

Through a twist of fate I escaped the boundaries of my world. Coming to another one I was rejected by all. Joining a familia much hated, I found my path. Finding love in the dungeon, I experienced betrayal. Enduring untold hardships, I changed the life of many for better or worse. But in the end was it all for naught? This is my journey. An endless adventure. ------------------ Subscribe to my youtube channel: Youtube_stories. search for -> forgotten relative_1 on YouTube.

nkcthereaper · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Chapter-49(Parody chapter)

"I will make sure to make an example out of them....", William thought in his mind as he made his way towards the Soma familia.

A sharp glint passed through William's eyes as he the front gate of the Soma familia came into his vision.

'Lilly', William quickly identified the small figure standing right outside the door.


"What is the situation", William asked as he landed beside Lily and extended his right hand towards her.


For some reason Lily quickly jumped back as soon as she saw William's hand approaching her.

"Where are the attackers?", William couldn't care less wheather she was scared of him or not as he directly asked her.

Lily just stared at William for a while and then pointed at the gate.

Understanding that the attackers have already breached the gate, William quickly moved his legs.

"I didn't knew you were this kind of person.....", Lily said in an almost inaudible voice but William with his already heightened senses was able to clearly pick up on her words.

Frowning lightly, William didn't stopped and entered through the door thinking that he will later ask her the reason for what she just said.

Honestly looking at Lily's gloomy behaviour, it was obvious that things were not in their favour.

'They probably defeated Eldest Lackey....', William thought in his mind.

Although Eldest Lackey acts a bit weird from time to time, William have to admit that he is quite useful and loyal.

Yes, Eldest Lackey is infact William's most loyal follower right now.

He dosen't question any of William's orders and follow them through without voicing out any complaint.

And although the time which they spent together was short.

Even if only a little, William will feel sad if he were to die....the f*ck??!!?? DODGE!!.


William quickly dodged as a shiny figure flew by him.


A heavy crashing sound range out as the person collided with the nearby building.


The person who crashed moments ago, Quickly got up and ran back to the direction from which he came.

William easily recognised the man as the Middle Lackey, William saw how Middle Lackey ran back with an auro of self righteousness surrounding him.....

Looking at his brave actions, William just wanted to ask him one thing.


Just why are you naked?.

"HAHAHA Have a taste of my Boss's technique!! HOLY BODY SLAM!!!."

"N-No s-stay AWAYYY FROM ME y-You PERVER--UHGK!!!."

William blankly stared at Middle Lackey as he body slammed the poor adventurer and started rubbing his body all over him....


"Waaahhhh MOMAA!!"

Squinting his eyes, William looked away.

It was then.


A giant hand tapped on his shoulder. As a breadth of hot air touched his back.

Not even the strongest adventurer in Orario was able to give him such a dangerous feeling

William's enitre body shivered as all of his instincts scremed at him to not turn around or else something which he might never recover from will happen.


Why am I afraid?

I have the skill [Cold blooded]!!!

--*[Skill 'Cold blooded'-'S' is shaking]*--

Indeed, just as William was thinking about it, the skill activated and calmed his emotions.

And so with a fearless face William tightly griped 'Desire' in his hand ready to slash at a moment's notice.

'It's death at worst', Without a hint of hesitation William turned around and----


What entered William's vision was a 6 feet tall body full of bulging muscles and droplets of sweat on it.

Without a single piece of cloth on it.....

"HAAH..HAAAH...BOSS your Here at last"

Eldest Lackey said as he wiped the droll coming out of his mouth with his left hand.

"But don't worry boss I saved the best one for you!!",Eldest Lackey said as he threw down the person he was carrying between his bulging arm muscles.


With a blank look on his face, William looked at the dwarf lying on the ground and without a doubt it is Chandra the one responsible for the attack.....

The White's of Chandra's eyes could be seen as a white foam kept coming out of the pitiful dwarfs mouth while he kept chanting,"help me--help me", in a small and lifeless voice.

"Feel free to dig in Boss".

William saw the completely naked Eldest Lackey giving him a thumbs-up while whipping the drool coming out of his mouth....

--*[Skill 'Cold---F*ck THIS I'M OUT!!!.

It was now that William understood why Lily behaved that way with him.

It was as if she was looking at a human trash.




[Author's note- MEN!!!!]