
▪| ️Chapter 16: Best Friend |▪️

{Planet-587: Birsha}

In this world lives the family of the demon called "Azaroth" their family is known because of the abilities of their children and clan. One day early the father of rikuo left and he saw it. He want to go with him but her mother stop him.

"Rikuo, let your father go, he just has something important to do"Lilith calmly said.

"Will he be gone for a long time?"Feitan sad asked.

"Don't worry rikuo, dad will come home right away"Shina replied.

"You're sister is right!,go ahead, I'll finish something else"Lilith answer.

(Shina is the youngest sister of rikuo)

{Magical World: Nargia Town}

Lucifer, rikuo's father. Arrived in the West Dark Fire Village to find someone. Lucifer arrived at the said place and waited for a few minutes. As he waited. He felt a prominent presence and turning away. Lucifer saw its his best friend Natan Covenbreath known the Tenth hero of Nargia.

"Ohh you came, do you need anything?"Natan asked.

"It is about the impending battle of my world and your world"Lucifer report.

"What do you mean by impending fight?"Natan confusedly asked.

"I heard someone in my world who said that there was a reconciled person from here"Lucifer answer.

"Is that so, thanks for your information"Natan say.

"Wait a minute, before I leave I will teach you something about my power, it will help in the upcoming war, do you accept?"Lucifer suggested.

"All right I accept, for the world"Natan answered.

Lucifer positioned himself and opened his palm in front of Natan and began to gather energy around and form a "Globe of Darkness" in Luficer's palm the size of a ball. Then he threw it into a group of trees and in a flash the trees disappeared.

"It's your turn,Natan"Lucifer say.

Natan imitated what Lucifer did and he was surprised that Natan could do it for a second and even bigger than he did. Natan threw it into the sky and results a big explosion.

"Natan, your fast learner, i take many years before to perfect it but you managed to make it in a seconds"Lucifer said.

"It's fine, your teachnique is very awesome"Lucifer praise said.

"By the way, this might be our last meeting"Lucifer say.

"Why?, is there a problem?"Natan asked.

"Because I already have a family and children, I thought of putting my duty aside first"Lucifer answer.

"Actually, I am also going to have a child, I hope my child and one of your children will meet in the future and be friends like the two of us"Natan said.

"I hope that happens too"Lucifer say.

And they said goodbye to each other as friends.

{Planet-587: Birsha}

When Lucifer returned to their world. rikuo met him crying.

"Dad!! dad!!"Rikuo shouts.

"Ohh, why are you crying again rikuo, i told you to not cry"Lucifer said.

They entered their home and began to eat.

"Father, where did you came from?, left early in the morning"Daeva asked.

"I met my human friend"Lucifer answer.

"What did you say,Father?!"Sibling surprise said aside rikuo.

"Finish me first, he's not like other people who kill innocent creatures, we've been friends for a long time since we were kids"Lucifer say.

"Your father is right, his friend is kind and a good leader like your father"Lilith reply.

"Is he also a strong, father?"Rikuo asked.

"For me he is stronger than me, but sometimes he doesn't know how to think but when it comes to planning a strategy he is good"Lucifer said.

"Stop now that conversation, let's eat now"Lilith say.

After they ate. Rikuo and his siblings fell asleep while Lucifer prepared for his final mission to risk his life to prevent the impending danger from continuing.

"Are you sure about this, Lucifer?"Lilith worried asked.

"If I haven't been back in a few hours, leave the kids along you"Lucifer suggestion.

"How about you?"Lilith said.

"Don't worry I'll be back"Lucifer reply.

Lucifer said goodbye to Lilith and flew away.

{Birsha : Land of Prideness}

"Is everything alright?"Mysterious human asked.

"Yes sir, our soldiers are ready"Human soldier answer.

Elcriv the treacherous demon has arrived in the world of Birsha who has reconciled with a human.

"Let's get started!!"Elcriv shouts.

In the middle of their conversation they heard someone shouting outside.

"What's happening??"Elcriv asked.

A soldier came in and said.

"A demon warrior entered, he has consumed half of our soldiers"Human soldier answer.

Elcriv thought of the demon warrior and his brother lucifer realized it.

"Lucifer is a nuisance!!"Elcriv shouts.

Lucifer immediately felt his brother's presence.

"Elcriv!!,come out!"Lucifer angrily shouts.

Elcriv came out enveloped in purple energy. Lucifer lowered his weapon and rushed at Elcriv as if he was going to kill him.

The two brothers quarreled and it was like a storm as they fought. In the last attack they both jumped away. Elcriv has already devoted his power and Lucifer has already used his dangerous power called "Globe of Darkness" he managed as big as a world. Elcriv was nervous about the attack made by Lucifer but before Lucifer could throw it the power he made disappeared because of the mark placed on his back that Elcriv had made. That mark was able to disable a magic that was so powerful that's why Lucifer weakened.

When lucifer woke up he was already tied himself in front of his brother.

"This is our last meeting, my brother"Elcriv said.

"What you gonna do?"Lucifer asked.

Elcriv pulled out a tunnel in front of Lucifer and put Lucifer in to be temporarily imprisoned. When he was imprisoned. The tunnel disappeared and Lucifer went to another dimension. At the same time. The mark on his back disappeared.

When elcriv was finished he returned to pursue their plan.

"Let's go now!!"Elcriv said.

And they went to the home of the "Azaroth" family. When they were taken away.

The soldiers suddenly fell asleep because of Lilith's power that could put the creatures who wanted to do evil to sleep for life. When they fled. They just lay down. Their mother and was quickly killed because of the man who stabbed her heart and brain. Daeva immediately released Rikuo because when she saw it their lives would be even more dangerous. But when they escaped they were still caught and eventually were fitted with a circle around their necks to prevent them use of their power. Once they saw strange creatures consume their kind. rikuo. to siblings and people who deserve to have unique power.