

A young Nigerian boy's life takes an extraordinary turn after a school trip to Oyo town. Adebayo Davis, a brilliant and ambitious student, stumbles upon an ancient secret that grants him divine abilities. As he faces the challenge of a lifetime, he must navigate a world of myths and folklore, wrestling with the balance between newfound power and his humanity. Follow Adebayo's gripping journey as he embarks on an adventure that will change the course of his destiny forever.

PrinceB · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

1: The Beginning

Chapter 1: The Beginning

As the first rays of the morning sun kissed the horizon, a soft glow seeped through Adebayo's bedroom curtains. He was awoken by the cheerful voice of his younger brother, Adewale, calling him to seize the day. "Bro, rise and shine! The world awaits!" Adewale's enthusiastic voice echoed through the house, infusing the morning air with a contagious energy.

Stretching lazily, Adebayo blinked away the remnants of sleep and greeted his brother with a playful grin. "Alright, alright, I'm up," he chuckled, throwing a pillow in Adewale's direction, setting off a mini wrestling match between the siblings.

Downstairs, the tantalizing aroma of breakfast filled the house as their mother, Yetunde, and father, Olufemi, orchestrated a culinary symphony in the kitchen. The family enjoyed these moments of togetherness before the day's bustle took over. Adebayo's mother set his favorite dish before him, her eyes twinkling with maternal pride as she watched her brilliant son grow into a young man.

"Hmm, whatever is cooking down there smells divine. I just might die of bliss," Adebayo declared with a grin as he walked down the stairs to the dining room. His remark earned a smile from his mum. "You are just like your father in the compliments department. That won't stop me from spanking you if the need arises." She said this with a dangerous gleam in her eye. The three men felt fear rush down their spines, yet they chuckled awkwardly before settling down to eat.

"Dad, you should have seen Adebayo at the debate yesterday. He was on fire!" Adewale proudly boasted, eliciting a chuckle from their father.

"That's my boy! Omo to Jo baba e," Olufemi beamed, ruffling Adebayo's hair affectionately. "Keep up the good work, and you'll go far, just like me back in the day."

This elicited an eye roll from Yetunde and a smirk from her sons. "Right, I want to be just like my father who never failed an exam and was always first, right Dad?" Adebayo teased. "That's my son," Olufemi replied with pride. They all laughed, their playful banter filling the air with warmth and love.

With breakfast finished and backpacks ready, the Davis family piled into the car, sharing stories and laughter along the way. Olufemi's playful teasing about his wife's driving skills lightened the atmosphere, and the car echoed with jovial banter.

"Kids behave at school, mama loves you," Yetunde said as she dropped them off. With a wave, she drove off before Olufemi could say his piece, which would probably go something like this, "Don't do what I'd never do, son." It was his regular line, right from when Adebayo joined creche, but it never grew old.

The brothers departed for their separate classes after their special brothers' handshake that took a little over 5 minutes to complete. Adewale walked into his class, receiving greetings from left to right. He hailed back at them. Their class was just that jovial.

Amidst the chatter and excitement, Adebayo walked up to his seat and got himself mentally prepared for the day. Just then, his close friend, Ewa Johnson, a computer geek with a captivating Yoruba charm, approached him with a laptop in hand.

"Hey Bayo! We really are going to Oyo for the field trip, and you won't believe what we'll see there," Ewa said with unbridled excitement. "The national museum is putting on display a cryptic script they found in the ruins of one of the ancient Oyo palaces. They can't fully decipher it yet, but it's thought to be descended from the ancients. How cool is that?"

"Good morning to you too, Ewa. I slept well, thank you," Adebayo replied with a knowing smile. Ewa blushed, realizing she had been going on about the excursion. "Sorry about that, you know I care for you, right?"

"Hmm, I'm not so sure about that," Adebayo teased playfully, making Ewa giggle.

Before they could further discuss the field trip or Ewa's excitement, Tunde, Adebayo's mischievous friend, barged in, playfully teasing Ewa. "Ah, the folklore nerd strikes again! You should stop scaring everyone with your ghost stories!"

Ewa shot back with a playful glare, and Adebayo joined in the good-natured banter. "Tunde, you better watch out. Ewa's stories might come true, and then who'll be scared?"

Laughter filled the classroom, and even the teacher couldn't help but smile as he entered. He greeted the students warmly and reminded them about the upcoming excursion to Oyo town. "Behave yourselves, my dear scholars, and remember, you're representing our esteemed academy," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

As the teacher briefly stepped out, Ewa leaned closer to Adebayo, her eyes sparkling like stars. She showed him her laptop, revealing a captivating tale of an ancient artifact hidden within Oyo town's historic grounds. "Adebayo, listen to this," she whispered excitedly, "Recently some archaeologists found a cryptic script that is thought to be descended from the ancients. It was found within the ruins of one of the palaces in ancient Oyo. They could only make out one thing. 'Adarí ti ayanmọ'—the researchers are still trying to understand the meaning behind the cryptic script. It's another proof of a written language other than the one used today that belongs to the Yoruba people."

Adebayo's eyes widened with awe as he absorbed Ewa's words. "Wow, Ewa, this sounds incredible! So many mysteries waiting to be unraveled," he exclaimed.

"That's not all, the original script is going to be placed on display the day we're visiting the museum. Honestly, I can't wait," Ewa said, unable to contain her excitement.

Adebayo, filled with excitement sprang up to his feet and shouted, "The adventure awaits!"

"It's going to be legendary!" Ewa exclaimed, her eyes alight with anticipation.

As the bell rang, signaling the start of lessons, Adebayo felt a sense of anticipation rising within him. Little did he know that this excursion to Oyo town would be the catalyst for a life-changing journey, one capable of changing the quality of his existence and turning his world upside down.

Throughout the day, the excitement about the upcoming trip permeated the school corridors. Adebayo's friends shared their own theories about the histories of the different Yoruba lineages. Tunde even spun his version of a fantastical tale involving ancient curses and guardian spirits, leaving everyone in stitches. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Adebayo and Ewa exchanged a knowing glance.

As the Davis family reunited after school, Adebayo couldn't help but share the day's stories with his parents and Adewale. Their eyes lit up as they listened to his animated retelling of the class banter.

With the sun setting on the horizon, casting a warm glow over their home, Adebayo's heart swelled with gratitude for his loving family, his caring friends, and the new adventure that beckoned him. Tomorrow, they would set out for Oyo town, where he would embark on a quest that would forever change the course of his life.

This is a campione fan-fic. I have done a lot of planning on this one so hopefully I don't run out on gas. I will be continuing the other fanfic after this reaches a considerable number of chapters and likes.

Thanks guys.

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