
“The Laughter from Within”

Buttercup is a young girl who is on the run from her King, well also everyone. Why? Simply because she is probably the only happy girl left considering the king wants to rule his kingdom filled with sadness. Yes sadness, everyone had their happiness taken away from them just because the king can't fill happiness. Now Buttercup is the only onenfilled with joy but she also wants everyone to be happy, join her on her journey to bring happiness to the world!

shontobears54653 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Who is Buttercup?

Name: Buttercup

Age: 14

Birth date: May 10

Likes: Smile, Sunshine, Yellow, Butterflies

Dislikes: Frowns, the Color Grey and Cloudy Days

There was once was a land that was filled with nothing but sadness and gloom. Not many people that carried a smile on their face or laughed. The land was made up of many countries that were ruled by one man, this man is Jet. Jet ruled the land with an ironfist and he drained the land dried of their joy. Why would he do this? Jet hated happiness and found it unfair that everyone was happy but not him. Why couldn't he be happy?

So he overthrown King Joy and took the throne. He made laws and rules that made it illegal to be happy because he wanted everyone to feel the same sadness that he felt. He took everyone's joy and stored it into a gem. He kept the gem with him in hopes he could be happy but it never worked. He tried many methods to become happy but nothing ever worked no potions, no spells, nothing worked. There was a wizard who was said to be the most powerful one in the land but they were wrong, there was a girl.

This young girl was part of a powerful village that would always carry a smile and laugh from time to time but on that fateful day when the King Jet took over the land. He sent out guards and soldiers to go and collect the people's happiness. They came to the village and attacked, the King's army overpowered the village. Soon, the village was taken over and the townspeople were taken to the center of the village. In the center of the village, their happiness was taken....all except for one.

A young girl manage to escape and stayed hidden in the shadows to not be taken. Who was this girl? Her name is Buttercup and loves her name. For she symbolizes happiness and cheerfulness. Which is true because she is the most cheerful and mischievous child that was always remained happy. A smile on her face was able to put a smile on anyone else's. When the soldiers left, Buttercup returned to her family only to realize her family was not the same.

Her mother's wonderful smile, her father's cheerful eyes and she also notice her brother's booming laughter was gone. Her family looked...….sad. Buttercup wanted to cry, to scream, to at least do something but all she did was smile…..why did she smile you say? Because even if she frown or cry she knew that would accomplish nothing except showing defeat. She was not ready to accept defeat because she knew her family would not have given up on her, they would at least do something. So from that day on she knew what she wanted to do...and that was to stop the king and end his reign. Buttercup made a vow to not show a frown but a smile, to not cry but laugh....she left her village and began her journey. Don't worry she will be back because when she comes back her family will greet her with a smile and she'll ensure that they will…...so she began her journey with a smile and will end it with a smile because she is one determined girl.

                            /////////To Be Continued...…..///////////


Buttercup:a flower that symbolizes childness,happiness

Jet:a stone symbolizing sadness...…....