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Zack_Min · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


The King

Yuki was suffering, the pain of his flesh and blood crystallizing was no joke, he expected to die faster, the virus consumed his chakra and made it stronger.

Activating Izanagi in his right eye, he only needed to die.

This was a powerful Doujutsu, capable of altering reality, he would use this to eliminate all the virus from his body, and he would also take advantage of this to not get infected again.

This was very serious, in the Shinobi world there was no such virus, but if it did exist, he knew very well that perhaps all life would be extinguished.

Maybe and just maybe, Tsunade would know how to deal with said disease, although he learned from Tsunade, he didn't have mastery and experience.

Remembering this, Yuki decided that he had to work harder.

Working for his Doujutsu to activate, Yuki felt a prick in his body.


Feeling intense heat coursing through his body, the chakra consumption suddenly stopped.

The crystallization of his blood also stopped, something was changing his DNA, and merging with it.

Yuki could feel it, there was something else in his body, he didn't like this, he always took care of his body so having something unknown wasn't nice.

(The pain, did it stop?)

Although he didn't like it, it was warm and pleasant, it was as if the world itself helping him.

(This... Is? The World is helping me!)

That's right, the Champion's loved by the Worlds, being the saviors, the world would do everything to help the champion, even if it means altering its laws.

It was the same in the Shinobi World, he was loved by the world, having been born in the Shinobi world, the world welcomed him since his birth and to this day continues to welcome him as if he were the most precious being.

The world was strong, being able to control destiny, made it powerful, but at the same time also vulnerable, if someone breaks or opposes their destiny, the laws and balance would be broken, thus damaging the world, there are even beings who can manipulate fate.

In such cases the world would give birth to a hero, it would alter the hero's destiny, making him almost indestructible, but there are cases where the hero's destiny would be broken, leaving the world defenseless, waiting for its destruction.

But at the same time, hope was not lost, there was a 0.00000001% chance that a champion would be born.

A Champion had no destiny, therefore it could not be broken, nor cut, the world could only alter its law to help the Champion, although the Champion was loved by the world, the world could not do much to help them, they were alone and they fought alone.

Unlike the hero who had fate, Champions had to learn to control the laws, that's why champions were rare, so much so that even one was worth thousands of heroes.

What Yuki was feeling right now was the change in the laws of the world, this world had no chakra, it was contaminated by the virus, therefore the world was changing its laws according to the body of the champion.

Slowly opening his eyes, the Sharingan activated, Yuki could see it, the millions of crystals in the air were changing, and his body was absorbing the crystals and fusing them with his chakra.

"I understand..."

Yuki was in a blank space, various red and silver chains coming and going.

"Yuki..." Turning his eyes, Yuki looked at Inori, he was a bit surprised.

"Inori... You, Why?"

"You saved me... I summoned you, I am responsible"

Looking at each other for a moment, Yuki smiled.

"I understand... Thank you, take care of me from now on"

Holding out her hand, Yuki knew Inori, she may be expressionless but she felt guilty.

This is not the first time he sees the look on a woman, with Tsunade it was the same, the reason was different, but the feeling was the same.

"Ye, take care of me... My King" Holding hands, neither of them looked away, but at that moment several chains wrapped around Yuki's right arm, thus creating a mark of a clock, similar to Zafkiel's.

However non of this mattered to Yuki, he would discover this through Rasiel.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

A ray of light shot into the sky, many people couldn't help but look at it, especially a young blonde with long hair, this man was Gai, leader of the Undertaker.

"The Void Genome... Inori you"

Opening his eyes in confusion, he knew what the ray of light meant, someone had obtained the power of the King.

A few hours ago he lost communication with Inori, he was worried but he trusted her, however now.

"Gai... is this?"

Without turning around, Gai recognized the voice, it was a man with long silver hair with glasses, his name was Shibugin, and he was Undertaker's advisor.

"Yes. This is the power of the King"

With a frown, he turned his gaze to a young woman with long black hair, wearing a dark blue connection suit, along with an Electronic Headband that resembles cat ears.

"Tsugumi locates Inori, quickly before the Anti-bodies do"

With one hand in the air, Tsugumi nodded.

Several holograms appeared in front of her while lines of code kept coming.

"Inori.... Just who is the King?"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

At the same time in an unknown place, a blond young man opened his eyes, his ice blue eyes, wearing a white coat with a long collar and black pants.

"The King has been chosen" Muttering softly he stood up.

However very soon he frowned, something was bothering him.

"It's weird... Something's wrong" Holding his chin with his hand, he looked up at the sky.

"The World... " Finding the problem, he opened his mouth in shock, he could feel it, the power in him trembled, and the laws in the world changed.

[No it's not him]

As he was thinking about what had gone wrong, a voice communicated in his head.

"What's up, Eve?"

[Shu... He's not Shu]

With just those words they made the young man frown, something went wrong, first the world now the King.

To create a new generation of humans, Daath has been studying the world for thousands of years, this had never happened before.

"It doesn't matter... I just have to eliminate the one who had usurped the throne."

With a smile on his face, a crack opened at his back, walking towards the crack before disappearing.

_ _ _ _