
“Death was here. . .”

Death was here. . . A phrase everyone is afraid of.

AhViGrace_Takami · Teen
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


  She looked at the dark gray sky. It was the middle of the summer and a storm suddenly showed up.

She sighed. Denisse was in the library studying again. She don't feel like reading something there.

She looked at the ground. There are a lot of puddles. She smiled.

She went inside the building and went immediately at the teachers private bathroom. She looked for the hair blower when she saw it at some shelve.

She smiled maniacally. She went outside and throw it out in the puddle with a bunch of students in it.

She smiled as she plugged the hair blower at the nearest plugs. She then chuckled when she saw students got electrify.

She waved goodbye at the dying students "Goodbye. . ."

She laugh sadistically and walked inside the building again. She sprinted to the library.

She laughed maniacally and smiled. "Death was here!!" she exclaimed