
[System User] in the multiverse of Madness

When I found out about the multiverse the first time I was told one thing. "The multiverse doesn't make any sense at all." I don't remember who told me that anymore. Back to the topic. My name is Leon Garcia and I am someone referred to by many as a reincarnator. Anyone would think that an enchanter is something special, I would be the main character and the world would revolve around me. But in reality there are thousands or millions like me. No one in this place is unique or special, that's something I found out for myself. And if you want something you have to earn it through force, in this place the most honest or the most honorable doesn't win. The most bastard and unhinged wins. So I will set out on my journey through this place with my annoying companion with the goal of fulfilling my dream. To have a harem of beautiful women and a peaceful life. That would be it, at the end of the day I don't think it would be that hard to achieve..... "Did I just raise a flag?" □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□ [Warning]: English is not my first language. □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□

Reader_Madness · Anime & Comics
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Chapter.6. Damn [Author] stop making me meet brats (1)


[Disclaimer]: I don't own anything, this is purely a fanfic to pass the time.


□•••□•••□•••□(Third Point of View"□•••□•••□•••□




After swallowing his last victim, the Slug Demon smiled with delight.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He died in the end!"

"In the end he was just a stupid, scrawny brat!"

"Yes! Yes! A scrawny, stupid brat! Very stupid!"

While the Slug Demon continued insulting the child he had just devoured. Someone interrupted him.

"Shut up!"

That Demon directed his gaze to that person who was brave or stupid enough to scream while he was present. And the moment he realized who he was, the demon recognized him.

"Oh! It's that brat!"

 "She's here too! HAHAHAHA!"

 "Murder her too!"

While the Slug Demon thought about what he would do with the girl he met in that alley, she continued talking.

"I said shut up!" -unlike her before she trembled with fear when she met him, now she simply looked him in the face without fear.

"You! You! You! Don't you fear us either?!"

"Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?!"

The Slug Demon was confused in these situations where its prey did not tremble with fear, did not beg for mercy, vomited, urinated, etc.

"You didn't kill him!" -The girl shouted as she pointed at the demon. - "You didn't kill León!"

At the girl's words, the Slug Demon simply…. he laughed.





"Why do you think that brat lives?! Why?!"

The Slug Demon asked as he slowly approached the girl.

"Why.. Because he promised me that he would kill you… he promised so I will believe in him."-The girl spoke while she stared at the Demon.

"HAHAHAHA! Funny! Funny!"

"You think that shitty brat is going to kill me! When right now he must be melting in my stomach!"

"And if. "I believe him." - The girl did not back away even when the Demon had gotten too close to her.

The fear of death was something she felt the first time she met this thing, screaming, begging or wishing to be saved were the thoughts that crossed her head at that moment. But now she was different, for some reason she felt that she should trust that boy.

And then between fearing death or trusting that child, she chose the second option.

"You can do it Leon!!" - The scream came at the moment that the Slug Demon pounced with its mouth open wide ready to devour her. She simply closed her eyes tightly accepting whatever fate wanted.

And then-


But the death she expected never came, instead the only thing that came was the sound of the Demon vomiting blood.


The sound of an engine echoed in that place along with the sound of the Demon's suffocation. The girl who kept her eyes closed opened them and what greeted her was the contorted face full of pain of the Demon.

This demon backed away as she moaned in agony at the horrible pain that had started in her stomach.

Several people who were still in that place, whether injured or hiding, saw something that would never leave their minds for the rest of their lives.

It was seen how the demon's back began to swell and then a strange metallic object came out and then cut the demon.



A completely surreal scene of a child of no more than seven years old emerging from inside a demon covered in blood and viscera, wielding a chainsaw while laughing like a maniac.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You had to make sure he was dead Bitch! No one told you that you should always chew what you eat!"

The same child who "had" been devoured by the demon, emerged completely unscathed from within.

And at that moment the voice of that girl was heard who recognized who that boy was.


□•••□•••□•••□( León's Point of View"□•••□•••□•••□





still move even in this state.

[It's surprising that your shitty plan turned out well.] - Zell looked completely surprised at the crazy thing I did.

'My plan is not yet complete. Get ready to take out what I told you when I give you the signal.' - I didn't have time to talk to Zell, my priority was this thing.

"I have to admit! Doing this will definitely be one of the most disgusting things I've ever done in my life! Your insides smell like shit!" - I grabbed what looked like an intestine and wrapped it around my waist to prevent it from flying away. - "But hearing your screams full of agony makes it worth it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So scream bitch! Scream more and entertain me, you big son of a bitch!"



"I'll kill you! I'll kill you, you damn brat!"

"It hurts! It hurts too much!"


"I'm not afraid of you! I'm not afraid of you!"

surprising speed.

Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp

"Gueeeeh! It hurts!" -I screamed when his fangs dug into my left arm, both of my legs, and my abdomen.

It was only a tentacle which did not bite me and only watched my cry of pain with delight.

'It hurts... it hurts too much.'

Due to the attack my grip on Pochita faltered, having such a small body and lack of strength forces me to have to hold it with both hands.

"HAHAHAHA! We told you, brat! We are not afraid! Yes! And now you will die for-


I stopped the Demon's monologue when I bit the tentacle that attacked my arm to tear it off with my teeth.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! IT HURTS!"


I swallowed the demon meat, originally I had the plan to try to eat demon meat but now that I try it I realize that it tasted disgusting. It was like a rag with which they cleaned his shit and he vomited.

'It hurts... I also feel scared... I could die...' – the emotions of fear and pain had always been with me since my damn second life began.

But I learned something on my own when I was in my [Home World] of my second life.

'Dark those emotions and replace them.'

'If I want to live I must abandon any type of light... I must do it the same as always...'

'Only by abandoning that can I kill any being without stopping... only by acting like a true demon'

´… It's My TuRn´

The grimace of pain on my face was replaced by the most bestial smile I could muster.

"Your screams make your meat taste like the best steak you've ever had! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

I took Pochita the right way again and pulled her cord again.



I cut the other tentacles and I was free again, I moved as fast as I could and took out those eyes that were still fixed on my body while this thing writhed in pain.




I could see how this thing's eyes regenerated again. Even the hole I made to get out had already mostly recovered.

'We must cut it more. Cut it until it can no longer be recovered...'



"Stop Please!"


Screams of pain and anger even when I hurt it enough this thing still has fighting spirit that's it.

'This is pretty exciting.'

Darting his eyes to attack me again, he bit into my body again but this time he retreated with large chunks of my flesh, shoulders and legs. Learning from his previous mistake.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" - Given the wounds I have, it is obvious that I will lose sooner or later, but I have a plan for that. - "ZELL!"

Shouting her name, a crack appeared above me from which a candy fell, which I caught with my mouth.

And when he chewed it it began to take effect.




My wounds regenerate quickly and I was again as if nothing had happened.

He knew very well the effects of candy after eating it, low-medium level regeneration, he had 30 minutes before they were gone.

Turning my attention back to the Demon I realized something. Although this thing's eyes did not show much expression, I could make out it deep in his eyes... fear, fear of something that is unknown to him.

"What's happening?!" - I said while continuing to smile at this thing - "I told you we would play to see who would kill the other first!"




Turning towards me, the Slug Demon tried to kill me.

"Come on, you big son of a bitch! Let's see which of the two is the real Demon! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Pieces of flesh are torn from my body, my blood flows and the pain only increases... but I still have to keep cutting. Keep cutting. And... and...

'Let's give him a pile of cast iron'





□•••□•••□•••□( 18 minutes later"□•••□•••□•••□

"Hey… what's wrong with you, son of a bitch?… Where is the demon that laughed like crazy while killing civilians?" -I spoke brokenly as I tried to catch my breath.

In front of me was the Slug Demon or well, what you could say the Slug Demon was before.

A pile of minced meat was now the top half of him while the bottom half of him was still recognizable. I had been cutting and cutting this thing to the point of getting sick, and if you're wondering who I was talking to, it was towards the one eye of this thing that was still in shape.

"please…please…forgive me…. " -The horror and fear that her only eye showed would give a summary of everything that this thing happened.

"I'm sorry… just kill me now please…. "

Something I noticed about this thing is that it had great regeneration capacity and durability. I don't know if all demons are like this but it's better to be careful.

I came to when I felt his single eye slowly approach me, he didn't even have the strength to stretch due to the difficulty with which he moved.

"Do it please…. "

Faced with this scene the only thing that crossed my mind was boredom.




One cut and with this last cut the Slug Demon finally died.

After that I left the big meat ring. My body was covered in blood and I had pieces of meat on my body belonging to this thing.

́How disgusting.´ - I thought about finding a way to shower after this.

I could see how Pochita returned to normal. To which I left it on the ground.

"Woof!" - Pochita greeted me by raising her paw. He seemed quite cheerful.

"Yes Yes. You did it well." - I simply nodded at him as he advanced to a specific place.

I could feel how Pochita also followed me.

Not far from the current corpse of the Demon was Rika who was standing looking dumbfounded at the corpse of that thing.

I looked at her for a while and seeing that she hadn't even noticed me, I decided to get her attention.


Placing my hand on his head, that action made him come to his senses. Turning around Rika noticed me.

Feeling her gaze I was curious about what she would do now.

´ She what will she do now... be scared by what I did... or she will be disgusted by my appearance.'

But what she did surprised me.

Rika looked me up and down and after making sure of my condition she hugged me.

"You're alive. You're really alive." -I heard the tremor in her voice, she seemed too worried about my safety.

Rika's hug was strangely warm and in this hug I could feel her concern and relief for me….

Now that she's starting to think. When was the last time someone hugged me, I don't remember.

Although I thank Rika for not reacting in a hostile manner towards me, I still don't have time for this.

"I told you, didn't I, you didn't have to worry." -I spoke kindly to her while she caressed the girl's head.

She was scared. "When I saw that thing hurt you...I...I thought you were going to die too."

"Do not worry it's alright. "I made a promise and I was going to keep it," I said as I felt her bury her face in my chest. - "But now it would be better if you let me go, you know?"

"You don't like me hugging you…" – I could feel fear and sadness at my rejection.

'Although I feel uncomfortable knowing that I am actually an old man in a brat's body.'

"It's not that, it's nice to be hugged by a pretty girl. But I don't think it's nice to hug someone completely bloody."

At my words, Rika came to her senses. And she let go of me as she stepped back to look at herself.

"Ha. That's why you should be more careful." -Look at Rika's current appearance that now her face and clothes were stained with blood.

"My grandmother is going to kill me when she sees me in this state!" She-she She screamed, completely frightened by her appearance.

The expressions she makes are funny.

"You'll be fine. First of all, it's not your fault, and between being covered in blood or being a corpse, the first option is better, although some prefer the second." - I said remembering some people who would prefer the second option.

Smiling at Rika I watched as she gave me a blank look at my words.

"You're really not good with words."

I simply shrugged at his words.

"I am a foul-mouthed person. Don't expect big speeches from me." -I spoke to Rika while she looked around me.

Given all this destruction, it's obvious that the Demon Hunters will come. But I wonder why they haven't come already... it's strange.

'Ahhh, who am I kidding? That damn [Author] will have something to do with it.

"What do you think will happen?" - I heard Rika's voice sound next to me.

When I looked at her I saw how she seemed worried about all the chaos and destruction there was.

"The demon hunters, police and ambulances will most likely arrive soon. "There are still people alive here." -she spoke as she put her hand on my chin.

"I see… I hope they can be saved." - In Rika's tone of voice I could feel sadness for everything that happened.

'How problematic.'


Placing my hand again on her head I began to caress her. To which she looked at me.

"Listen to me well Rika. "None of this is your fault" –I spoke to her as she stared into his eyes. -"Then she repeats with me. None of this is my fault. Say it."

Rika opened her mouth but nothing came out. It was as if he found it difficult to speak.


"Say it Rika, none of this is my fault." -I saw how she hesitated for a few seconds and then she gathered her courage and started to speak.

"Nothing… none of this is my fault." - At Rika's words I simply smiled at her.

"Exactly. None of this is your fault, so don't worry. You're still too young to go around blaming yourself for everything bad that happens in the world." -I told her as she removed my hand from her head and stretched me out.

My body hurt a lot. Those candies may heal my wounds but the physical and mental pain does not go away.

'Ahhh… I'd like to have a beer.'

"Humph. Because you talk like you're older than me." - Pouting, Rika looked at me with annoyance.

because I really am.' - but I kept it to myself.

"Well. I think it's time to go." - At my words Rika was startled.

"Wait! Are you leaving now?"

"Yes. I can't stay long. Pochita and I have several things to do." - Before that I looked at Pochita who confirmed my words.


'I really have to get help. Understanding what a demon dog says is not normal'

"But…." -Rika looked down as she trembled. - "You said you would talk to me after all… was it all a lie?" She-she She started looking down as she held my hand.

"No. It's not a lie." - At my words Rika looked at me again. -"I would like to talk to you until I can't anymore. But there is something important I must do."

'While I was killing the Demon I remembered that I had to kill one because of my damn debt.'

You might be wondering why not use Slug Demon. And that's simple, first I can't take the Demon's corpse to the Yakuza.

Secondly, they will ask me how I killed that demon without getting hurt.

Thirdly, given the chaos he caused, it is impossible to take this Demon away. .

So I'll go out and hope to find a demon that I can easily kill and take to those bastards. And God willing, I will not encounter another scenario like Rika's.

"It's very important?" -Rika gave me the most tender look she could as if trying to convince me to stay.

'Ha. Brat, that crap doesn't work on me.'

"I'm sorry. But it's very important, you could say that if I don't I might never be able to see you in my life." - 'Because it's probably three meters underground.' - I told myself.

"Oh, sure." -Rika accepted that she had to leave.- "But can we see each other again?"

The hopeful look for me to say yes was quite cute. And after that I realized something.

'Do I have a soft spot for brats?... shit that sure sounded bad...'

But looking at Rika made me remember another brat I met a long time ago.

'I guess I'm a pretty emotional old man...'

"Sure. When do you want to meet?" - at my words I could see Rika smiling.

"What about tomorrow."

"That's fine with me, but do you think they'll leave you after what happened here?" -She said as she looked around her.

They most likely won't let Rika out of this, although from what little she said about her grandmother it's likely that old lady doesn't care about her safety.

Rika was silent at my words. Seeing that she might become depressed again, she continued speaking.

"But who knows, maybe you can still get out." - that was enough for Rika to speak.

"León, do you know the park that is near Sakurada Elementary School?"

'Sakurada School... Why does that name sound familiar?' - I had a bad feeling when I heard that name, but I decided to ignore it.

"Of course I know him." - While I was starving because of my shitty father, I went looking for food in garbage containers and in my search I ended up visiting several places.

Among them several schools from primary to secondary…. Well, maybe I looked for secondary ones for other reasons but I swear by the damn [Author] that I didn't even look for primary ones, rather I ended up finding them, much to my dismay.

I still remember how Zell shouted: [Hide the lolis! A 900+ year old lolicon is in the area! I repeat! Hide the lolis!]

It has to be said that that bastard called me a lolicon before. The damn title only gave him more reason to do it now.

"Yes, that's right. Then we'll meet at that park tomorrow at two, after lunch." -the way he talks about lunch so easily makes me feel like shit knowing that I was almost always starving.

"Of course, we have to meet at that time. If there is nothing more to say then see you tomorrow." - After that I started to walk away from the place with Pochita.

"Goodbye Leon! Goodbye Pochita!" -Rika said goodbye, smiling at me while she waved her hand.

"Bye bye!" -I responded in the same way as she left.


And at my farewell with Rika, someone who had remained silent for too long spoke.

[You know it's a nice picture and all. But when you realize that they are having this moment in a place full of corpses it becomes too murky.] -Zell said as he looked disturbed at the scene.

'It's true... now I feel bad for leaving Rika in this place.'

While I was starting to feel guilty I heard the horns of patrol cars approaching the place.

"Shit! The police! It's time to run!" - I bent down to pick up Pochita and started running as far as possible from the scene.

"woof!" - Pochita seemed to motivate me to go faster.

[HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Run away buddy! Run away! Before the police discover that you seduced a primary school girl!] - Zell laughed happily at my situation..

"Shut up Zell!"

But as I ran with all my strength I could only think of one thing.

'But what a problematic first day'

□•••□•••□•••□(Leon's POV/ 1 day later"□•••□•••□•••□

I found myself shaking with fear as my gaze pointed towards the ground and refused to look up.

"Alright?" - I spoke with a stutter towards the person in front of me.

Currently the old shit from yesterday who told me to pay my father's debt was here in front of me.

And also here was the corpse of a Demon that I found yesterday in my search.

"What is this?" -Although his tone was dry, I could feel the small tremor in his voice when he saw the demon's corpse.

"No. I can't pay the debt. I don't have any money." - Stop talking like it's difficult. - "That's why I decided that I could serve as a Demon Hunter. "I can repay you through the corpses of demons."

I looked at the old man's face, which was simply looking at me coldly. I look at him with fear, in these moments I must give the old man the feeling of absolute control over me so that the possibility of him betraying him seems impossible, and the best control is undoubtedly fear. It's something I learned in my second life.

"uhmm...you think you'll serve as a demon hunter brat." - I could feel the old man's displeasure towards me.

"I.I. I can only do that." –I looked down again when the old man narrowed his eyes, while he couldn't stop shaking.

I could feel the gaze of Pochita who was next to me. He seemed completely confused at how he behaved differently than me.

After a few minutes of silence in which I prepared myself for the possibility that the old man would try to kill me. Listen to his response.

"OK." -After his words I looked at him again, giving him a grateful look, but he looked at one of the men who came here with him.

"Take the corpse of the demon."

"As you say, boss." - After that the boy began to approach to move the body.

"Brat."- the old man spoke to me again. - "From now on every morning I hope to find the corpse of a demon here. If there is one day left, I will make sure that the corpse I find is yours."

After that, the old man returned to the car and after a while of collecting the Demon's corpse, the assistant also got in and they began to leave.

I stood watching them leave, when I was sure that it would be impossible for them to see or hear me from a distance I stopped acting.

"Ufff, what a troublesome shit." - I massage my temples in response to my annoying situation.

[That's your fault, friend! Yesterday I told you that it would be better to kill those monkeys.]-Zell spoke with his usual calm attitude.

"You know I couldn't do that. First of all, I don't have the strength to face a whole group of armed people." - I was realistic about my situation. He did not have the physical capacity to fight.

Yesterday against the demon was more luck because the demon lowered his guard. The yakuza will shoot me if they know I will try to kill them.

Even the weapons I have are of no use to me due to my size and strength. The only one that could work for me would be a dagger that I have but what the hell am I doing fighting with a dagger against pistols.

"Okay whatever. Zell show me the [Hercules Method] manual." - I said that while doing some stretches.

[Sure mate!] -He said happily while showing a pdf in front of me. - [But you think you can do it.]

"If I can. So don't worry." - Looking at the sky, calculate how long it will take me.

'I promised Rika that we would meet at two, so I have four hours left.'

I started reading the pdf.

'The key to the Hercules method is to concentrate the mind, body and spirit on one thing... interesting.'

I sat on the floor in a meditative manner as I began to concentrate.


"Not now, Pochita, I'm busy. Let's talk later." - after telling him that I decided to ignore him and concentrate completely on training.

́ Concentrating my body and spirit is not as difficult as some make it seem. Having lived for so long with a fairy capable of manipulating souls helps you understand a lot about souls. The problem comes from the part of the mind.'

I closed my eyes to focus on aligning my mind with everything else.

'Hey, we appeared again in a new chapter!'

'Ahh~ I miss Rika-chan'

'Stay away lolicon!'

'Shut up! I already told you I'm not a lolicon! It's not my problem if you're not able to see the beauty of lolis!'

´you had to be´

I tried to concentrate, ignoring the damn [Crazy Voices]. Her voices that are always exaggerated little by little began to become more monotonous.

'Hey, it looks like the main body is trying to concentrate.'


'He wants us to shut up, again...'

"He" wants to speak. '

Those annoying voices fell silent. This part was always easy... the problem comes now.


'The roar of the sea... furious waves...'

I tried to focus my mind... but everything I see is strange. I tried more than once, but I just gave up.

Opening the eyes. I stopped finding myself in reality to be on a beach, the sand a crimson color as if it had been dyed with blood and in front of me was the sea... I could see the waves crashing with the shore, but what caught my attention the most was the color of the sea.

Darker than the night itself.


For some strange reason the sound of the waves reminded me of the roar of an animal. To be exact, a dog.

'Tear, destroy, devour'

'cut, cut, cut'

'Kill, hate, kill and hate.'

'Aversion, fear, hatred'

'Devour, massacre, annihilate'.

Repeating over and over like they were a broken radio. She tried to ignore them, but...


 "You are a disgrace! We should have aborted you when we could!"

 "HA HA HA . No matter what you try [Hound]. In the end. In the end you alwa ys lose."

 "I'm very glad to have met you Leon."

 "It doesn't matter what others believe! I think you're a good person!"

 "Heh~ I knew you would come to save me."

 "I'm sorry mate... but she's dead."

 "I wonder if everything would be better if he just shot me."

 "Fight, but not for me or for anyone… but fight for yourself. And only for you Leon"

 "All of this is your fault!"

 "I regret not having let you die in that place."

 "In the end no one in this shit hole is special."

 "Do I really deserve something like this?"

 "In the end…. The only thing I'm really good at is killing others." 


That echoed in my mind again along with images that I couldn't understand.

'Tear, destroy, devour'

'cut, cut, cut'

'Kill, hate, kill and hate.'

'Aversion, fear, hatred'

'Devour, massacre, annihilate'.

'Just shut the hell up...' - the headache I started to feel was hellish.

'Tear, destroy, devour'

'cut, cut, cut'

'Kill, hate, kill and hate.'

'Aversion, fear, hatred'

'Devour, massacre, annihilate'.


Ignoring my words they simply continued.

'It's okay if you want that... but I can't do it if I'm not strong. So why don't you shut up and let me talk to him?'

The sound of the waves still continued but the voices had fallen silent. Directing my vision to the waves I could see how a whirlpool began to form from which a being began to emerge from it.



The sound of the waves began to be replaced by the growls and barks of a dog.

A dark, formless being appeared floating on the waves. He calmly began to approach me.

With each step that approached this creature began to gain shape and grow larger until it arrived in front of me measuring nearly ten meters in height.

A dog with dark fur that seemed to absorb any type of light, strange eyes in the shape of rays of a deep crimson color, from those eyes he could feel various emotions hate, anger, envy, lust and greed. His mouth had two rows of sharp fangs ready to rip and tear.

I knew this being, you could say that apart from Zell this thing has also been accompanying me since my former homeworld.

'It's been seven years since you used me. And to think that you would use me to kill a simple Demon'

The Beast spoke to me while looking at me curiously.

"Yes… it was a good seven years of rest. But now I have to go back to work." - I spoke calmly while looking at the nightmare dog in front of me.

I know. You want me to let you align with your body and your soul, don't you?'

"You always know what I will do so you ask me." - talking to this thing always makes me uncomfortable.

She was ready to hear her refusal to help me but her words surprised me.

'Ha~ Okay. I'll let you do it just this once.'

I looked at him confused at his quick acceptance. This guy always refused to help me with anything other than killing.

"Oh really?" - I asked doubtfully.

Yeah. That training method is quite interesting to me.'-she said while smiling showing her sharp fangs. - ́But it will only be when you are training, as for the rest, don't think that I will help you. '

"Everything you like is always shit." -I spoke while massaging my temples.

Even if I no longer hear the [Crazy Voices] my headache still persists.

"Well, whatever, that's all I'll leave." - I got ready to wake up.

'I just have one question.' -She asked me with a curious tone. While he lay on the ground.

Before I could answer him he continued.

'Are you planning to use that girl from yesterday as a replacement for Maria?'

I stood still as I looked at this thing.

´Haha~ What's wrong? Why are you giving me that look?´ - Speaking in a playful tone the Beast simply continued smiling. - ´Don't tell me, you're trying to forget about her through that stupid dream you picked up from that man. Kha hahahahahahahaha´

He began to laugh, a laugh that echoed throughout the place and along with his laughter my headache increased.

"Shut up."

'¿Shut up?. But I have never been silent since I have been here. I always talk to you but you decide to ignore me using those stupid and meaningless voices. Besides, we know what you really want from that girl. Why else would we treat her so kindly?

Getting up he began to approach me.

'You want everything that girl has to offer you her love, her body, her soul and her mind. You will take everything from her.'


Opening his mouth disproportionately I could see small lights inside which I quickly closed my eyes when I saw them.

'What's wrong? Don't you want to see her again? Don't you want to feel that pure and innocent ? Why do you refuse to remember?'

"I said shut up."

'Why did you forget your true origin? How long will you continue to show yourself as a graceless clown? Do you want to run away from everything by clinging to that man's desire? Do you think that just by having a third chance you can start from scratch? Do we try to pretend to be something we are not?

'You can't run away. I know how late your useless attempt to escape from everything will take you to me. Remember after all, I am you.´




"Cough. Cough. Cough."

I coughed as he tried to catch his breath. Looking around I realized that I had returned to reality.

[Hey buddy! What happened to you? You look like shit] -Although Zell's tone seemed normal, I understood that he was worried.


Hearing Pochita's bark, I felt uncomfortable remembering that bastard.

´Remember after all, I am you.´

"It's no big deal."

After a while I felt more comfortable. My mind feels clear... what the hell.

"Finally all three things are fine." - my mind, body and soul were aligned in one thing.

´Get the life I want.´

'Do you want to escape from everything by clinging to that man's desire?'

'It wasn't like that. This was what I wanted.'

"Very good to work." - Ignoring that bastard, I prepared to train but I thought of something. -"I would like to have background music… like [I´ll Make A Man Out Of You]."

[Don't worry mate! I will sing for you.] - Hearing Zell, I quickly moved to silence him but it was too late. - [Let´s Get Down To Business. To Defeat the Huns… ]

I hate myself

And so my training began with Zell singing in the background.

´Well. At least I'll use it as motivation.'

Getting into position I started doing push-ups.






□•••□•••□•••□(León Viewpoint/ 3 hours and 30 minutes"□•••□•••□•••□

Currently I was with Pochita walking in the park, where I should meet Rika. If you're wondering why I arrived 30 minutes early, it's simple.

I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything strange in this park. I'm a system user with [Storyline Armor] in addition to the other [Storyline Armor] that belonged to the guy I killed yesterday. The problems are closely related to me.

"It's good that there is nothing strange." - I sighed in relief when I saw that there was nothing dangerous.

"Woof!"- Pochita next to me thinks the same.

[This is boring mate. Practically the only exciting thing you've done is fight yesterday's slug and of course seduce a primary school brat.] - Zell seemed annoyed at how peaceful my day was going.

" If it were up to me I prefer my life to be simply a slice of life. "

I continued wandering through the park with Pochita while I remembered something.

'We never determined exactly where in the park we were...'

I sighed internally at my stupidity.

[Hey! When are you going to brainwash a mature woman and then make her moan your name while her husband watches all this with a hateful boner!]

'Okay... that was too specific. '

"First, what do you expect me to do? I'm seven years old. And according to the average age of hentais I have to wait until I am ten years old" - But even I feel horrified by the Japanese.

[Until now the only mature woman you have had contact with was that woman you killed yesterday and all you did was insult her son.]

Remembering the mother and son from yesterday, I shook my head.

´The mother was not that attractive so it doesn't matter much... ´-if I want to win a woman's heart she must be beautiful. Is my way of thinking disgusting? It is but I don't care.

"But anyway, for now we can only use this time to make me strong.

'And then use the system as it should.'

I really felt bad about myself. I have a sexual system but I'm not old enough to use it.

'Damn [Author] because the hell you didn't make me transmigrate into the body of a 15-year-old teenager instead of making me reincarnate.'

"Oh. Why do you plan to become strong?" - I heard a jovial voice sound next to me as I continued to advance.

"It's simple, this world is very dangerous, I need strength to be able to live the life I want." - I responded to the voice.

"UwU. It's true, my mom tells me to be careful when I go out." - I could feel how the voice nodded at my words.

"Still I hate my bad luck. Knowing me, I'll get in trouble no matter what." - I wonder if there is a system that gives good luck to the user.

"I see. Then you have to be careful because something bad could happen to you." -I could sense a little concern in her tone of voice.

[Hey mate-] - Before Zell told me about the problem I responded to him.

I know, Zell.'

After saying that, I looked to my side to see the person who had started following me since I said I wanted to become strong.

Seeing who it was I simply smiled kindly.

'Because? Why [Author]? Why the hell is she another damn brat!?

Although I screamed in my mind, my face was serene, continuing with my smile.

Wavy blonde hair with side bangs and two red bows, beautiful green eyes, she was wearing a white dress with a pink jumpsuit.

'She looks like a doll...'

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you." -I told her while she gave him her hand, to which she looked at her for a while and then smiled and shook my hand.

"My name is Carol, nice to meet you." - I speak with a jovial and carefree voice.

[Name: Carol Olston / Franchise: Tomo-chan Wa Onnanoko!]

"Why have you been following me?" - When I asked my question, I was able to see Carol for a few seconds and then answer.

"I don't know." She-she smiled again in the same way as before.

"... You do not know."

"No, I do not know." - Carol looked back and pointed to a bench. -"I was sitting there until you passed by talking to yourself. When I realized I was by your side."

'...does this have something to do with my [Storyline Armor]...or this girl is just strange.'

"And who were you talking to? Was it your imaginary friend? You do not have friends? Are you talking to yourself because you don't have friends? What breed is this dog? Why does he have a chainsaw sticking out of his face? Hurts? Are they bothering you? My questions? Are you making that face because you feel upset? -The girl spoke with a smile when she saw how she began to frown.

Massaging my temples I responded.

"No. I'm just-" - I stopped when I felt a finger dig into my cheek.

"Picaaar…" -Carol was digging her finger into my cheek. - "Your face is funny."

'…. '

"Woof! Woof!" -Pochita, she looked at me with pity for my situation.

[HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.] - Zell's damn laugh wasn't helping me. -[Hey! You're a Lolis magnet!]

Holding his wrist I made him stop touching me.

"Good. As was saying-"

"What is your name?" - Carol interrupted me.


"Is your name Pedro? You have the face of Pedro."

"...my name is Leon Garcia." - At my words Carol seemed surprised.

"Oh~. You are a foreigner like me." - What Carol was saying made sense because my name didn't sound Japanese at all.

"One could say, Yes."

"And this little one, what's his name?" Carol knelt down and caressed Pochita.


"Wow, how cute"

I wonder if no one suspects that Pochita is a demon or is this world so fucked up that Pochita's appearance is seen as just a strange dog.

"His name is Pochita."

"I see ~" –Carol stood up as she turned her attention to me – "And what are you doing here? You got lost just like me."

"That you say you are lost with a smile is worrying…"

I looked at Carol who was now humming as she looked at me.

'Ugh... because I can't have a normal day.'

"Who did you come to the park with?"

"With my maid."

At what Carol said I looked at her from her feet to her head.

'So she comes from a wealthy family.'

"I see. Is there anything that stands out about your maid?" -At my question, Carol put her finger on her chin while she seemed to remember and after a while she answered me.

"They would be her tits, they're the size of my head." -Carol said as she used her fingers to make the shape of her head.

"Cough, cough, cough" -I ended up choking on saliva because of what she said.

"Oh, you're sick. "You should take better care of yourself." -Carol didn't seem to understand that what she said was the cause of my cough.

"Nothing. Well, at least we have some clue to look for her."

As if she remembered something, Carol clapped her hands.

"Oh, yes. She's also wearing a maid outfit and her hair is the same color as mine."

'Brat, you couldn't start with that.'

Mentally scolding her I started walking.

"Very well. I will help you find your maid."

"Yes! Thank you very much Leon-chan~" Carol raised her arms with joy.

[Admit it now, friend. You're a lolicon~] – Zell's mocking look irritated me.

'Shut up, I only helped her because she had time, and maybe she can use the same tactic for the future like with Rika.'

While talking to Zell I heard Carol say, "Ohh~ a butterfly!"

Carol seems to be the most popular type of girl in Japan. Helpless and carefree.

I can see that. Next to me was a beautiful blonde woman who-' - I couldn't continue with my thoughts when I looked at Carol.


I ran as fast as I could to grab Carol's shoulders and pull her to my chest.

"Hey" – was the only thing Carol said to my actions.

But I didn't pay attention to it, instead I saw the truck moving at maximum speed that was about to hit Carol.

"Oh~ Thank you Leon-chan! I almost died there! Hehe"-she showed a carefree attitude towards her possible death.

At her indifferent behavior towards her near death, my face darkened. This brat smelled of trouble because of the way she was.

'Why the hell don't I know any normal women?'

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[Author's words]:

And I came back another weekend...

From now on I think I'll make long chapters to make up for the time.

It must be said that I have already planned what will happen during León's first years as a System User. It will be quiet and there may be a few fights, but it will be easy for our deranged little one.

There is also a possibility that the next chapter will come out sooner, but I don't promise anything.

Well that's it. I wish a good day to everyone who is reading this.

Fun fact: The reason Zell calls Leon Lolicon is because of an event that happened long ago. Since then Zell annoys him by calling him that.

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¡Woof! - Pochita

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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