
ו``Meant To Be?``•×

PancakeLovingSatan · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Plan

It was a beautiful new morning , the village was rising up cheerfully , greeting every single one of each other as the happy villagers come to what they do most of the time on the village. Do what they do.

But one person stood out the most on the village.. the town was well known Because of that person being in the town in the first place. A girl....

A girl named Belle. A lot of people called her beauty , why? Her beauty was almost as stronger and powerful as all other girls were , so many girls was jealous of her looks even if she looked only just like a simple girl , and of how she was the most attention on the village. Greeting everyone on the town was the first thing she'd on the early morning. They told that she was very kind and generous, and almost as if the Nature spoken to her while the breeze used to pass through her leaving.

But one man was even desperate to make her to be his , to be his lover , his wife...

To only be his and his only.

Gaston. Gaston was desperate to make Belle his. He always does tried to make Belle notice how much of a 'good' husband he would make for her , but she would always decline , and he didn't understand why.

A lot of girls liked him , so why must Belle have to be so persistent on ignoring him? But that didn't stop his feelings for her going away , he was just so Desperate to make Her.. His one true love.

He couldn't wait for the moment for Belle to fall in love with him, he wanted to make Belle instantly like her , in a way showing how she can be a great husband to her. She always seems to know about what Gaston is gonna do next , or say. So he has to become unpredictable.

But how exactly? Well...

Gaston started to reflect himself for what others see him as. He knew they see him as great , powerful and very handsome charming man , but for Belle... He didn't know. He walked back in forth in his room , thinking of ideas on what to do to make Belle fall in love with him at once , and noticed something about him. About his actions lately.

He seemed prideful as people whispered into each other , he did notice a couple of people saying to each other that Gaston was a selfish man , but that wasn't true , was It?

He has been great and all that but he started to overthink as he usually does to make a plan... To make a real plan that would work out. Unlike all his others plan of impressing Belle , it only impressed girls that wanted him , but he didn't want them. He wanted Belle to notice him , how strong , how powerful , how rich he seem and was.

He was greater than all the other men In the town so why can't she notice him as the way the other girls notice him? Why can't she see how much hard work he's been doing to make her fall in love with him?

He had been through a lot of trouble by the cause of impressing and making Belle fall in love with him. But that doesn't really seem enough , for him. It's already enough to prove a woman that a man truly loves the lady , the way he passes any danger just to get to them and prove to them they are loyal enough to be worthy to be their husband.

But for Belle... She thinks it doesn't really matter if the man who loves her Is rich or poor or just both , all that matters to her that she has someone who'll truly love her , not by her beauty , but by her passion and love.

Gaston never really seemed to get the idea though. But he will now..

Or Will He?