
◾| Chapter 21: Feitan's Comeback 1 |◾

(Forest of Spirit)

As El and Giselle left. Feitan began to release black energy with excessive concentration.

(Nargia Town: Village of West Dark Fire)

In the silence of the town of Nargia because of the preparation for incoming invaders. Suddenly an explosion occurred at the gate of this town.

"Lord ninth!, there's an explosion occurred at the gate entering our town!"3rd rank hero report.

"They have arrived!"Daiki says.

They immediately prepared the teams that he assigned and at the same time they built a massive barrier in the Town of Nargia in order to limit the possible massive power of the enemy.

(The Gate of Nargia Town)

When the Ninth Hero Daiki arrived along the other heroes at the gate they've shock to what they witness.

"Is there a strong one there!"Ruigetsu excited says.

"You've done enough ruigetsu"Liu replied.

Lord Ninth Daiki immediately approached to these two as if he knew them.

"If I'm not mistaken you are the second generation of the group that if called a Shadows?"Daiki asked.

"Ohh!, I didn't expect this, you're still alive old man, but it's okay because I'll finish you this time by myself!"Ruigetsu excited say.

Liu suddenly got excited and also approached the old man in front of ruigetsu.

"If I am not mistaken you are the current hero of this town?"Liu calmly asked.

"Yes, you're right young lady"Daiki politely answer.

"Then give on us the fifth demon that was brought to your town, if you don't want your life to end here!"Liu threatening said.

"I knew that was your purpose from the beginning but I will not give you what you ask for easily"Daiki replied seriously.

"So you will choose to lay down your own life for a demon, Ruigetsu kill this old man!"Liu suggestion.

"As you wish!, I will end your life quickly old man!"Ruigetsu insanely with delight says.

Daiki ask to stay away from him after it he quickly released gray aura all over his body.

Ruigetsu immediately rushed rudely and gave Daiki powerful blows but daiki immediately avoided it using his Instinctly Body. Which is automatically available at the time of a very fast or surprise attack to be made on him. Just like in El's left green eye.

They continue to fight until Daiki and Ruigetsu's fight becomes even more intense.

While daiki is defending their town. El and Giselle are currently coming back to help on their village while feitan is still getting gathering some energies.

(Forest of Spirit)

Feitan's concentration is still strong and so is Rikuo's power. Feitan is already entering the third gate of Rikuo's power.

(Aqua Town: Village of South Blood Water)

"Your majesty, strange creatures have entered our town and half of our soldiers have been killed and some civilians have been wounded!"Soldier quickly report.

"I see, go help them I will going to"Danya replied.

"As you wish your Majesty"Soldier says.

[Danya's Mind]

["Do you think it was them, Deva?"]Danya asked.

["Yes, i think its them!"]Deva answer.

After they planned. Danya came out carrying a long stick with a blood mold on the top of it. When she came out she was with all the warriors of her town and confronted the people who wanted to disturb their town.

(Nargia Town)

Daiki's state of fighting changed dramatically due to the attacks he received from Ruigetsu. Charlie and Luxana's group arrived when Daiki collapsed.

When Liu saw that daiki fell down she jumped up to go to a building. But Luxana saw it immediately so she used her magic once she released a series of vines and tied it to Liu's foot and swept it down.

Liu immediately stood up and was very angry at what happened to her.

"Annoying kids!!"Liu angrily says.

Liu's eyes changed color to red once she released her fan. She attacked Luxana with her fan furiously. When it was hit to luxana an intercepting chain made by Charlie so as not to hit Luxana and returned that attack to Liu.

After liu retreated the attack she released returned on her fan and when she retreated she went behind of ruigetsu.

"Ruigetsu!, finish this kids!"Liu angrily request.

"Come here both of you!!"Ruigetsu excited say.

Ruigetsu didn't hesitate to chase charlie and luxana.

Not only in nargia and aqua there is a battle going on but in three other towns also.

(Forest of Spirit)

Feitan is already in the middle of taking rikuo's power while rikuo is suppressing its power.

[Feitan's Mind]

["Feitan, stop taking some energy from the whole surroundings, suck back the black aura outside your whole body"]Rikuo request.

["Okay, I will start now"]Feitan replied.

Feitan was already consolidating his heart and released the enlarged black sphere. He had enlarged was gradually entering his entire body. Suddenly Feitan floated covering the whole body with black air.

With the loss of the black surrounding Feitan's entire body posture changed. He had large wings on the back. A black tail and two horns on the forehead.

["Is this the second transformation that you saying lately, Rikuo!?"]Feitan asked.

["Yes, you manage to control the second form and in this time the transformation limit of our second form will begin, so let's back on your village and save them all!"]Rikuo calmly suggestion.

["You're right, it looks like they're waiting for us!"]Feitan replied.

(Nargia Town: Village of West Dark Fire)

Ruigetsu is already punching the chain that Charlie made a defense for them and Luxana. Charlie's chain is getting smaller and smaller as if he is running out of magic.

"HAHAHA!!, you're done now kid!"Ruigetsu insanely with delight say.

Charlie couldn't take it anymore so the chain was gone in front of them and it looked like he was going to catch the last blow that Ruigetsu would do to him.

"You are the one who is finish!"Charlie said softly as if he already knew what was going to happen.

When Ruigetsu was about to punch Charlie. Someone suddenly threw a white ball that released smoke from Ruigetsu's stand causing him to lose his concentration.

When the smoke disappeared. El was holding Charlie and Giselle was holding Luxana. And suddenly Luxana turned to the one holding her and burst into tears.

"S-sensei Giselle!"Luxana say while crying.

"My hunch wasn't wrong, sensei!"Charlie say after fainted.

"You did well, as your mentor I am proud of you both!"El gratitude say.

Giselle and El laid charlie to safe place. And at the same time El came back to the front of Ruigetsu and took off his clothes.

"After I saw what you did to my students, I was very angry so it's time for me to show off in front of my students!"El rudely say.

"Finally!, a worth it opponent arrived in front of me!"Ruigetsu excited say.

The two stared at each other and suddenly jumped to both sides at once began to attack each other. They unleashed a very strong attack on each of them. El used his left eye to see the next step that Ruigetsu would take and when he saw it. He avoided that attack once he gave Ruigetsu a strong blow that caused him to lose consciousness.

Liu went to where Ruigetsu had fallen and felt that it no longer had a pulse which made her even more annoyed. She took off the white cape and released the two fans. El immediately knew Liu's fan ability because he saw it when he hold Charlie.

Liu attacked El but he dodged it quickly. Liu's attack rained down on El one after another but El read it all and at the same time he jumped on Liu's back and kicked her in a large tree.

"Stop!, I surrender now"Liu suggestion.

El gave his hand to make Liu stand up but Liu suddenly squeezed El's hand and a put a purple color entered it. El climbed up and backed away to be treated. While Liu approached Ruigetsu and made a little candy and ate it at the same time.

As she ate. Liu suddenly became stronger and her appearance changed. There was a red mark on her hand and her face was glowing.

"Now!, you're done!"Liu angrily said.

Luxana continues to treat El to remove the poison that has entered his entire body. While Giselle, Charlie and the heroes block Luxana to confront Liu to fight them. Giselle knew they had nothing against Liu's strength level at this time.

"All we can do now is fight with our strength so do what you can!"Giselle request.

The heroes immediately agreed as well as Charlie. Charlie has cast all his magic as well as the other heroes. While Giselle estimates the strength of the opponent and his comrades.

The other heroes rushed first to attack and lower Liu's strength. Because with the combined strength of Liu and Ruigetsu. Liu's magic and strength intensified. She flew the heroes one after the other without difficulty.

"She's a monster, it's impossible to defeat her!"Giselle shocked say.

Giselle suddenly turned to charlie and saw him emitting an extraordinary aura all over his body.

"Sensei!, I will attack her so back me up!"Charlie asked.

"I understand, let's do it!"Giselle replied.

Charlie was enveloped in his gray energy. When he had collected enough strength he ran to Liu's position but Charlie suddenly lay down and he fainted. Giselle was immediately surprised so she went to Charlie to check him up.

"C-charlie what happen?, are you alright!"Giselle worried asked.

Later there appeared a man who came down from the huge ship and held the magic released by Charlie in gray color.

"Your magic is so dangerous kiddo!"Man said with the white cape and a handkerchief.

When Liu saw who was in front of her. She immediately stepped closer to it and knelt down.

"Why did you step down here, master?"Liu confusedly say.

While the two are talking. Giselle has already brought Charlie and the heroes to Luxana to treat them well.

"I'm here to find out if you've got the fifth demon, where it is?"Rector asked calmly.

"I'm sorry but I haven't get the demon, because of this human who did not giving on us yet!"Liu answer.

Feitan was close to their town and felt the weakening magic of Daiki and El. So he hurried even faster to get to his town fastly.