
Chapter 1: Every story has a beginning

The echo of children laughing and giggling was filling the space in the cave where the old man in a grey cloak was writing his book. The girl with the butterfly pin in her hair walked up to him with a soft smile on her face.

"Mr. Wizard, are you still writing that book? How come you still haven't finished it? The story has already ended, so you should be able to finish the book." The girl raised her eyebrow and titled her head slightly to the side. The man sighed before leaving his pen to rest on the blank page.

"Yosano, haven't I told you to stop coming here? You and your friends are so damn loud that even if I wanted to finish the book, I wouldn't be able to do it because of you." He squeezed a few pages into a ball before throwing it into the fire that was in the middle of the cave.

Yosano rolled her eyes. "Well, if you tell us a story about the prophecy, then we will stop bothering you, old man." The other kids quickly gather around while looking curiously at the old man in a grey cloak.

He sighed in defeat. "Fine. Gather around, kids, because what I'm about to tell you isn't just a story about prophecy. It's something that really happened. Long time ago. I used to think that this was my story, but it was not. I was actually just part of that story. Part of unveiling destiny's secrets. The reason I'm still here is to make sure nobody forgets the sacrifices that had to be made so that you could now have a future. But most importantly, I'm still here because I'm waiting for someone. Without them, I can't finish the book. But I have a feeling they'll be here very soon." He smiles softly before clearing his throat. "So, like every story, I'll start from the very beginning. Listen carefully because I'm not going to repeat myself."

Hundreds of years ago, in the Unknown land.

Green and blue. That was all the colour that you could see on this stupid field. The boy with brown hair laid down on a green field to rest. The only company he had were a few goats, but he liked it like that. It was quite. And peaceful. But he was alone with his thoughts, that was actually the biggest problem. Yes, he liked quiet places. Yes, he liked to be alone, but with being alone comes that stupid feeling of emptiness that nobody else could understand. Just when he decided to close his eyes because he was tired of looking at that bright blue sky, he heard an agonising voice.

"Dazai I've told you to wait for me!" The boy was tired of running, so he put his hands on his knees, panting loudly. "I really don't know what's your problem! Don't think that I like this anymore than you do." He straightened his back. "It's one thing looking after goats. It's another looking after goats and your stupid ass." The boy,Dazai, slowly opened his eyes to look at the boy with the bright red hair.

"It's not my problem that you're so damn slow." Dazai sat up. "And I already told you, you don't have to go everywhere I go. I understand. My sister asked you to look after me while she's gone, but you're really starting to get on my nerves. I mean, didn't anyone tell you you are always so damn loud, Chuuya?" He turned around to look at him.

"That's just how I speak, dumbass. It's not like I'm going to change my way of speaking just because you told me." Chuuya said while pointing at Dazai. "Here. You forgot your lunch." He took out the wooden box before throwing it at him. Dazai catches it. "Yes, my lunch, but aren't you forgetting something?" He opened the box before starting to eat his meal.

Chuuya sighed furiously. "No, I did not. I just didn't want to bring it to you." he smirked proudly while walking towards him. He sat down next to Dazai as he was looking around , checking if all the goats were there. "For a moment, I thought you lost one, but I guess even someone like you could look out for a few goats." Dazai looked at him, clearly offended, but once Chuuya looked at him, he calmed down. He didn't know if that was because Chuuya looked honestly surprised or because of his damn blue eyes. Not bright blue like the sky that was burning his eyes with brightness, but a nice, soft blue.

"Excuse me, Chuuya, was that supposed to be a compliment?" He leaned over at him, poking his side.

The boy blushed slightly before pushing his hand away. "Of course not, you idiot! I was just surprised that you didn't lose any of them, and most importantly, that you didn't try to kill yourself again." The last part was said so quietly that Dazai almost didn't catch it.

He blinked a few times as he processed what he said. "Well, I knew you were coming, so it wasn't fun trying it anyway." He shrugged his shoulders.

Chuuya shakes his head. "I truly don't know how long I can keep up with you. I hope your sister comes back soon, then I don't have to be with you all the time." He said as he laid down, and he closed his eyes.

Dazai did the same. "Yes, I hope so too. I don't know why it's taking her so long to come back. I mean, she said she would be back in a few months. It's been a year. I know that stupid prophecy it's important to her, but she's acting like our lives depend on it. And in reality, prophecy is just some stupid story that someone told, and people spread the word. There's no destiny. There's no prophecy. These words are just there to give humans hope and to believe that better days are coming."

Chuuya opened his eyes to look over at him for a moment. Dazai had always spoken about humans, as he's not part of that same species as well. He did understand him, he doesn't feel like he belongs here as well, like this life that he's living is supposed to be someone else's life,not his. But he's the one who's living this life, so it's stupid to think like that, but he does it anyway. Dazai now looks over at him, smirking.

"Anyway, I don't know how my brain hasn't exploded with you around all the time." Dazai thought he would answer him, but Chuuya remained silent, slowly turning on the other side. Maybe it's for the best because if they keep talking, they will start fighting again, and Dazai will have a lot of bruises, which will hurt, and he doesn't like when he's hurting. Chuuya may not be so smart, but he sure is stronger than him. So, even if he got to punch him a few times, he would still be more bruised than Chuuya. So the boys decided not to speak anymore, but just to lay down and be quiet for the rest of the day.

The next morning, knocking on the door woke up Dazai. He rubbed his eyes as he stood up from his bed, stretching his limbs.

"Chuuya, someone is knocking." but the boy didn't answer him.

He turned around to wake him up, but once he saw how peacefully he was sleeping, he decided not to. The boy stayed up all night preparing a meal for today. Dazai likes teasing him, but even he knew when to leave him be. He needed the rest, so he decided to be the one to go and open the door, even though he was already feeling cranky.

Before he could start yelling at whoever was knocking at this hour, a hand was in front of his face, waving at him. The woman standing at the door smiled apologetically.

"Sorry for waking you up, I know you hate when someone does it."

Dazai's eyes widened as he quietly said, " Sister. I would appreciate a letter informing me about your coming back next time."

Boys will soon find out that they are actually part of that lost prophecy. And that they'll be the ones to unveil the secrets of destiny.

Hi! Author here! This is my first fic and English isn’t my first language so please excuse my grammar and vocabulary! The first chapter is a bit confusing and short but I will reveal everything slowly through the story and the chapters will be longer. Please leave a comment if you have time! I love reading your opinions! Thank you for reading!

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