
Chapter 8: Cliche

I walked down the sidewalk. The light said to start walking and I did.

I started to cross the road, not thinking that cars could still be going.

I heard a honk and bright headlights were on.

"Watch out!" I was suddenly picked up bridal style, two bodies tumbled across the road, avoiding the truck.

"Ugh, my head.." I sat up and rubbed the back of my skull. Now I have a small knot.

Realizing that I'm still in someone's arms, instead of getting off, I check to see who saved me.

"Isaac?" I muttered, poking his cheek.

"Hmm..? Oh! Aisha, are you hurt?" Isaac panicked

"No, but you are. You're all bruised. Thanks by the way." I muttered.

Isaac blushed once he realized he was holding me bridal style, and immediately put me down.

"Anyways Isaac, did you follow me? School isn't out yet." I questioned.

He sighed. "You seemed sad so I went to follow you. I'm just glad I got to you on time."

"..." I looked down, "I should go." I walked away from Isaac, feeling guilty that I didn't properly say goodbye to him.

"I'm back.." I called out. Armond appeared from the kitchen with a frown. "Your not supposed to be home yet!"

"I know, just some group of girls bugging me, I won't do it again." I told him.

"You say that every time." Armond rolled his slit eyes, his tongue sticking out and back in. "Anyways, I want you to be respectful to our guest coming over for dinner."

I smirked and looked up at my brother. "Ooh~ is Lillie coming?" I teased.

"Yes- But!" My brother's face flushed. "You like her!" I dramatically gasped.

"S-SHUT UP!" I started laughing out of the blue. We both stopped, and looked at each other. "She'll make you a great wife Armond." I smiled and headed upstairs.

I propped myself down on the bed and checked the latest news on my phone. 'Mad Scientist Captures Three Monster Children'. I furrowed my eyebrows. "They make me sick.. hurting those poor kids." I muttered.

I groaned and looked up at the ceiling, bored out of mind. Then the doorbell rang. "Lillie is a bit early."

I went downstairs, but my Armond beat me to the door. But it wasn't Lillie on the other side.