

A server severely based on whether or not you can survive, surrounded by the players wIthin the server. He doubts he'll survive even if he remotely managed to get along with anyone and join their team. A place where being the strongest meant everything. Starting off with only 10 hearts compared to some of the other players who already had started out before him. Things take a turn of events when he accidentally bumps into the servers deadliest player, Clown Pierce.

poisonedlover · Video Games
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1 Chs

| “ Chapter 1, Where fate truly lies. ” |

Side note : Hello! I am Clown, he/him. I am a student who just so happened to be bored at school and wanted to write. Please note that it is likely that this story will never be finished due to its circumstances. Without further notice, let the show begin. (this is also taken back in season 3 of lifesteal)


His surroundings around him slowly began to load in, watching as chunks of the server that he had been invited to loaded in. He flutters his eyes open a few times, struggling to see to due the rough travel. His eye sight eventually settles, now being able to look and see what the world around him looked like. He surveyed his surroundings taking notice of how damaged the area was in general. He hums before jumping off of whatever obsidian platform he was on.

  He decides to go ahead and gather some resources but just as he was about to, he hears a ping. He almost forgot he'd start out with a communicator. Somewhat glad that he wouldn't have to go out of his way to make one. Those things were annoying to make. He moves his hand over to his pocket, where he assumed it'd be. He reaches in and pulls out the communicator, he'd been lucky enough to guess it was there. He hums at the communicator, turning the communicator slightly to see its condition. It seemed fine, though he just wanted to hope that it was fine in general. 

  He presses on a red button on the side of the communicator and it slowly turns on. Once it turns on, he logs into his account; activating his communicator so that he'd be able to talk to the other players. The chat box slowly loads up, showing up his join message and a few other messages from other players who were on, greeting him. 

"siningly has joined the game."

the server message said as he looked at the screen, below it were a few other messages.

"ParrotX2: Hellooooooo"

"SpokeIsHere: YOOOO A NEW MEMBER?!?"

"Le0w00k: o/"

  He smiles at the messages before promptly writing a message back.

"siningly: hello :)"

  He typed, though he felt the ":)" came off as threatening or scary but surely, it'd be fine.... Right???? He decides to put his communicator away for now, not feeling up to socializing at the moment. Not with this massive headache he gained from trying to log onto the server in the first place.

  He heads into a nearby forest to go ahead and work on getting some tools. Breaking down a tree and gathering a few logs before going into his inventory and crafting it into wood planks. He makes a quick crafting table and places it down. He opens up the crafting table, crafting some sticks before turning it into a wooden axe and pickaxe. He let out a sigh, having had forgotten what it was like to restart on a new server since his previous SMP he had originally resided in. He breaks his crafting table, picking it up and putting it away into his inventory.

  After doing so, he heads further into the semi damaged forest, looking for a cave to get better tools. Even if he could quickly gain tools by just joining someone's team, he didn't want to pick to quickly. Pick the wrong team and it might be his head on a spike. Sure he might've been exaggerating it but it was called the deadliest server for a reason. Having players of several talents and skills, making the SMP specifically known for their players and how undeniably strong they are. 

  He eventually finds a cave, he was surprised it hadnt been rid of all its resources. He steps down into the cave, finding some coal and quickly mining it. He opens up his iventory and crafts torches. He leaves some coal in his inventory, making sure he had fuel for a furance.

While heading down further into the mine, he pulls out his communicator from his pocket. He turns the device on before inserting his earbuds into the device and tapping on his mp3 player. He scrolls through his assortment of playlists and taps on one called "Solo si era tu," He smiled as he picked the playlist, recalling that he had made it dedicated to his husband. Though the sudden lingering feeling of sadness hit hard. He tries to ignore the feeling as he pops one of the earbuds into his ear, the song "Mi buen Amor" slowly fading in as the music played.

He spaces out for a while, not exactly focusing on his surroundings anymore. He eventually snaps out of it after hearing the sound of a low hiss. He looks around for the source of the sound, noticing he had gone a tad to far down then he wanted. He swiftly put his device away and replaced it with a torch. The light illuninated the cave around him. He spots the creeper, slowly getting closer as it lets out another hiss sound. He jumps at the sound before quickly grabbing his stone axe from his inventory and with just two quick slashes, the creeper falls to the ground fading to dust. He lets out a huff, berating himself for having jumped at the hiss.

He didnt really like coming off as weak in any way. He hated it infact, sure humans were weak; they naturally were but him? No, no not him. He'd been considered a monster or curse all his life, his humanity was ripped from him the moment he could speak. There was no acceptance for weakness. These standards were only applied to himself, he'd never have the heart to tell someone else that they were weak for just having feelings. Sometimes his mind makes him doubt that, making him question whether or not he should apply that standard to everyone else.

He snapped himself out of his mental monologue, these kind of things happened often. They quite literally made him question life sometimes. He looks around the cave, immediately spoting some iron ore from the corner of his eye. He runs over to the ore, quickly placing down a torch onto the wall before mining the ore. Once the ore is collected, he placed down a furance and put the iron to smelt inside of the furance.

(i forgot to add in when he got stone tools so uh imagine he already got them back when he was getting coal.... also im gonna skip ahead slightly to where he gets full iron gear so u guys wont have to suffer)

After almost dying to lava and to an invincible skeleton (that he fought for almost 15 minutes.....) He had finally managed to gather some gear and actually found a mineshaft along the way. Now fully geared in iron armor and tools with an enchanted golden apple to his name, he was now headed back up to the surface. He had been living off of glowberries and pieces of bread that he had found in some of the mine carts. He figured that he most definitely needed sun light and some actual food. He searches his way out of the cave, (almost getting lost due to his awful torch placing mechanism.) He manages to find his way out. 

He struggles to adjust to the light, the light itself burning his eyes. Eventually enough his eyes finally adjust to the sunlight. He steps out of the cave, the sound of a bark immediately catching his attention. It came from somehwere nearby. Well, he could definitely use some company. He decides to follow the sound with caution, wanting to ensure that it was only the wolf and not someone who was nearby. He finds the wolf sat beneath a tree with a red collar. 

"He's already tamed? but who would leave their wolfdog here.???"

He whispered to himself, confused as to why someone would just abandon their dog in a forest. Maybe the dog was lost? No but that would mean that the dog would be standing up. He peered behind the tree he was stood at, staring at the dog. Sorta just waiting to see if its owner would show up. After a couple of minutes, he assumed that the dog had likely been forgotten. Leaving the tree and approaching the dog with a lead. The dog turned its attention towards him, tilting its head. He wraps the lead around the dogs neck, allowing the dog to stand up.

"Oh well, free dog." He said, shrugging before leading the dog along to follow him through the forest. Atleast the dog seemed okay with him just taking him along, guess the poor dog was getting pretty lonely. it didnt take long for the dog to warm up to him, the dog wagging his tail happily.

  He continued walking through the forest, even shearing some sheeps to get enough wool for a bed. He makes it out of the forest with the dog following close after. Soooo, yeah he did just steal someones dog but hey! Dont leave a dog unattended. Plus, he could probably use the dog as leverage or get a favor from whoevers dog this is. Oddly enough, when he checked the collar earlier there was no information to who owned the dog. Nor had the dog been named it seems.

  He figured he'd give the dog a name until he found their owner. He decided with the name, "Rocket." Would the name have been more fitting if it was a raccoon? Probably.

He hummed to himself as he surveyed his surrounding, noticing that the forest led to the back of a building. He couldnt quite tell what building it was, but it did have sandstone walls and what seemed to be a tent roof? It kinda felt like it had a circus theme to it, he wasnt too sure but thats just what the vibe of the place felt like. He shrugs before walking away from the building with the dog following along.

He'd check out the place some other day, he just had to make sure he had some type of gear before he tried pairing up with anyone or exploring. As he walked throughout a plains biome, he hears a ping from his communicator. He scrambles to grab his device struggling due to the fact his other hand was occupied by the lead. He manages to grab the device, turning it out and looking over at the chat.

"Branzycraft was slain by le0w00k."

He read the message quickly, his first day and there was already a death. Not like it wasn't expected but poor guy. He notices he has a couple of messages in his inbox. Did he really feel like checking them right now?.. He might aswell, it might help him get an idea of whats going on.

He opens up his inbox, checking his dms. Some dms being from PrinceZam who has asked if he wanted to join the cleansers, that they'd have him fully geared if so. Cleansers for a team name just sounded weird. No way there wasn't some sort of malicious intent behind that group. There then was another message that came from Parrotx2. He figured he'd have to atleast reply to one of the messages. 

The message read,"Parrotx2: hey would u be down to meet me over by spawn"

"siningly: can i know why?" he messaged back quickly.

"Parrotx2: took u a while to see my msg"

"siningly: lmao srry dude"

"Parrotx2: anyways yeah clown wants to meet up with u bt appersntly doesnt have the time to msg u himself"

He lets a snort at the mispelling before replying.

"siningly: pfft alr tell him to actually msg me or else cause aint no way u gotta do it for him"

"siningly: i dont bite :)"

"Parrotx2: i think clown dos"

"siningly: oh yh what time?"

"Parrotx2: uhhhhhhhhhh idk he forget to say i think"

"siningly: LMAO do u want me to come over rn then??"

"Parrotx2: ys"

"siningly: alrrr be right there"

He smiled to himself, glad to atleast have spoken to someone. Also it did kinda slip his mind on who Clown was but surely it'd be fine??? Either way, he just needed to head to spawn. 


And that is where im leaving this chapter!! I've been working on this chapter for a couple of days, i think like 2 days maximun? Anyways i hope u enjoyed this chapter!!! Chapter 2 will have more interactios and stuff this is just so that my oc Praxis has like a start or smth.... Ill also start a Clownzy Oneshots fic at some point cause i most definitely wanna write about them!!! 

ANYWAYS UNTIL THE NEXT CHAPTER!11 also might be some delay bcs of fall break pullin up