
{QT} Is it bad for me to go OOC?

"Huh, quiet and gentle...I can work with that." Yu nodded. "Alright this is a simple mission, just don't go ooc." The system was relieved it was an easy task. A few minutes later~ "Are you stupid?! You really didn't think I would notice huh?" Yu spat out to the person lying on the floor. "..." -male lead "..." -person on the ground "HAH?!!!!" -Everyone else Heyo Im Koru and i'm a helper for the author Kist. Kist has been trash at doing updates for her own books, so I wrote my own.

DaoistSFHCTS · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Yu frantically searched Resui' memories until he found him in his memories.

Maxilrin Dulvinlore, the crown prince of the Bedula Empire. He was a genius at swordsmanship and was expected to do great things. (The Bedula Empire is a very strong Empire, *because it was built by people murdering tons of people cough* so no one really wants to mess with them.)

"A-Ah....M-My apologies...." Yu was still shocked silly by this man's handsomeness. It was like a God decided to descend down to the mortal realm.

"Warning! OOC is a 1%!!! Please try to keep in character!" The system warned.

Yu realized why he got the warning, Resui always ignored him and was rude (since he was jealous of the guy's talents and beauty). And today he treated him politely and even stuttered, which was unusual for the elegant prince.

Maxilrin slightly raised his eyebrows, amused.

"Oho? And why is the oh so elegant prince treating me with politeness today?" He smirked and leaned in closer.

Yu tried hard to stay in character, but he still stuttered a bit.

"A-Ah I don't understand what you mean?" He subconsciously backed away.

"Warning! OOC is at 2%!" 257 said again.

Yu cursed in his head, this man keeps making me get out of character!

Meanwhile, Maxilrin was enjoying the shocked face of Resui. Resui was an arrogant and rude prince, but was praised endlessly. Seeing how Resui was flustered, he couldn't help but tease him even more.

Maxilrin slammed his hands into the wall, trapping Resui into his arms.

"Wha-" Resui widened his eyes.

Maxilrin put his mouth to Resui's ear. "Are you surprised...?" His husky deep voice sent shivers down Resui.

"Hell no!" Resui snapped out of it and hurriedly pushed Maxilrin away. "I ask that you keep your hands to yourself...His royal highness." He curtly shut his mouth and walked away.

Maxilrin didn't miss the red ear Resui had as he walked away. After thinking about it, Maxilrin wondered. Was he always that cute? It was more like...someone else took over his body. Strange, he would have to look into this later.

"System, if that handsome hunk continues to bother me...there's a chance we might fail this world." He sighed as he leaned on the bathroom wall.

"...This is a beginner level world...even normal people can beat it." The system read the difficulty description.



"Aurgh! Let's talk later, I have to go to class." He mumbled and waltzed off to his classroom.


"Now open your textbooks to page 64." The middle aged professor announced. There were many groans of complaint as the sound of paper shuffling was heard.

"Do I really have to do schoolwork...?" Yu sighed, it was bringing him his past memories of school.

"Yes, unless you want to fail this world and risk potential death?" 257 narrowed it's eyes, which made it look cute.

"What?!" Yu sprung up from his lazy position, it wasn't until his classmates looked at him was when he realized he had shout it out.

"Do you have any questions Resui?" The teacher huffed.

"U-Uh no no! I was just thinking of something..." He waved his hands hurriedly.

"Prince or not, I will not tolerate someone who isn't paying attention." He warned.

Yu simply just nodded.


After class, he was packing up his stuff when he felt a hand slap him on the back.

"Man, something wrong with ya? You've been spacing out the whole time." Yu turned back and saw Resui's best friend, Anti grinning at him.

"For someone of your stature, it would be better to not speak so crudely." Resui nagged. Which in a way, made him look like an annoyed mother.

"What? I'm just a small prince of a small country! Nothin too special."

Resui was about to spit out blood. What do you mean small country?! This man is the Crown Prince of the biggest Kingdom in history!!!!!

Anti Von Leo, the Crown Prince of the biggest Kingdom of all. The Astate Kingdom, the first kingdom since recorded history.

The 3 big kingdoms were the Ertford, Bedula, and Astate. Compared to the rest, Ertford was like a young adult. While the other 2 were elders. Though, the Astate Kingdom was like a great elder if you compared the two of them.

Mostly everyone in the school was scared to talk to him, since he was going to be the King of the Astate Kingdom soon. Those who did approach him only wanted the benefits but of course, he rejected them all.

The only person who didn't treat him any different, was Resui. It was probably due to Resui being proud and not wanting to try to please someone else, but they became friends (for some reason).

"Yea right, I soooooo believe you." Resui rolled his eyes and seemed to be in a good mood. In his mind though, he was really angry at the system.

Why didn't the system tell him earlier he could die from failing worlds?! This is some serious bull. Well I mean, it's certainly better then dying forever...But he was still mad!

"Wanna grab something to eat?" Anti offered.

"Nah, I need to train for the tournament coming up." Right now, the tournament was his biggest priority. After that, then he would try to break Athel and his sister up.

Thinking about it, it made his blood boil. He hated the fact a mere Duke could assault him like that. Guess that's the power of knowing a really big secret.

"Hey system, why didn't Athel just rat out his secret after he found out? He does hate me after all."

"Well even if he did rat out the secret, it would be hard to believe coming from a Duke's house. If Resui somehow proved he wasn't a fox, that could send his entire family into jail for treason. It was also to try to get back a bit on Resui for doing awful things to him."

"Awful things? I don't see any-oh." Yu stopped looking back at the memories. Resui really did deserve that slap on the face....



I want to be a stable author...I want to be a stable author.....AURGH!!!! I CANT BE A STABLE AUTHOR!!!! Its soo hard having to write stuff then proofread it because you probably made a stupid mistake in the middle. The link up there is a song that cured my bad feelings and is really cute. TwT

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