
◾| Chapter 27: Shina Azaroth |◾

When El returned to their hometown, they rested in their respective homes. Feitan, on the other hand, went to Teresa's forest again.

[Feitan's Mind]

["Rikuo, what's happened lately?"]Feitan asked.

["Suddenly I felt the well-known magic that killed and took my siblings into our own world, I couldn't stop my anger flare up!"]Rikuo answer.

["I-is that so?, if that's because of what happened fifty years ago, I understand you"]Feitan say as if he care about Rikuo.

["Also feitan!, after losing control of my sister power she suddenly showed up to me and suggested that she wanted to talk to you!"]Rikuo request.

["Huh!!, why me?"]Feitan shocked said.

["I don't know either, but at that time she was smiling happily and her tears were falling, I don't know why?"]Rikuo statement.

["Then when we gonna talk??"]Feitan asked.

["Maybe later, because in fact she also suddenly came out earlier when I was on fire, but the power you saw were came from me"]Rikuo answer.

After they discussed it, Feitan returned to his lodgings peacefully and quietly.

{Nargia Apartment: 3rd Floor}

Feitan had already climbed to the floor of his room. Upon entering he was surprised to see two of his instructors, El and Giselle, preparing meals for him. Because El found out that it was Feitan's birthday.

When they saw El's reaction to Feitan they were very pleased because they surprised Feitan and they did well what the Ninth hero Daiki suggested.

"Come join us!, by the way happy birthday Feitan"El happy greetings.

Feitan burst into tears at what he witnessed. Feitan's tears continued until Giselle approached him to calm him down.

"Dwell that Feitan, come here"Giselle calming say.

Feitan barely settled down because of Giselle. And then at once they ate and had fun. They made the most of this day for Feitan's birthday.

The next day when Feitan woke up there were gifts on his desk from his two teachers and the others were their luxana.

He had already begun to prepare for their new mission to be undertaken. As he was walking out someone suddenly called to him.


He stopped suddenly and felt the whole surroundings. He again heard the voice of a woman calling his name.


"W-who are you?!"Feitan frenetic question.

Suddenly Feitan finds himself in a place he has been to but he does not know where it is.

[Domain: Revengeful Shrine]

Suddenly a little young lady appeared but it was in the form of a demon. He noticed that it had four horns similar to the one he saw in the form of their younger sister of Rikuo.

["D-don't say you are the younger sister of rikuo!"]Feitan said in shock.

["I-i am, I'm sorry for what I did to your body, I only did that because I was angry with people, I know you also know the whole incident in the last fifty years!"]Shina shy said.

["Uhh yeahh!, I know it when your older sister told and let she show us!"]Feitan reply.

["I-i'm sorry if I scared you or surprised you at the times I showed up to you!, because that's the effect of our power, when our anger flares up the user becomes one and his power results in a frightening effect on everyone!"]Shina statement.

[I understand it, you don't need to explain it"]Feitan gently say.

["Also what are you going to say?, because Rikuo said you want to tell me something"]Feitan suddenly asked.

["About that, because of what I did I want to g-give myself to you!"]Shina shy answer.

["W-what are you mean?!"]Feitan said in shock.

["I will allow you to use my power, but not like before I have to put you to sleep before I can control your body"]Shina reply.

["Then I can use your power without you controlling me!?"]Feitan say as he predicted.

["You're right, it's possible for you to use my power to its full potential when I don't need to control you, but there's still a possibility that my power will ignite but I can control that"]Shina quick response.

["Is that so, I'll still try to train so that I don't always rely on you and Rikuo!"]Feitan determine said.

["A-alright, I'm going now see you again, Feitan"]Shina happily say.

After they could talk Feitan returned to the floor of his room. At the same time, he immediately left for their school to meet Luxana in their new mission.

{Tree Kingdom: Hidden Villages of Elf's&Fairies}

They tied the lone creature with a leash mixed with magic that would not destroy the creature that they caught by the help of Feitan's team.

"W-who are you?, and what are you want on our kingdom!"Rose suddenly asked.

The creature that tied to the toad's neck just laughed. Until this creature stopped laughing for a while.

"The catastrophe about to come!!, it's about to come!!, HAHAHA!!"The man who tied insanely with delight said.

"C-catastrophe?, what do you mean!"Rose confusedly question.

The bound creature did not answer. In the middle of their conversation there came out purple energy all over the body of the bound creature and this energy went up and disappeared.

When they looked back at the tied man, he was suddenly confused.

"Huh!!, where I am??"The man who tied confusedly asked.

"Do you remember something??"Rose reply.

"All I know is, I was just at home and made swords and shields, but I don't know how I got stuck here?"The man who tied response.

Rose suddenly surprised when the man who tied become kind and so innocent that had no opponent against suddenly changed his personality.

They released the man who had tried to destroy their kingdom. Then their village come back to peace again.