eyes.

"I forgive you!!" She said and he smiled before hugging her tightly.

"Thank you!" He said and she reciprocated the hug.

They broke the hug and Damon cupped her cheeks.


"Apologize to her dear!" Daniella said.

Damon just finished telling her why he killed Brianna's parents.

"But what if she doesn't forgive me? I won't be able to bear that" he said and she smiled.

"Why? Is it because you love her?" Daniella asked.

"Yes mum!" Damon replied.

"Then apologize to her and make her yours before any other person does" she said and he smiled before standing up.

"Thanks mum" he said and walked to the room Brianna is in.


"I want to tell you something!" He said and Brianna's heart started beating madly.

"Am all ears!" She said nervously.

"Meeting you was one of the best thing that has ever happened to me. You made me smile even when I didn't want to. You were there for me during my hard times. I will be incomplete without you. I will go crazy if you aren't with me cos I think about you everyday. I just want to say that, I love you. So freaking much. I don't care if you don't love me back but..."

He couldn't complete his statement cos Brianna kissed him. His eyes were wide and Brianna broke the kiss.

"I love you too. Even when I knew you killed my parents. You protected my nannies, you didn't kill them and am so happy. I love you so much Damon" she said and Damon smiled.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked and she nodded. He leaned in and captured her lips slowly. She grabbed his neck and he held her waist as she reciprocated the kiss.

Daniella who was watching by the door smiled and closed the door silently.