
| Phantom Love |

Chxrryglxssy · Teen
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Who Are You Guys?

She Never Thought that she would be here... For Five Hours

She was with Doctor Schmidt.

She was her... therapist she would tell her these stupid exercises to keep her calm and to move on.

Move on from what you may ask, it's her mom she passed a year ago she was her best friend and more.

So know she has to come to therapy 3 times a week.

Walking Home she got the key from under the mat.

She walked inside seeing the note on the table reading:

𝙼𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝟹 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚝𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚗 𝟻 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚜.

- 𝙳𝚊𝚍 (:

Sighing she walked to her room lightly closing the door, sitting she opened her bag taking out her homework.

Flipping through the pages she saw all of them done so she really has nothing to do.

She remember about the shed, she has to clean it before they get back.

She opened the shed door feeling a gust of wind, Shr remember learning how to play the piano in here with her mom.

Sitting done on the desk of the grand piano she saw the song she wrote before her mom passed away.

Tears flooding her eyes threatening to fall, she fastly blinked seeing after her eyes got blurry.

She walked around looking at everything in here just the same way it was the last time she was here.

She walked to a box full of stuff her mom owned, but I stopped seeing a CD.

She walked to the CD player and plugged it in opening it, she took out the CD from the case and put it in to the CD player, pressing play she sat on the couch watching dust fly up right as she sat down.

Hearing a graceful voice start to sing moved my head to the guitar riff.

I stopped everything hearing loud screams flood my ears I fastly stood up pulling out the CD from the CD player but only to hear a voice.

???: You fell on me, Adrian.

???: Well I'm not the one who fell and pulled us with them, Robert.

???: I'm sorry I got scared and didn't know what to do!

I Watched them arguing with each other as I was too scared to speak.

Tell they turned and looked at me and all at the same time we screamed.

All: AHHHHH!!!

Juliette: AHHHHH!!!!

They stopped screaming as she continues screaming well fastly opening the shed door and running back into the house.

I tripped over the stairs but continued running tell I got to my room.

Not really knowing what to do she grabbed a weapon from her desk and slowly went down the stairs and back outside to the shed.

she open the shed doors looking around deceive those three boys were still there not saying anything she said heading down her weapon.

Juliette: Where did they go, I know I'm not seeing things, I'm for sure not crazy.

???: Well I mean everyone is a little bit crazy.

She fastly turned around seeing those three boys again.

Looking at them in shock she put her hand up that was holding the weapon.

Juliette: AHHHHH!!

???: Oh No Jeez Please Stop Screaming!

she fastly stops screaming as a boy slowly begin walking to her while telling her something.

???: Well thank you for keep our shed clean...sorry some what clean, the flowers really makes the room bright.

Juliette: This is not your shed I live here and you guys do not I'm sure about it.

???: Ye-Yes this is the p-piano is new and...Omg yes my lovely couch!

She watched the boy flop back jumping onto the couch basically resting on her couch.

Until he turned his head and looked at the six string guitar with a confused expression on his face.

???: But that is definitely not my sixth string or the chairs floating from the ceiling either.

as you watch the boys sit up she have the weapon towards him as he began talking while stuttering.

???: Can y-you give me a second, just a give me a s-second thank you.

He turned around to the other guys and began talking to them well Juliette I'll still holding the weapon trying to listen in on there conversation.

???: Okay, Okay just saying...How did she get all of her stuff in here so fast!

???: Maybe, maybe she's a witch.

???: She- She is not a witch okay, witches are not real.

???: Really! Cause we all thought ghosts aren't real either and look what we are now.

???: He-He has a point

???: so we're going with which right...

???: No- No she's not a witch...have someone with a softer touch handle this.

he turned around

he turned around and began to talk to Juliette but not with the soft voice like he said he would but with the loud voice.

???: What are you doing in our studio!

she fastly moved her hand to him in the chest with her weapon but instead hand would straight through his body.

Juliette: Uhh...omg, what...how...how did you do that?

???: Well- well clearly she's not she's not understanding we are ghosts and this is our studio.

???: So once again thank you for the flowers they really brighten up the room and thank you for keeping it warm for us.

???: Were actually in a band called Outbreak.

???: Tell your friends.

???: well really last night was supposed to be the biggest night of our lives it was going to really change our lives.

???: Lucas I'm pretty sure it did.

Juliette: This is freaking me out.

she fastly took out her phone from her pocket but remembering that they were standing right next to her she fastly put her weapon up with her other hand holding her phone as she turned to her phone to look up their band.

???: What is that? What are you doing?

Juliette: It's my phone... no stop talking to them there's no such things as ghosts and shirley no thing as cute ghosts.

???: Oh?! you think we're cute?

She turned her head away from her phone almost done typing it out when she heard one of the boys say that she looked at him glared harshly and looked back down at her phone.

???: Who you calling?

Juliette: I'm looking up Outbake.

Boys: Outbreak!!

they said to her as if they were offended by her getting their band name wrong.

well she looked at them annoyed and rolling her eyes looking back down at her phone.

Juliette: Okay, There is a Outbreak, you did die, but not at all last night, 25 years ago?

???: What? No, no, no, Th-Th-Thats definitely impossible. After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird, dark room where Aidan cried.

???: Well... I don't think... I wasn't... I think... we were all pretty upset when we got there.

???: Okay whatever, but that was just for like an hour we just got here.

Juliette: Well jeez, I'm sorry I'm just telling you what my phone says. See? you all died in 1995 when you all were 17, sorry to inform you but it is now 2020.

???: So you're telling me this is the future?

she pulled her phone away from showing all of them as that one dude said it putting her phone back in her pocket while rolling her eyes as another guy continued.

???: wait so you're telling me... it has been 25 years... I have been crying for 25 years answer me how is this even possible?!

???: Well I mean you're very emotional person.

???: I am not!

Juliette: Nope I'm not doing this, I got to go eat dinner or should I say order it I'm leaving. Look I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys but this isn't your studio anymore, sorry but you have to leave.

As she was turning around to open the door and leave the shed she had one of the boys talking to her again.

???: But hey wait...We...We didn't get your name.

Juliette: It's Juliette.

???: Cool, I-Im Lucas, by...by the way. And-And this is--

???: Robert, I'm Robert, Hey.

Lucas: And...

???: Aidan, How's it going?

Lucas: Ba-da.

He said softly, on the other hand Juliette was not having it at all she was just really upset she was having a really bad day.

Juliette: Ok?

the boys watch her turn and walk away from them and go back inside of the house.

Robert: Juliette seems nice!

Aidan: Did you miss the whole part were she kicked us out, or...yeah, okay.

After Juliette finish talking with the boys she ordered a pizza 15 minutes ago waiting for it the doorbell to ring she was watching TV.

hearing the doorbell ring she fastly grabbed the money from her purse and opened the door.

Pizza Man: You ordered two extra large pizzas sorry I mean pineapple pizzas is that right?

and she was about to answer she saw the boys walk straight past the pizza man and she yells.

Scaring the pizza man she continued talking to the pizza man answering his question.

Juliette: Yes that's me I ordered the pineapple pizzas ( Whispering) you shouldn't be here.

Pizza Man: I'm here doing my job I'm sorry if I messed something up.

Lucas: Juliette I like what you done the place.

Robert: That face is a cue for us to leave sorry we should have called.

after scaring that Pete's man she grabbed her pizzas put two in the fridge and grabbed two pieces of pizza and putting them on her plate.

tell she heard the sound of instruments being played from the studio also known as the shed.

She fastly got up walking to the shed opening the door and seeing them playing.

Juliette: I thought I told you guys to leave! why can't you guys be normal ghosts live in a big old mansion I heard Pasadena nice.

She grown rolling her eyes at them walking out and walking up to the steps until the boy named Lucas appeared in front of her.

Juliette: Ahh! Stop doing that!

Lucas: I'm sorry that we came into your life but you know how crazy this is that people can hear us play actual people.

Juliette: Yeah...I guess you guys are pretty good.

Lucas: Pretty Good? You know that's 25 years of rust just dust It off. You have to know how rad this is the one thing that the guys I mean that we live for we can actually still do and people can still hear us we feel alive in there we actually felt alive again that's nothing amazing would ever give up you have to know this your mom was an amazing songwriter.

Juliette: She was...she passed away.

Lucas: I'm so... sorry.

Aidan: We didn't know.

Juliette: Wait how did you know that she was a songwriter?

Lucas: Well we saw a song on the piano and I decided to read the lyrics if that is hers she's amazing.

Robert: Hey! do you play on the piano or an instrument or anything?

Juliette: Oh no all that stuff in there is my mom's including the song She wrote that you said you read.

All: Oh!

The voice turned off weirdly away as she also turned about to leave until she turned around again.

Juliette: If you guys have nowhere to stay then you can stay in the studio there's a pullout couch and a bathroom well if you guys still need and use that stuff.

Robert: dibs on the shower! I like a shower and the occasional bath.

Juliette: This...is just to weird.

Juliette turned locking away back into the house finishing her two slices of pizza putting the third box into the fridge she walked up to a room and went to bed.

The next morning she woke up and walk downstairs out of her house into the shed looking for the guys.

As she walked towards the piano she saw the song that she wrote for her mom on the piano.

She sat down spreading out the sheets of paper that she wrote and began playing on the piano.

Not everyone knows this but her voice was like two feathers delicately flying down with the wind her voice soft but perfect.

But little did she know the boys were right behind her watching her shred on the piano and play like absolutely no one was watching.

To Be Continue...