
‎‎‎‎‎你好 what 2

Ray is an orphan who was born with a rare illness that has crippled him since birth. Although his condition is curable, he still cannot afford to heal himself due to the high cost of treatment. Even though he has no one to rely on in the world, he remains hopeful that a miracle will happen to him someday. Then one day, Ray wakes up in a different body on an unfamiliar planet. It is a world with more advanced technology than his past one. It not only has advanced technology, but it also has many people's childhood dream, Magic. This world appears to follow the same rules as any fantasy story: "Strong rules over weak", "Power equals authority", and "Survival of the fittest". Despite the fact that the rules on this planet are cliché, what can he do? Cry? Protest? Be a hero and change the system? No.  Ray has only one goal in mind. It is to do his best to survive in this new environment while also enjoying his new life. Little did Ray know that he would not only enjoy his new life, but that he would also stand at the pinnacle of this magical planet thanks to the assistance he received from the system he acquired as he gains consciousness in a different body. [ Earth's Greatest Legacy System ] : It contains experiences, guides, and skills from Earth's humans who excelled in various fields such as Weapons, Martial Arts, Science, and so on throughout Earth's history. 'Isn't just basically saying I could receive help from the most talented people in Earth's history, like the genius 'Albert Einstein' or one of the greatest swordsmen to ever exist, 'Miyamoto Musashi'?! Holy f*ck!' Ray's mind raced with excitement and wonder. Let's follow Ray's second life journey in a world of fantasy as he accomplishes amazing feats that astonish many people. ===== Are you curious about the full features of Ray's system? Give a few chapters a try. ===== The cover photo is not mine, it is AI-generated. I only added the text to it.

RottenEgg · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Ray is currently sitting right now in a flying car with his eyes glued to the window, watching in amazement as other flying cars zoomed past them.

The night sky was clear and filled with bright stars, which only added to the magical atmosphere.

Beside him, his grandfather George sat calmly while driving the car, as if flying through the air was a normal everyday occurrence.

Ray couldn't help but feel a little envious of his grandfather's composure.

As the car soared higher into the sky, Ray's initial shock began to fade away, and he started to take in his surroundings with a sense of wonder.

He still couldn't believe that he was actually living in a world where flying cars existed.

Despite his excitement, Ray knew that he needed to remain calm and collected.

Ray let out a deep sigh and tried to relax in his seat. He couldn't wait to get home and explore more of this amazing world.

As the car continued to fly, Ray's eyes began to feel heavy.

He had been bombarded with so much new information and experiences since waking up in this world that he couldn't help but feel exhausted.

Despite his excitement for what the future may hold, his body was telling him to rest.

He yawned and rubbed his eyes, trying to stay awake and take in as much of the view as he could.

But eventually, his eyelids grew heavier and heavier until he couldn't keep them open any longer.

He leaned back in his seat, feeling the gentle hum of the flying car lull him into a peaceful slumber.

As the vehicle continued its journey towards their home, George noticed that Ray had fallen asleep.

He smiled at the sight of his grandson, feeling grateful for having him in his life.

George decided to give Ray a gentle pat on the shoulder while he was asleep, hoping it would make him more comfortable.

George knew that Ray was probably exhausted because he had just woken up from a coma, and he wanted to make sure that he got enough rest before the big day.

He gazed out of the window and admired the beautiful night sky, feeling at peace with himself.

As their car began to descend towards their destination, George gently woke up Ray, telling him that they had arrived.

Ray rubbed his eyes and looked outside the window, noticing that they were indeed in front of a large house.

He couldn't believe that this would be his new home.

The house was like nothing he had ever seen before.

It was large and modern, with sleek lines and large windows that allowed for plenty of natural light to flood the interior.

As they stepped out of the car, Ray's eyes widened in amazement as he took in the stunning surroundings.

There were trees and flowers everywhere, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

George led the way up the front path, and they entered the house through a large, futuristic-looking door.

Inside, Ray was greeted by a large tiger, the tiger looked like it was drawn with ink but at the same time, it was also a living being.

Its fur was sleek and black, almost like it had been drawn with ink, but at the same time, it was also a living being.

The tiger's amber eyes looked straight at Ray as it let out a low growl, revealing its sharp teeth.

Ray's heart skipped a beat as he took a step back, almost falling to his knees at the sight of the majestic animal.

But then, he noticed something strange.

The tiger wasn't attacking him. In fact, it seemed almost... friendly.

As Ray watched in amazement, the tiger padded towards him, its tail swishing back and forth in a playful manner.

Ray cautiously reached out a hand, tentatively stroking the tiger's fur.

To his surprise, the tiger purred contentedly, nuzzling its head against Ray's hand.

As he petted the tiger, Ray couldn't believe what was happening.

Was this some sort of dream? He had never seen anything like it before.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted his thoughts. "Oh, don't worry about Midnight, he is my ink beast," said by his grandfather, George.

"He's my own creation, summoned through my own majika."

Ray looked at his grandfather in surprise. "You created this tiger grandpa?"

George nodded, a proud gleam in his eye. "Yes, I've been studying and practicing my own majika for many years now."

"This tiger is one of my most powerful creations."

As George spoke, Ray's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but wonder about the source of his grandfather's magic.

He remembered that he had an inspect function in his system, but he wasn't sure if he should use it.

He asked the system in his mind, 'System, if I use inspect right now, when will it reset?'

[ Host, the inspect function has a daily quota and will reset at 00:00:01 AM. If you use it now, you will have used up your quota for the day, and it won't be available again until the next reset time. ]

Ray thought for a moment and decided to use inspect anyway, knowing that he would be staying home all day.

'System, use inspect on my grandpa,' Ray said as he is eager to learn more about George's own Majika.

The same holographic panel appeared before Ray once again.

┌─── ───┐

Name: Ray Pember

Age: 68

──── Majika ────

[ Ink Beast Drawing ] ( Rank: A )

: This majika allows the user to use their artistic skills to draw any animal on the ground. However, this is no ordinary animal drawing, as the creature drawn by the user will come to life and transform into a living ink beast being.

: The strength and abilities of the ink beast depend on the quality of the user's drawing. A highly detailed and accurate depiction results in a formidable ink beast with powerful skills and attributes. In contrast, a rushed or poorly drawn creature results in a weaker ink beast with limited abilities.

: The size of the ink beast that the user can draw is proportional to their mana capacity. A large mana capacity allows for a larger ink beast, while a smaller capacity restricts the size of the creature.

: It is important to note that the size of the ink beast does not necessarily determine its effectiveness. Even a smaller ink beast can possess powerful skills and abilities, depending on the quality of the drawing.

: If the user draws an exact replica of an existing ink beast, they will have the choice to either summon it immediately or use it to evolve their current ink beast.

: The user can only draw and summon an ink beast once every four months.

Ray's eyes widened in amazement as he read the holographic display showing the results of the inspect function on his grandfather's magical abilities.

'Sh*t, grandpa's majika is damn good, its possibilities are endless,' he exclaimed in his mind, barely able to contain his excitement.

Ray was lost in thought as he contemplated the possibilities of his grandfather's powerful majika.

He was so absorbed in his own musings that he barely noticed when his grandfather spoke up.

"Midnight, go to your room first. Ray is tired, you can play with him when he gets some rest," George said, interrupting Ray's thoughts.

Ray looked up from the holographic display and saw that his grandfather was addressing the large tiger that had accompanied them into the house.

As the tiger, whose name was apparently Midnight, padded out of the room, Ray turned to his grandfather with a sheepish grin.

"Sorry grandpa, I was just so fascinated by Midnight," he explained.

George smiled understandingly and said, "You should get some rest first Ray, I'll show you your own room"

"Follow me," George said as he walked down while signaling ray to follow him.

Ray nodded, feeling grateful for his grandfather's understanding.

As George led the way, Ray couldn't help but look around in wonder.

The house was even more impressive on the inside than it was on the outside.

It was spacious and beautifully decorated, with an array of magical artifacts and decorations adorning the walls.

Eventually, they reached a door at the end of the hallway.

George opened it to reveal a cozy and comfortable room, complete with a large bed, a desk, and a window that overlooked the garden.

"This is your room, Ray," George said with a smile. "I hope you find it to your liking."

Ray stepped inside and took a look around, feeling a sense of relief and comfort wash over him.

The room was exactly what he needed after a long day of traveling and experiencing so many new things.

"Thanks, grandpa," Ray said, turning back to face him.

"I really appreciate everything you've done for me."

George nodded, looking at Ray with a warm and loving expression. "Of course, my boy. You're my grandson, you can always rely on me."

"Get some rest now for now, and I'll knock on your door later when the feast is ready.

With that, George left the room, leaving Ray to settle in and get some much-needed rest.

As he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the amazing grandfather that he had in this life.