
[Rewrite Ver] Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen With THREE WISHES

This is a rewrite and new version of Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen with THREE WISHES. Storyline will mostly stay the same until Shibuya but I might add or change a few scenes here and there. This is more fluff, slower-paced and generally happier tone than the original so feel free to enjoy this! (Action / Mystery/ Romance) MC died an unfortunate death and a god offers her to reborn in Jujutsu kaisen world! And she had THREE WISHES! Innate technique? Cursed energy? She can have EVERYTHING !!! Follow MC's journey as she goes to Tokyo Jujutsu High, messes with people, toying with curses and getting stronger all the while facing strong, unexpected enemies. Will she overcome the obstacles and uncover the truth of her rebirth to get a happy ending for herself? OC x Gojo Satoru Fluff/ Action / Mystery / Smut/ Romance (Happy Ending) So, for the male ML, I decided to go with Gojo because I can't see Sachiko with anyone else so it'll technically be Student-Teacher relationship. MC is NOT UNDERAGE. However you have triggers, please do not read this. Warning - Violence, Death, Self-harm, Implied Sex Scenes, Explicit Sex scenes, Extremely Possessive Behavior (I know it's more fluff but it's still JJK so expect some blood and tears, I won't make it as dark, I promise TT) SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DON'T READ MANGA SOME EVENTS AND INFO FROM MANGA STARTING FROM VOL 2!! (Bookcover is an art I commissioned an artist san ^.^)

Chaotic_Clara · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 21- Meeting Gojo Satoru

Two years later

Sachiko was finally eighteen and she had grown to be around 168 cm tall. However, despite her combat training and workouts, she still looked rather slim than having actual athletic body, which Sachiko blamed it on her genes or something.

She was also still caught up in her gambling and her initial idea of getting a part-time job also had been thrown away when she realized how shitty it was to actually work.

At least with gambling, she could get money without having to work and be abused at work.

So, she kept doing what she had been doing for the past two years and thought her life was going perfectly.

She woke up at 2 pm as usual and opened the door of her apartment to go to the convenience store across the street.

But, to her surprise, what was waiting for her as soon as she opened the door was a man with white hair, wearing sunglasses and as soon as she spotted him, the man pulled down his sunglasses slightly and stared at her with his mesmerizing blue eyes.

"So..you're supposed to be Nakamura Sachiko?"

He asked but Sachiko immediately knew that wasn't a question. Like this man knew who she was the moment he waited outside her door.

She found herself nodding nevetheless and she saw him smiling or should she rather say grinning?

"Great! I'm Gojo Satoru, the person in charge of first years at Jujutsu High." He introduced himself.


"Now, you're registered as a curse user after a series of incidents and higher-ups are demanding an execution." Gojo Satoru announced as if it was a normal occurence.

Sachiko was shocked, mainly because she never thought she broke that many laws and especially not the bad ones that would demand execution.

"Excuse me? I don't think I did anything wrong..I mean I didn't do anything that bad?"

Gojo's lips curled up into a smile, "Is it a coincidence that more than a hundred people had been gone crazy in the span of the last two years and they happen to go to a few gambling spots you frequent to?"

"I don't gamble..."

"Sure you don't. This place is just magically free and you must not have bills to pay, huh?"


"Okay, even if I gamble, it doesn't mean I'm responsible for..."

"I have very good eyes." Gojo said in a very serious tone. "So I wouldn't lie if I were you."

"Okay...I might be the one who drove them a bit insane? but they were trying to kill me so I defended myself?" Sachiko tried to plead.

"That's not helping your case, sweetheart." Gojo said with a chuckle. "You should be dramatic like crying and sobbing but then again, you should be stronger than those civilians by a lot so it is not a legitimate excuse."


"And yeah, I also have the records of you bringing flyheads and grade 4 curses to your former manager's house and customers who complained. You worked at a bakery for two weeks, right?"

"Uhh..how did you know that?"

Sachiko said without thinking and when she realized she basically admitted to it, she laughed nervously.

"I didn't for sure or I neither had records! But you've admitted it so must be true, huh? " Gojo said and Sachiko was tempted to close the door on his face. She would have if he wasn't so good-looking and wasn't giving off the vibes of someone who could kill her easily if she did so.

"So...am I really getting executed? I mean it's pretty unfair..I didnt even kill that many people and why..."

"Oh..so you killed people too!" He exclaimed and Sachiko wished she kept her mouth shut.

"Curse users..they were after me and threatened to get my mom involved..."

At her explanation, Gojo's eyes softened a bit and he chuckled. "Well, I have an offer for you. Join Jujutsu High."


"Or ge executed." Gojo said.

"I don't think I deserve that.."

"You broke a ton of laws and harmed hundreds of civilians."

"They are alive so it's not that bad!"

"You brought curses into their homes." Gojo said.

"Again, they are alive."

"You also broke normal laws like fake names, fake documents, gambling, killing and stuff. I'm surprised you think you did nothing wrong after breaking laws left and right.." Gojo said again, staring into her eyes.

"Alright, you win. I will join Jujutsu High but can I not go to Kyoto?" Sachiko said with a sigh. She had been wanting to join Tokyo Jujutsu High so she actually didn't mind having to go there. She was just really annoyed that she had been put up for execution for small things.

Gojo gave her a thumbs up as if she did the right choice. "Great! Now pack up, we're leaving to Tokyo in an hour!"

"Wait, what?"


So, an hour later, Sachiko packed two big luggages and was waiting for the train with Gojo Satoru.

"Couldn't you have given me more time to pack?" Sachiko complained as she sat on one of the only free benches.

"If I had done so, I would be carrying more than two luggages." He said with a huff and Sachiko smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, I'm not like physically strong so carrying two luggages onto the stairs were hell to me."

It was a lie, because she could just enhance her body with cursed energy but why would she carry it when she could use an excuse to make Gojo Satoru carry her bags?

"Hmm..I see." He said and fell silent so Sachiko suspected he knew what she was doing.

"So..umm..how did you find me? I mean I thought I was pretty good at hiding residuals and stuff." Sachiko muttered.

"I told you I have really good eyes." Gojo said, staring into her eyes again. Sachiko had to break eye contact just because of how they were mesmerizing and it was a weird feeling.

Gojo chuckled but he didn't elaborate any further.

Soon, the train arrived and they got onto the train.

They ended up sitting side by side so Sachiko had to try her best not to stare at him too much, which was one of the hardest things she had ever done in this life.

Noticing her sneaky glances throughout the ride, Gojo chuckled and asked, "Any reason you're staring?"


"I see, well, I get it. Who can stop staring at me, right?" Gojo said in a very confident tone, which gave more of a narcissist vibe but for some reason, that seemed to fit him perfectly.

"Do you not have questions?" Sachiko blurted out instead because at this point, she didn't know how to respond to his earlier statement.

"Oh I do have a lot of questions." Gojo said casually, while spreading his legs some more and taking up more space in a relatively crowded train.

"Why aren't you asking then? I mean I'm glad I'm not like being interrogated but.."

"Who said you aren't being interrogated?"

Gojo spoke without waiting to finish her sentence and Sachiko almost swore out loud.

"Don't worry. You're going to be interrogated by the great Gojo Satoru when we get to Jujutsu High." He continued and Sachiko wished she kept her mouth shut, again.

Silence took over again and that continued until they got off the train. If Gojo noticed her being silent and feeling uneasy, he didn't say anything but he had a faint smile on his face that would go unnoticed unless one studied his face carefully.


Gojo Satoru had never thought he would finally find the one who had been dealing with curses in that small town two years later. There were a lot of curse related incidents and rather mysterious disspearing curses which were mostly assumed to be of Suguru's doing but contrary to what higherups assume, he knew one of the incidents in Sendai was not Suguru's doing. There were no residuals left so no one could really prove anything but there wasn't any signs of Suguru being in Sendai at that point in time. He had confirmed it himself so his mind went to another direction.

What if the one responsible for exorcizing the curse in Sendai was the same girl from that small town?

But, again, he didn't have much hopes about it since he knew one of the girls went to Kyoto and the other girl was supposed to be only sixteen at the time of incident, which wasn't the issue but if she was the one dealing with the whole town's worth of curses alone, she had to be doing it since she could walk and he found it quite hard to believe, especially when there should be no one in that town to teach her about Jujutsu.

While it goes the same for the older girl, it seemed more believable because of her age compared to the other.

Yet, Gojo Satoru found himself not throwing away the possibility of the younger girl being the one to exorcize all those curses.

After a few more pushes to make Ijichi investigate, he found that a girl named Nakamura Sachiko moved to the neighborhood that was famous for those disappearing cases in Sendai and moved away when the incident happened. Others assumed she finally got scared and hence left but Gojo couldn't help but think if she fled the town to avoid suspicion after exorcizing the curse.

Ijichi even happened to interview a boy named Itadori Yuji and he told him that the boy knew Nakamura after she moved to Sendai about a year ago and they became friends. Again, the timeline aligned with when the younger girl from that small town moved to a city. Not to mention they had the same name.

So, Gojo asked Ijichi to keep an eye for her curse-related activities and if she was found to be exorcizing a curse, he was supposed to bring her to Jujutsu High.

But then, the girl vanished.

No activities with the name or whatsoever and Ijichi couldn't find where the girl went.

Until two years later, when he happened to go to this particular city and take a walk late at night, he found a girl carrying two flyhead from its head. The moment he saw her, he recognized from her cursed energy that she was the one from that small town. But he decided to hide his presence and first watch what she was up to by bringing two flyheads.

The girl didn't really seem to be paying attention to her surroundings and she seemed quite upset about something.

He watched as the girl put the curses into someone's house and stood there quite surprised by this turn of events.

Surely, the curses were not strong enough to actually harm the victims but actively bringing curses to the house of someone they hated was a new one.

He had always thought the girl might have just preferred to do the right thing by exorcizing the curses behind the scene but turned out she was a rather chaotic one as well.

He didn't think much of it but a few days later, he found out what she actually had been up to and realized she might as well be a curse user at this point.

So, he decided to show up at her door.


A/N : Satoru finally found her and she's going to Tokyo school!

i just had to rush this to heal myself after reading the latest manga leaks :(

Might do some flashbacks of her mischiefs in the past two years and maybe an encounter with Suguru but I might focus on Satoru for a while. I'm just really sad rn so idk :(

And a clarification and a spoiler, some things might not make sense in this chapter because first half(?) was mainly from Sachiko's view while near the end was from Satoru's point. Even then, you might notice there was nothing about how there was nothing about the execution stuff when it came to Satoru's point of view.

Well, because that didn't happen.

I will write the reason in the next chapter but i just didn't want to get chewed out for so many inconsistencies.