
[Sorry, it’s been DROPPED] The Raven (Kuroko no Basket FF)

I can’t find any good Kuroko no basket FF, so I figured I’d attempt my own. There was one I found, that I can’t remember the title of, but they haven’t posted a new chapter in months, so my FF is probably going to be similar to theirs because I want my MC to be able to compete against the GoM. As I’m busy with work and stuff however, I can’t promise that my upload schedule will be consistent at all. As well I can’t promise my writing will be any good. I’ve just hit a KnB itch lately and can’t find any that actually has the MC playing. So here’s my attempt.

RavennevaR · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Award Ceremony

[3rd Person POV]

The Teiko members were currently still sitting in their seats staring down at the court, some with shock others with grim faces. Not knowing what to make of the game they just witnessed. All of the soon to be Generation Miracles were thinking long and hard about what they could do against a player like Ryosei when he plays like that.

Finally Nijimura stands up and the rest of the team looks at him.

"Everyone get up we have the award ceremony to attend. Put this match at the back of your mind for now, even at the soonest we won't play them for another 2 and half weeks."

Most give absent nods, but there were a few replies as they all stood and made their way to the floor. Shoei was much the same, while they had made it to the finals of Block A they were crushed by Teiko and watched as another team put up and even more lopsided score than Teiko did.

Kiyoshi made sure to remember the name of Aida Ryosei, as he was sure that he was the most dangerous player at the middle school level of Japan if not high school too. He showed astounding basketball IQ by coaching his team to be able to win matches against stronger without him even stepping on the court. He also showed he had skills that surpassed even the most talented of players.

He knew that he needed to practice more if he wanted to play against these freaks when they made it to high school, but he still had one more year of middle school to get through. Though he would persevere as he always has.

Back in the Katagiri locker room we see Kagetora and Riko standing outside the door waiting for the players. When Ryosei sees them he immediately sighs and steps to stand beside them, while his teammates go inside to change.

Kagetora looks over his son, and sees the unreadable expression that his son has had for years now. For a while now Ryosei's stats have been hidden even from him, but he would never let him know that. It's not surprising to him that Riko hasn't been able to read them either.

"Did you 2 enjoy the match?" Ryosei asks with a cheeky grin

Kagetora stares for a few seconds, trying to discern what answer Ryosei is expecting. If there's one thing he knows about his son is that it's hard to surprise him, like he knows and has already guessed what will be said or done. But instead he opts for a slight smile and patting Ryosei's head, expecting him to brush it off. However Ryosei does the opposite and gives a genuine smile, one that's seldom seen in the Aida household nowadays.

"You did great. But did you have to go all out on that team?" Kagetora finally speaks. Ryosei's smile turns back to the cheeky grin.

"Heh, those Twins thought they were tough stuff. Drawing fouls all the way to the finals, they had sharp tongues too for people that didn't have the skills to back it up."

Kagetora frowns slightly at this.

"Not everyone is as gifted as you Ryo." Ryosei's grits his teeth and frowns deeply at that.

"Tsk, even you doubt the amount of work I put into this sport?" Ryosei ask accusingly.

"That's not what I said." Kagetora replies quickly.

"But its what you all mean when you say "gifted". Like I didn't put more hours than most of them combined." Ryosei spats back.

"Not everyone realizes their passion at such a young age and has the ability to through all their time into it either. You have to realize just because you can do it doesn't mean everyone can, and gifted is different than talented. You are gifted, you pick up what you try quickly if not instantly. You are smarter than most kids your age, your body grows at an exceptional rate. Whether you want to admit or not you are gifted.

I would never doubt or deny the countless hours of hard work you've put in that even surpasses the time I put in on the National team. But you can't expect everyone to be as good as you." Kagetora finishes.

Ryosei has a complicated expression on his face, which surprises both Riko and Kagetora because Ryosei hardly ever shows any emotion other than what he wants to show. However now he's staring intently at the ground while clenching his fists tightly. They're sure if his hands weren't rough with calloused and worn skin they would be bleeding.

Riko timidly reaches out to place a hand on Ryosei's shoulder, and they could see his anger flare briefly before he went back to his aloof expression.

"I see. I'll do better next time."

He shrugs off both their hands and heads inside the locker room with the lock clicking as soon as the door shuts. Riko looks up at her dad and kicks him in the shin.

"Ow! what was that for?!"

"Idiot, why did you have to say all that?" Riko asks with both hands on her hips.

"He needed to hear it whether you think so or not. He expects too much from kids who should just be having fun." Kagetora defends.

Riko pouts and starts walking back to the stands to watch the Award Ceremony, with Kagetora dejectedly following behind.

'Great now both children are mad at me' he thinks to himself.

Teiko was currently standing in the floor waiting Katagiri and Kamata to return back for the ceremony.

"Man how does a guy like him get so good?" A second string Teiko member whispers.

"I don't know, but I wish I was as talented as him. I wouldn't even need to practice if I was that good." Another 2nd string whispered back

"And you're not that good, so you better keep practicing!" Nijimura turned around to quiet them down.

"You can't blame them for thinking that way. They probably think the same about us." Midorima says

"Ya well it's not all talent, we had to practice too." Aomine speaks up.

"They think we're just born able to play basketball like this, we aren't even as talented as Ryosei over there." Aomine continues as he gestures over to where Ryosei and Katagiri are walking on to the court.

"You should say that about Aida, Aomine." Momoi says

"Huh? Satsuki?"

"When I went looking for Kuroko I accidentally ran into Aida. Uhm literally, and he kept me from falling." She said out loud while a small blush formed on her cheeks, before she shook her head and continued.

"When he caught I felt the skin of his hand on my arm, and I could feel the many grown over calluses and tough, worn skin. I would say he's practiced harder and more than any of you. And while I can't get a good analysis on him, what I have gotten supports that." She pauses once again before continuing.

"I wouldn't doubt if Aida Ryosei has been playing and practicing basketball well before the couple years leading up to middle school. While he does have a lot of innate talent, I think most of it is honed through countless so hours of practice."

Momoi finally finished while releasing a deep breath. Everyone on Teiko is staring at her in disbelief, it made it that much worse to know that it wasn't just pure talent. Ryosei had put in at least the same amount of work if not way more. Before they could think too much more on it, the announcer came over the mic.

""Now we will begin the award ceremony. First if the coaches of each team could come to the stage and receive their teams respective placing trophy. In first place of the Block A bracket could Coach Kozo Shirogane of Teiko please come up.""

Everyone saw a grey haired old man stand and wave but a younger man, Naoto Sanada, was the one to come up to the stage and grab the trophy.

""Now the 2nd place team of Block A, could coach Nakamura Mukai of Shoei please come up.""

(Couldn't find their coach so I made it up.)

A middle aged man came up and accepted the trophy before returning to his seat.

""Next we have the 1st place team of Block B, could Coach… erm Aida Ryosei of Katagiri please come up.""

Ryosei confidently walked up and accepted the trophy. The announcer then called the same of Kamata West's coach before moving on to the individual awards.

""Most rebounds, Murasakibara Atsushi of Teiko""

""Most points throughout the tournament, Aida Ryosei of Katagiri""

""Most points in a single match, Aida Ryosei""

""Most steals, Aida Ryosei""

""Most blocks, Murasakibara Atsushi""

""Most Assists, Arata Haru of Katagiri""

""Defensive MVP, Tie between Murasakibara of Teiko and Aida Ryosei of Katagiri""

""Offensive MVP, Aida Ryosei""

""Tournament MVP, Aida Ryosei""

""Now for new records of the Tokyo Middle school Nationals preliminary tournament. The first shutout in tournament history by Katagiri Junior High vs Iwai Middle school. Score: 54-0""

""Most points in a single a game, Katagiri vs Kamata West. Score: 162-24""

""Most points in a quarter, Katagiri: 100 points""

""Most points in a single quarter by an individual, Aida Ryosei: 100 points""

The announcer rattled off a few more awards for Ryosei before calling a close of the tournament.

""Teiko Junior High, and Katagiri Junior High will represent Tokyo in the National tournament. Please cheer them on.""

Cheers were heard throughout the stadium, but as it calmed down everyone began filing out of the stadium to head back home. The Katagiri team was no different, parents of the players picked them but not without giving a strange look to Ryosei before walking off.

[Ryosei POV]

Heh I guess even after all this time they still can't get over how I am. Here come dad and Riko, time to head home and start preparing the training routine for everyone until Nationals. With that I stretched deeply and leaned back until I touched the ground making sure to pop and stretch my back all the way out.

Only to see a blushing Momoi, a neutral Kuroko, and wildly grinning Aomine. I realize that Momoi is blushing because my shirt has fell down, revealing my abs but I decide to stay here a little but longer to tease her.

"What's up?" I ask them as they finally come to a stop in front of me. Or is it behind me?

"Quit fooling around, or Satsuki might pass out." Aomine said while smirking at Momoi. She quickly slapped his shoulder while pouting.

"Dai chan, I am not." But her face still had a faint blush to it. Though I decided I might as well stand up, since the blood was starting to rush to my head.

"Alright, I'm up. Was there something you wanted to say?"

"Not me, I just tagged along with these 2. But if I had to say one thing it's that I won't lose to you at Nationals, you can bet on it." Aomine said with a wild grin. I smirked and held out my hand towards him which he grasped in return. I squeezed when our hands met to let him know I was serious.

"I'll hold you to that." I said before releasing.

I held my hand out to Kuroko, but he pulled his hand to his chest before looking at me.

"No, that look like it hurt."

"Haha I wasn't going to squeeze your hand that hard." I said while still leaving my hand out there, right before he grabbed it I snapped my fingers and a small piece of paper appeared in between my thumb and index fingers. They all gasped with their mouths wide open and I just chuckled.

"Here, read this when you're alone or with them it doesn't really matter. Whether you do what's written or not, doesn't bother me." I said mysteriously before grabbing his hand in a handshake and leaving the paper there.

"Hey! Why did you shake my hand so hard, but didn't Kuroko?!" Aomine shouted.

"Because he's not as dense as you.." I say with a brief pause before looking at Momoi. "Well most of the time."

I reach my had out to Momoi last and hold it gently in my hand for a few seconds.

"I look forward to the strategies you come up with to stop me." I say and then give a big grin before gently squeezing her hand. A light tinge of pink crosses her cheeks as she nods. I quickly turn around to see my father and sister standing there waiting. My dad has a smirk on his face while Riko seems to be looking at Momoi before looking down and then back before slumping in defeat.

I could only shake my head as I walk in between the two down the street.


Author's Note

I think I'm going to drop this book for the time being. I started it while I was watching the show, and now I'm just kind of bored with it. Sorry. I appreciate how many of you read it, reviewed, commented and gifted power stones these past 2ish weeks I think? Almost 3. We even made it as high as number 10 in the power stones monthly leaderboard! Thanks for that.

I apologize for making it seem like this would be a long time FF, but at the time I was really enjoying writing it. I've done this with previous FFs before, I've done a Pokémon and a SAO one but dropped both of them after around 10 chapters, so I'm quite proud of myself for sticking with a story for 20 chapters. Especially when the SAO and Pokémon FFs followed the story very closely if not completely in some cases. Each of those were under different names, so you won't find them on this account.

Once again I'm sorry for dropping this FF, maybe one day I'll come back and rewrite it to be a little better. But now I'm off to make a new account and start another FF that will probably end after 2 weeks lol. I'm thinking either Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Reincarnated as a Slime, Pokemon, The Beginning after the End or Naruto. The only problem with Naruto, Pokemon and GoT is that so many people have written so many good FFs for them that it will be hard to meet expectations set by them.

Hope you enjoyed.
