
“The Reddit Curse: Brothers in a Cultivation Quest”

Simi Yi, a Reddit aficionado whose sharp-tongued comments could rival a bard's wit, found himself and his brother Sima Kai transmigrated to a realm straight out of a bad fanfiction. As they navigated this new world, a voice boomed in their head, "You, who wield words like swords, now face a quest where your tongue won't save you!" With a dramatic flourish, the voice added, "But hey, I'm not all that bad; I threw in a cheat code(I think)for fun." The brothers exchanged a look that said, "Well, this is awkward," realizing that their Reddit karma had taken a literal twist into a realm of cultivation. this is my first work so forgive my mistakes. please do suggest what I can improve. English isn’t my first language.

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The cave of cheat

As Simi Yi and Sima Kai explored the cave, they discovered ancient markings on the walls depicting scenes of battles and legendary cultivators. The cave seemed to be a hidden passage, leading deeper into the heart of the cultivation world.

"I really shouldn't have asked you for ideas. I knew you would give a stupid one," Yi teased, nudging Kai playfully.

Kai rolled his eyes. "Do whatever you want," he replied, feigning annoyance.

Suddenly, both brothers were overcome by a searing pain in their heads. Images and information flooded their minds, revealing the secrets of this world, their new bodies, and the cheat they had been given.

"Hey Kai, I was just guessing before, but we really are in a cultivation world," Yi exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice.

Kai nodded, his eyes wide with wonder. "Yeah, brother, imagine the harem we could make here."

"What the fu•k, we will never make a harem. Only virgins who have never been in a relationship wish for that," Yi retorted, shaking his head at Kai's enthusiasm.

Ignoring Yi's comment, Kai continued, "Our current information about cultivation stops at the immortal realm. It's probably because we're mortal."

"Brother, let's close our eyes and see this cheat the figure was talking about," Kai suggested.

Yi agreed, and as they closed their eyes, a blue panel with letters appeared in the darkness:

[Welcome to the cultivation forum. Choose from one of the following forums to continue:

• r/CultivationMysteries

• r/DemonicCultivators

• r/RetardedYoungMasters

Note: The choice is irreversible.]

"Hey Kai, do you see the same thing?" Yi asked, intrigued by the mysterious panel.

Kai nodded. "Looks like this is our cheat. We can interact with other cultivators to gain an advantage," he said, excitement evident in his voice.

"I wanted a system," Kai sighed dramatically.

"Hmph, you wish it was that easy," Yi snorted.

"So, which forum should we choose?" Kai asked, contemplating their options.

"Let's choose…" Yi trailed off, pondering their next move.

Before Yi could finish his sentence, Kai interrupted, "r/RetardedYoungMasters! I want to see what kind of idiots we're dealing with here."

Yi burst into laughter. "Wow Kai, you really have become retarded, you want to waste this opportunity to just see the idiots of this world"