
A light

You appeared out of no where and suddenly became a legend.

[ memory:

Why do you want to be a solider?

That's a dumb question while patting his head but it's simple, because I want to make this world a better place. I see children and mother's crying because they fear what will happen in life.

And I want to change they're future, I want them to know a better place for everyone even if it means I'm sacrificing my own life just to help someone else that is what makes a hero, her deep blue eyes stared off into the sun, he could tell she meant it.

Because her eyes always sparkles when she talked about it and the young boy admired her for her strength.

[ end of memory ]

As a child Athena grew up with no parents living at an orphanage up until she was 9 years old she was adopted by a nice rich family in shiaganshina her bright and cheery behavior is what drew them to her

Everyone loved her and wanted to be around her she was like the sun but more brighter and prettier, she made everyone's day happy when it became gloomy and sad because she continued to remind them.

Even when you feel like you're Alone just remember that I will always be next to you even when you think i'm not, just remember me.


John shook his head in disapproval Come on Athena! We're going to be late. Mom is going to be mad. She groaned oh come on! I want to see the soldiers! Throwing her hands up in the air while rooting for their victory as they arrived in horses and bandages covering most of them, as their eyes filled with despair,

John's eye's widen with fear, he suddenly asked in a low tone but enough for her to hear. you still want to join them? Athena turned her head watching him as he hung his head low. Yes' she replied. His lips begin to tremble with fear lifting his head up What if.. one day I come to visit you? And they tell me you're gone his eyes pouring with tear stains then what will i do then?

Smiling at him, do what makes you happy.

But I can't because you'll be gone his sad tone only reminded her of that day her mother died.


Athena, I know it's hard for you right now gritting her teeth as her shaky hands move to push the hair out of her face. just remember Me. Even when I'm gone I will always be by you're side watching over you So please.


Please don't make me mom I can't lose you you're all I have her hand rested on top of her mother's. As tears ran down her cheeks leaving water stains.

I can't please.


Watching as he wiped the tears from his face she carefully walked up to him grabbing his hands in hers. I won't stop fighting and I will never die. I will continue to live on, " for you. " because you're my family. She gave him a reassuring smile and rubbed his soft knuckles, so come on! Let's go already.

I know this is pretty short but I hope this was good.