
Chapter 17(HERO PART-2)

The news spread like a wildfire.


A being sent by the Goddess to fight against demons, within a single night, using long distance communication magic, whether it be Kingdoms, Empires or the Union they were all informed about the existence of the Hero.

Meanwhile Grant, the cause of all the commotion in the Ashdown family's mansion enjoying his lunch.

Wiping his mouth with the handkerchief, Grant looked at his status.



Rank- B

Level- 367+500(5x experience bonus.)

Race- Demi God-(SS)

Name- Grant Ashdown

Age- 8 years.

Divine points-125,756(Increasing)

Skills: Transmigrator's Authority-(Z), Divine Soul-(SSS), Authority Of Love-(SS),

Night Invincibility-(S), Magic Grandmaster(S),

Mark Of Magic](A), Blessing of the Divine Wine-(A), Basic elemental affinity-(I)....see more]


In but a week his supply of divine points has been replenished and even increased by almost five folds.

And it was still increasing, although not as quickly as before, the speed was still quite significant.

In fact the amount of divine points should have increased by a massive amount, after all the population of the imperial capital is in millions, but the thing is that most of them praised the Goddess and not the Hero....

The mindset of people isn't something which could be changed overnight after all.

Also after casting the Eight tier spell, Grant managed to kill almost 20,000 demonic soldiers and more than 60,000 injured, the casualty would have been even higher if demon general Io wasn't quick with his retreat.

'What a disappointment, I wasn't able to finish off half of the army even with an Eight tier spell...'

But if anyone was to hear his inner thoughts then they will be stunned speechless.

Those were 20,000 demons!! not some stupid goblins....

'Well Light spells aren't meant for combat anyway, I only used the spell cause it looks flashy and holy in the first place.'

'But still.....'

Moving his hands, Grant could feel the dormant power inside his body.

'My level directly jumped from 0 to 367, unfortunately it looks like I cannot get experience from those lower level then me...'

Grant threw a random punch making gusts of winds flow everywhere.

'Level 367 with the stats of a level 867...what a terrifying race indeed.'

"Take it away."

Grant said as a maid quickly rushed up and started cleaning the table.

Getting out of the dinning hall, Grant entered the garden.

Grant randomly found a servant and said.

"Get me a sword."

The butler nodded as he quickly went away.

He was back in no time carrying a fancy looking gold plated sword with various gems embedded in it.

The corners of Grant's mouth couldn't help but twitch as he stared at the sword which looked to be used more for decoration then for battle.

Shaking his head, Grant got in a stance he remembered from his memory.


Closing his eyes, the scenery around him changed, the clear sky was replaced by hard dungeon ceiling, he was surrounded by hordes and hordes of monsters from every side.

Releasing his breadth, Grant's eyebrows sharpened as he slashed forward.


Unfortunately instead of cutting the monster, the sword fell out of his hand and landed on the ground making a crisp sound.

The imaginary scenery around him faded as he once again returned back to the familiar garden, Grant opened his eyes as a conflicted look appeared on his face.

'I really cannot use the sword....'

He had all the memories related to the way of the sword but some some reason he just couldn't use them.

It's like he knew all the theory but when it came time for practical he would end up failing at the first step.

Of course it doesn't mean that he couldn't use a sword at all, he could do basic things like slash, pierce and stuff but he was unable to take a step forward no matter how much he tried.

It was one of the main reason behind him choosing magic in this world.

He also tried using divine points but it showed no reaction about this.

"Swordsmanship is for barbarians anyway."

Grant casually commented, after becoming fascinated with magic, he came to know that the power of sword can simply never hope to match up to the might of magic.

Indeed magic is the best.

Not giving a second look at the sword, Grant left the garden.

'Hm I also need to meet the Emperor today....'


[Imperial Palace]

"Hero you have done a great service for the Empire."

"It is my duty your majesty."

Grant said while being on one knee towards the old Emperor sitting on the highest seat of the Empire.

"I am glad you think that way."

The Emperor was in a great mood, after a long time their Empire has finally managed to get one over the demons.

He would have called for a celebration of not for the fact that the troops needed to be repositioned.

"Tell me what you would like as your reward."

Emperor asked as his eyes narrowed a little, it was a great blessing that the Hero was a noble heir from his Empire, but still there were chances that the other major powers would try to get him on their side through various means.

The Emperor wanted to tie down the Hero to their Empire with a stronger bond.

"I only did what I should have done you majesty, I do deserve a reward for what I did."

Grant said as a form of pleasantry.

In fact there were many things that he wanted.

Being a mage he needed many resources to create artifact's for his use.

But saying it outright wasn't part of the noble language, you need to first decline politely and then after going back and forward for some time you indirectly state your reward as a request.

Troublesome indeed but that's the society here.

"But we need to reward you with something....."

'Here it comes.', Grant thought as he was about to politely decline once again and after that due to the emperor's forced coercion he will hesitantly accept his reward.

"No need to troub-----"

"Ah I have the perfect reward for you!"

Suddenly the old Emperor clapped his hands as if a realisation stuck him.

"I'll let you marry the most precious gem of the Empire my daughter, Lily Front."

"A great proposition your majesty."

"A reward worthy for a great Hero."


The other nobles and ministers present in the hall quickly started cheering as well.

Meanwhile Grant on the other hand was dumbfounded.

'This wasn't in the script!'

'You old thing how can you just change the sequence like that?'

'Bit*h I don't want your shitty daughter! Give me my reward!!!'

Grant wanted to shout out curses but he held it in and calmly thought about it.

'If I were to decline then.....'

It will be the highest form of disrespect against the Emperor, rejecting his daughter in his own palace? who gave you the guts?.

'Actually I can just take over the Empire this way...'

"What do you think about my proposal Hero?"

The corners of Grant's mouth twitched as he said.

"It will be an honour your majesty."

Next chapter