
The Man In The Mirror

I woke up to the sound of knocking on a glass surface. Confused, I looked around my room trying to locate the source of the disturbance. I turned to face my digital clock across the room from me. It read 3:03.

I rolled my eyes, assuming this was my sister pranking me. "Renee, stop. You're not funny." When I received no response, I let out a sound somewhere between a growl and a sigh as I slipped out of my bed to investigate.

The noise faded and faded until I was no longer able to hear it. I stood in the silence for a few seconds, unable to comprehend my current situation. What was that noise?

While I was lost in thought, the tapping began suddenly and much louder than it had been before.

I jumped and spun my head wildly in all directions. Shaking, I stumbled slowly over to my windows and pulled the curtains over to the side so slightly that it would be almost impossible to tell the difference.

Peeking out, I scanned the darkness for any sign of movement. It was completely vacant. My breaths were rapid as I dropped the curtains and resumed my search for the sound.

It was so loud now that I was confused as to how my sister hadn't woken up yet. I took a few steps toward my door and stopped when I realized that the sound was now behind me.

I closed my eyes and continued walking, this time following my ears. I stopped, facing the source and opened my eyes. I screamed and jumped back, clasping my mouth out of shock.

I was staring into the eyes of a monstrous creature, which, oddly enough, wasn't actually in front of me at all. It was- and I know this sounds crazy- in my mirror.

I was frozen with fear. This creature seemed like a man whose neck was severed. It had teeth like a sharks and a tongue the length of a snake's, which was hanging limp out of its mouth. It's neck was attached to its chin and the top of it appeared as if a bald corpse was pulled straight out of the grave and genetically modified. It's long pointer finger was rising and falling down hard on the glass.

As blood trickled down its white shirt, I unstuck myself from my stance and pounded at the ground with my feet, pushing with as much force as I could muster. I yelled for my sister and shifted my course to her room.

When I entered, she was fast asleep. The creature was crawling out of the mirror and reaching for her. Before I could react, it pulled her jaw brutally apart and split it in two.

I must've passed out from fear, because this is all I recall if the story of how I got in this hospital. The police questioned me and when I told them, they thought I was crazy.

They sent me here and marked my sister's death off as a house robbery, but I know better, and I won't give up on that for all the time I'm stuck in this white room. After all, how could I? It's still by my side whenever I look at my reflection.