

Through a twist of fate I escaped the boundaries of my world. Coming to another one I was rejected by all. Joining a familia much hated, I found my path. Finding love in the dungeon, I experienced betrayal. Enduring untold hardships, I changed the life of many for better or worse. But in the end was it all for naught? This is my journey. An endless adventure. ------------------ Subscribe to my youtube channel: Youtube_stories. search for -> forgotten relative_1 on YouTube.

nkcthereaper · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs


Jumping from one roof to another, William made his way towards Hephaestus familia.

After a while the front gate of the hephaestus familia came into his vision.


William ignored the cries of the guards as he directly jumped over the closed gate.

Not minding the weird gazes that member's of the hephaestus familia were giving him, following his memory William made his way towards a magnificent blacksmith workhouse.


William harshly knocked on the door with his fist.

"WHO THE hel--oh it's you",Tsubaki said as she opened the door and looked at William standing outside.

"Why are you here so early", Tsubaki questioned, clearly remembering that there were still some days before the decided date.

"I was wondering if you could finish the sword earlier, I won't mind paying more valis for it", William said.

"Hmm Well come in first", Tsubaki scratches her head as she invites William inside.

"Pardon my intrusion",William dosen't stand on ceremony and quickly enters the room.

But William stop moving as soon as he saw the person sitting calmly on the sofa while drinking tea.

"Goddess Hephaestus", William respectfully greets the great Goddess of smithing.

"It's fine you don't have to be so formal", Hephaestus said as she look at William.

"It's only natural to respect a god", William said like it was a matter-of-fact.

'Of course the crazy ones aren't included.....", William silently thought in his mind as he remembered Freya.

"You were right Tsubaki, he is indeed quite interesting.....", Hephaestus said with a smile on her face as she looked at Tsubaki.

William wasn't surprised that Hephaestus knew who he is as Tsubaki had probably told her about him before.

"Sit down will ya there's no need to stand on ceremony", Tsubaki said with a carefree smile on her face as she gave a rough slap on William's shoulder.

Ignoring his hurting shoulder, William looked at Goddess Hephaestus, Seeing her nod he finally sat down on the nearby chair.

"About the sword, I hope you can complete it as soon as possible, in fact by today if you can...", William said as soon as he sat down unwilling to waste even a second.

"You are really impatient aren't you..", Tsubaki continued while patting her chest" Well Lucky you as I have already completed it, wait here I'll be right back."

William's eyes shone with a blue glint for a while as he saw Tsubaki go inside a nearby room.

Turning his head, William fixed his gaze in Goddess Hephaestus who was just about to drink from her cup.

Seeing William looking at her, Goddess Hephaestus think that he might have something to say to her and so she also look at him, awaiting his words.


A weird silence permitted over the room as instead of saying anything, William just kept intently staring at Goddess Hephaestus.

With her hand still holding the tea cup, The corners of Goddess Hephaestus's mouth started twitching as she started thinking if William was playing some kind of game with her that she was unaware of.

As the situation continued for some more time, Goddess Hephaestus finally couldn't take it anymore and asked William," Is there something wrong?".

"Please don't mind me and continue enjoying your tea", William said with a deadpan face, but he still didn't stop staring at Hephaestus.

Goddess Hephaestus frowned a little as she thought that William perhaps also wanted some tea? Why else would her kept staring at her?.

It wasn't like she was beautiful....

Hephaestus touched her eyepatch as her thoughts reached this point, Shaking her head slightly with a wry smile she silently thought 'Why would anyone think of someone as ugly as her to be beautiful?'.

William who was still looking at Hephaestus obviously didn't know what she was thinking. As all of his thoughts were occupied by something else at the moment.

He was thinking is he could use Goddess Hephaestus to take care of Freya...

Although Hephaestus familia isn't as powerful as the Freya familia, it is by no means weak.

And they also control around 70% of the weapon sales in the dungeon city of Orario, Which in itself make them a power to not mess around with.

This is why William was thinking of ways to rope Hephaestus in.....but no matter how much he thought, he couldn't come up with any scenario in which Hephaestus will agree to help him.

He might be the captain of the Soma familia, but that is nothing in her eyes.... forget about the lvl5 Tsubaki even a lvl4 from her familia can completely annihilate the current Soma familia.

As for William himself who is a lvl3...


Although a lvl3 is by no means weak...there will definitely be tens of the lying around in the Hephaestus familia.

Just as William was getting a headache, Tsubaki who left earlier returned carrying a wooden box in her hands.


Tsubaki placed the wooden box on top of the table in front of William, As she gestured at him to open it up and look inside.

William didn't stand on ceremony and quickly opened the lid covering the box.

Even Goddess Hephaestus leaned forward and looked at what was inside the box.

A grey coloured sword with blood red lines present all over it was sitting calmly in the box.


Holding the sword's grip tightly, William pulled it out if the box.

A light but powerful feeling came from the sword as William held it.

Although it didn't felt as unbreakable as desperate....it was nonetheless a powerful sword definitely leagues above that shitty cheap iron sword.

(Cheap iron sword: TRAITOR!!)

"You have gotten better once again Tsubaki", Hephaestus commented with a smile as she looked at the grey and red coloured sword.

"Hehehe", Tsubaki smiled proudly when she heard Goddess Hephaestus praise her.

"How is it? Do you like it?", Tsubaki asked while rubbing her nose.

"It is amazing", William said with genuine appreciation.

Although not as powerful as desperate, The sword fit so perfectly in his hand that he couldn't help but marvel at Tsubaki's skill.

"What is its name?", William asked remembering that blacksmiths in Danmachi gave names to their weapons.

Tsubaki's eyes shone as she said.

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(Evil laughter).

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