
—King of Ghosts—

Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades and the King of Ghosts with many other titles. The person who's known to have more secrets than anybody else in both camps found out his friends and boyfriend's secret that had been kept for 3 months. As he left Camp Half-blood with the strong emotions of heartbreak and betrayal, he travelled through the shadows with one thought in mind: family. Arriving at the most crime-ridden city in the World, the broken King of Ghosts encountered with the infamous duo, Batman and Robin. With this encounter, Nico will experience challenges for the world and his life. Come and Find out, what our favourite King of Ghosts will face...

Yoo_Aera · Book&Literature
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16 Chs


Throne Room, Mt. Olympus.

" I asked...

What.Are.You.Doing.HERE? "

The Olympians, Norse Gods, Demons and Angels all looked at the son of Hades. A rollercoaster of emotions rushing into their godly systems.

Lucifer, the demon immediately ran forward to the demigod. A face of joy printed on his handsome face.

" Nico! You're okay! "

Nico, who was about to get hugged by his demon friend avoided the warm arms. Leaving the demon who's known of his pride look down like a child who lost his lollipop. While Nico continued on looking at the foreign beings and Olympians with disdain.

Most noticeably, looking at the Goddess of Love with a mixture of confusion, disdain, and irritation at Aphrodite's trembling and exhausted appearance.

At Zeus, with a look of a little unmasked disappointment and mockery for his incompetence on not stopping the foreign beings wreck of havoc in his own place.

At Metatron and Zagan, with a look of disappointment, fondness and confusion for his(Metatron) innocent smile and his(Zagan) 'evil' smirk.

Finally, after giving each and everyone of them a look of disappointment. Nico glanced at his Father.

" Father, care to explain? "

Hades looked at his son and then looked at the 'visitors' he let enter his younger brother's city. A hint of amusement and annoyance flashing in his onyx eyes as he scanned throughout the whole crowd slowly. Before looking at his son again.

" ... Can't you see with your own eyes? They came here to visit. " Hades replied, rolling his eyes as he looked back at his son.

" Why did I even ask you... "

Nico, used to his Father's sarcasm these days, quickly ignored his father and searched for someone else to explain the whole situation.

As his eyes landed on his ever caring and honest Angel Friend, a light flashed into the son of Hades' dark brown eyes.

" Gabriel, why don't you— "

Suddenly, the giant doors to the throne room opened with a loud sound.

" Not again. " Zeus groaned along with some of the Olympians. A hand kneeding his aching head. Can they not slam it?

" Are we perhaps late? " The Jackal headed God asked. Entering the crowded room along with a few shackled demons, Gods and goddesses behind. All their heads bowed. Not one daring to look at the much superior beings eyeing them at the moment.

" You're just in time, Anubis. " The God the Underworld replied. Smirking devilishly as he glanced at the annoying and meddlesome Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty's horror stricken expression.

" In time for what? " the ignored son of Poseidon asked. The same question in all the demigods and mortal's mind.

" Dad? What's going on? " the only Roman demigod present asked. Looking at his Dad, Zeus, with a question mark. Wanting answers from his Dad on what in Olympus' name is going on.

His Dad merely shrugged his shoulders at his favorite son's questioning look and looked back at the new arrivals with a gleam.

" Just watch and see for yourself, son. "

The Greek King of Gods felt it. Something is about to happen. Something very interesting. And he felt that it will be something he'll remember forever.

Cause a drama is about to happen.

" Anubis, what are you doing here? " The son of Hades asked, dark brown eyes staring at the Egyptian God of Death's figure in confusion. As the God in question avoided his eyes, the son of Hades turned to look at the foreign guests of Olympus again. " ...What exactly are all of you doing here? "

Lucifer, who saw the small moment of hesitation in the other beings faces, took the opportunity to get his demigod friend's attention.

" That bitch! " Lucifer exclaimed, pointing at the Goddess of Beauty in Ares' arms, then pointed at the variety of beings shackled behind Anubis. " And those other bitches dared meddle into your life without the permission of your Father. Breaking the promise in one of our signed contracts as the child of Mythologies for this generation! "

At the Prideful demon's exclamation, Nico, the son of Hades suddenly glared viciously at the handcuffed beings that 'he' made peace with, for the sake of everyone and the world. He worked his ass off just to get that contract signed to be free from his meddlesome family. Even though, his life was still meddled a month ago. He was sure his Father already agreed into it with my preference in his mind. Yet...

They broke it without any permission!!!!

They never thought of his being!!!!

Glancing at the trembling Aphrodite. Nico already knew what the Goddess had done. He always knew what this meddling Olympian always do. Creating couples...

And breaking them.

" We all agreed into not meddling my life ever again at the exemption with my Father's approval, Aphrodite... "

" N-nico... I— "

" You do know what is the punishment for breaking the agreement we all made. Do you? "

Chill ran into the Goddess' spine. Knowing full well that she should have never broke the promise. It wasn't worth it for her freedom!

" Nico! I'm sorry! I apologize! It was a mistake!— "

Hearing the once Almighty Olympian's beg for forgiveness. The ones who were still shackled followed her words and actions. Begging for their lives and forgiveness. For they all know, what they had done. And what they are up against.

No matter how kind the teen ambassador was to people. He is also merciless. Mercilessly strong. And mercilessly angry for their actions!

How dare they go against the Ghost King!

" Mr. Ambassador! We know we're wrong!— "

" Please forgive me!!! I didn't do much!!— "

" I was only following their orders!!! Please forgive me!!!— "

" Ambassador, please spare me!!!— "

" I'm innocent, Ambassador! I'm inno— "

Begs and plea's of forgiveness towards the silent son of Hades echoed throughout the whole Mountain of Olympus. Cries and excuses slipping into the Prince of the Underworld's ears, only to leave into the other ear.

All their efforts....... Worthless.

" There is no need for me to spare anyone of you. " Nico muttered. His words heard by the begging beings enhanced hearing. All 'loud' and clear.

" No!!! Nico!!— "

" Ambassador!!!— "

" Pleae— "

The son of Hades coldly ignored the cries of the people he saved from another war between Mythologies. Chocolate brown eyes flaming into blood red ones. Back facing the scared people, hands raised in the front as his figure started to float.

" In my name, Nico di Angelo... " The Cold Darkness started to engulf the once lit throne room of Olympus. Greek hell fire burning the one calmly lighted torches. Everyone's eyes and attention, all focusing on the gliding son of Hades. Fear, Thrill and Excitement clashing into their bones upon witnessing the spectacle before them. " ...I hereby banish this group of double-crossed people...








In the heart of the PIT."

Thunder cackled into the sky. Red lightning decorating the Graecus King of Gods domain. Ominous dark circles appearing under the handcuffed beings along with Aphrodite.

Their faces full of horror as they continue to beg to the son of Hades. Some even begging their superior beings. Their fear of facing them overcoming it with their fear of staying in the most horrendous place on Earth.

" —ico!!! I swear! It wasn't my idea!!! Nico!!!!!!— "

Nico, merely glanced at Aphrodite. Face expressionless, but eyes full of murderous intent.

" ...You better be happy for this light punishment, dear Dite. "

In the last memory of the Goddess of Love in her life on earth, she saw a cold smile making it's way on the son of Hades' face. After that, all of the contract breakers ceased to exist on the surface of the Planet. All of them sucked into the glowing portals to their place of punishment.

As the viewers and audience watch the portals shrinking into nothing, a voice full of power was heard. Almost everyone of the Powerful gods and beings in the room kneeling before the powerful voice. Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Hades and Hestia, protecting the demigods and mortal still in the room.

" What a very pleasant gift~ "

" Only for you, Tartarus. " Nico replied. Kneeling in respect for the powerful primordial God. Not even shuddering at the pressure the Ancient Primordial give off. The blessings and experience in the awful body in the being in front of him, protecting his self.

" You really are my favourite great grandchild, Nico di Angelo. "

" It is an honor to be so. " Tartarus chuckled at the son of Hades' replies. Amusement clear in his voice. A very scary amusement clear in his voice.

" As it should be. I'll be off to play with my new gifts. See you again, Ghost King~ "

With that, the darkness engulfing the room retreated. The burning hellfire turned back into calm orange fire. The same color with the sunset. All the evidence of portals and betrayers gone. All that's left were the gaping audience.

Nico faced his audience and smiled at them genuinely.

" I'll visit Eden next week. I'll continue my discarded work from this month. I appreciate the concern you held for me but I think it's already time for us to go back to our chambers and works. " Nico turned to his brother currently wrapped in his Father's arms. Hands on his belt. " Let's go home. Bruce might be worried. "


Sorry for not updating for a while. I was caught up with my works at school.