
‎‎‎‎‎你好 what 2

Ray is an orphan who was born with a rare illness that has crippled him since birth. Although his condition is curable, he still cannot afford to heal himself due to the high cost of treatment. Even though he has no one to rely on in the world, he remains hopeful that a miracle will happen to him someday. Then one day, Ray wakes up in a different body on an unfamiliar planet. It is a world with more advanced technology than his past one. It not only has advanced technology, but it also has many people's childhood dream, Magic. This world appears to follow the same rules as any fantasy story: "Strong rules over weak", "Power equals authority", and "Survival of the fittest". Despite the fact that the rules on this planet are cliché, what can he do? Cry? Protest? Be a hero and change the system? No.  Ray has only one goal in mind. It is to do his best to survive in this new environment while also enjoying his new life. Little did Ray know that he would not only enjoy his new life, but that he would also stand at the pinnacle of this magical planet thanks to the assistance he received from the system he acquired as he gains consciousness in a different body. [ Earth's Greatest Legacy System ] : It contains experiences, guides, and skills from Earth's humans who excelled in various fields such as Weapons, Martial Arts, Science, and so on throughout Earth's history. 'Isn't just basically saying I could receive help from the most talented people in Earth's history, like the genius 'Albert Einstein' or one of the greatest swordsmen to ever exist, 'Miyamoto Musashi'?! Holy f*ck!' Ray's mind raced with excitement and wonder. Let's follow Ray's second life journey in a world of fantasy as he accomplishes amazing feats that astonish many people. ===== Are you curious about the full features of Ray's system? Give a few chapters a try. ===== The cover photo is not mine, it is AI-generated. I only added the text to it.

RottenEgg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Ray struggled to sit up, but as he did, a sharp pain shot through his head.

He grimaced, putting his hand to his forehead and trying to remember what had happened.

As his vision cleared, he realized he was in an unfamiliar room, lying on a bed that is bigger than his body.

The walls were plain and whitewashed, with a small window on one side that let in a sliver of daylight.

Ray had no idea where he was or how he got there.

After taking a deep breath and trying to calm down, Ray slowly sat up on the bed.

"What?!" Confused and startled, Ray screamed because he was able to move his paralyzed legs without any trouble.

He cautiously swung his legs over the side of the bed and attempted to stand up. However, his legs gave out, and he fell back onto the bed.

He wondered why he could move and where he was.

His head was still pounding, and he felt dizzy and disoriented.

He took a few deep breaths and tried to steady himself before attempting to stand up again.

After a few attempts, he managed to stand up on his own.

Ray was both confused and relieved that he could move.

He looked around the room again, hoping to find some clue as to where he was and how he got there.

Still, he couldn't find anything that would give him a hint.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed, Ray sat back down on the bed and tried to make sense of what was happening.

He was still unsure of his surroundings, but he knew he had to stay calm and find a way out of this situation.

"As Ray was racking his brain, trying to piece together what had happened to him, the door to the room suddenly opened, and an old man with a kind yet distressed voice called out his name.

"Ray?!" the old man said, stepping into the room.

Ray's eyes widened as he saw the man for the first time.

The man was small, with a wrinkled face and watery eyes, wearing casual clothing that seemed to be a little too big for him.

As soon as their eyes met, the old man threw his body towards Ray, hugging him tightly.

Ray was taken aback by the sudden embrace, but he found himself hugging back as if his body wasn't under his own control.

For a moment, the two of them stayed locked in a tight embrace, and Ray could feel the old man's tears wetting his shoulder.

He was confused, but the embrace felt comforting, and he didn't want to let go.

After a few moments, the old man finally let go, and Ray took a step back, looking at the man with a bewildered expression.

"W-who are you?" Ray asked, his voice cracking a little.

The old man looked at him with tears still in his eyes, "My name is George, and you, my boy, are my grandson."

After George introduced himself as Ray's grandfather, Ray felt a sharp pain in his head, as if his skull was about to burst.

Suddenly, a flashback appeared in his mind, and as it played out, he realized that he was not in his own body. It belonged to a boy who shared his name, but who had a weak, frail body.

In the flashback, Ray saw a boy lying in a hospital bed with various machines attached to his body.

The boy appeared to have fallen into a coma due to his weak physical condition, and this coma lasted for three years. Sadly, it was evident that the original owner of the body had passed away.

Ray's heart raced as he understood what was happening.

Somehow, he had been transported into this boy's body.

He looked down at his hands, which were small and delicate, and his breathing quickened.

"Grandpa," Ray said, looking up at George.

George's eyes filled with tears as he took Ray's hand in his. "I'm glad that you woke up my grandson, There is no day that I wish that you would wake up," he said.

"It's been 3 years since you have fallen into a coma, Ray. I miss you so much, my grandson."

Ray looked at his grandfather with gratitude and disbelief.

He couldn't quite grasp what was happening to him, but he knew that he was in good hands with George.

They sit together in the small room, George is the one who does the talking, and Ray only listens and nods.

After talking for a while, Ray suddenly felt overwhelmed and said, "C-can I be alone for a while, G-grandpa? I w-want to adjust my mind and b-body." Ray's voice was stuttering, possibly due to the shock or the fact that he was talking to someone who really cared for him, or maybe both.

"Of course, my boy," George said, patting Ray's hand gently. "Take all the time you need. I'll speak to the doctor first to have him check your body. Let me know when you're ready."

Ray nodded and watched as George left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to come to terms with everything that had happened to him.

Ray tried to piece together the information from the flashback, he realized that he was not just in a different place, but a different reality altogether.

He was currently on a planet called Vertica.

This was a planet full of fantasy and magic that he had only read about in books and seen in movies.

He couldn't believe that it was real, but the evidence was right in front of him.

As he looked out the window of the room he was in, he saw flying cars whizzing by and towering buildings that seemed to reach the clouds.

The city was bustling with activity, and there were creatures of all shapes and sizes walking around.

He saw elves with pointed ears, dwarfs with long beards, and even a few orcs who looked like they had just stepped out of a battle.

Ray couldn't believe that all of these creatures possessed 'Majika', It is a power that all beings possess in Vertica.

Some living beings have majika focused on elements like fire, water, and air, while others have unique majika like beast taming, healing, and telekinesis.

The power of majika can be harnessed through incantations, spells, magical artifacts, etc.

Majika fully manifests when a being like a human, or orc reaches 18 years old, but for beasts and monsters, their majika manifests when they are two years old.

Once the majika is fully manifested, the being will start to receive various skills and abilities, and they will need to constantly use and train their majika to further develop it.

The existence of majika has also led to the creation of magical schools, where young beings are trained to control and use their powers.

The most prestigious of these schools is the Academy of Arcanus located in Montica, the capital city of the continent Gargantis.

Many aspiring mages dream of attending the academy to hone their skills and learn from the most talented majika users in the world.

However, there are also dangers that come with the power of majika.

Uncontrolled use of majika can lead to disastrous consequences, and there are also those who seek to use their powers for selfish and malicious purposes.

It is up to the responsible wielders of majika to protect the planet and its inhabitants from those who would abuse their powers.

The only word that Ray can only say is 'damn'.

Magic is something he had always dreamed of having.

He wondered what kind of majika the beings outside the window possessed and how they used it in their daily lives. The possibilities seemed endless.

But amidst all the wonder and excitement, there was also a sense of danger.

The fact that only 30 percent of the planet had been explored meant that there was still so much unknown and uncharted territory.

Ray realized that he would have to be careful if he wanted to survive in this world.

As he pondered all of this, Ray felt a sense of excitement and fear washing over him.

He had been transported to a whole new reality, and he didn't know what kind of adventures and challenges awaited him.

But one thing was for sure — life would never be the same again.