
Magic and Orcs [#1]

Órcûs and Òrkus were twin brothers who grew in the Sands of Death, the hottest and driest region of the Euridian Desert, also known as Desert of Many Deaths, since here there were many ways to die! By the sun? Sure! You can also die of thirst and hunger, killed by giant snakes, poisoned by giant scorpions, be dragged to under the sands by giant worms, or be eaten alive by a sand dragon! But even under such harsh conditions, a tribe of 50 Orcs still worked hard to survive under this burning sun, and Órcûs (O-krus) and Òrkus (Oo-Kurs) are twin brothers of the cheftain of this tribe- They were sent on a quest, a quest to find the lost Oasis close to their community, the only sorce of water that they had-

Standing before the dry hole upon the ground where the Oasis used to be, Órcûs cried out in despair: "Why have you forsaken my people- LEORA!?" Leora, the God of Survival and Cicle of Life, he watched over their small community- Leora was also believed to be a female God, one of the few rare Females Gods, since most of them are male, so only Leora, Argantis, and Eriam were female Gods- A fun fact about this world, there are "males", they are big and strong, most of them have the ability to carry heavy weight and fight for hours, they also mate a lot, with other males and the rare females-

Females are a different concept in this world, for there is no woman.

A female is a man of small stature, weak body, but strong mind and the rare ability of magic- Most females could learn how to use magic, and if they couldn't use it, they could still give birth to others by mating, the success rating on mating with a female and having a child is of 100%, while there's less than 10% chance that a male can get pregnant with another male's child, there also a high 99% chance that the kid will be also a male, and 1% it will be a female. So, imagine their surprise when they saw a female, wearing nothing on in the middle of the sands! They were little delicate things that should be adored, and yet, here is one almost dying in the desert! "Quickly, brother!" Òrkus hissed at his brother angrily as they carried the female with them to their beasts: Ëvik and Äkiv, they were twin Cacarocs, a terrestrial variant of the giant flying monsters, but way smaller with yellow feathers to hide amongst the sand.

They were a day away from their tribe, and a female who was wearing nothin'? This was crazy- "Maybe he was left behind by Slavers?" Órcûs said over to him as their Cacarocs ran faster and fsster, only then did they noticed that something was following them- "Watch out!" In front of them, a large hole with serrating teeth appeared, they were going to die, because this was an Alpha Sandworm, a gargantuan beast that could swallow dragons, and now... They were doomed. "Hmmm... What?" It was at that moment they saw the female wake up, shaking his head in confusion before looking at them- "The fuck?" He whispered as his hands clenched onto the back of Òrkus' Cacaroc, poor Äkiv. "Jump, you idiot birds!" Contrary to what Órcûs and Òkus were taught, females were not so delicate- because this one slapped the ass of Ävik and jumped towards Ëvik, his body suddenly glowing with a green aura.


He was about to use magic to save them all! "Órcûs! Be careful with hiiiim-!" Suddenly, Äkiv was fast, faster than he was before, and it suddenly looked possible to run from the giant worms that were behind them and maybe even jump over the giant worm- "Wait for me!" The voice of his brother called out to him as he was also there with him, the twin brothers smiled at each other with hope as the female panted, holding tightly to Órcûs back, his nails sinking into the green skin, but even so it did no damage to his hard and thick skin. He was more afraid of knives than this small Sandpards cub's claws that held on while Ëvik and Äkiv jumped over the chasm that was the giant worm beneath them- The problem is, they also jump! From behind them, three large Death Sand Worms jumped out of the sand like fishes, and as they were about to devour them, a glimmering transparent barrier appeared and separated them and the worms mid-air, making them fall down onto the mouth of the Alpha Death Sand Worm, which meant they would eat anything, including it's own spawns.

And thst female saved them- is this female a God!?

Their moment mid-air was ridiculously amazing, the brothers would never forget about this moment ever- But the landing sucked, falling onto the hot sand with your terrestrial birds fracturing their legs and being incapacitated and unable to run fast, and the fact that the female was back asleep and still completely naked.

And night was approaching...

-Scene Cut-

[Congratulations, you became a Rune Scriber!]

[You've received the Legendary Book of Runes: Support Magic]

[Due to your Runic level being (Beginner), you can only learn Basic runes, three for each category only.]


Name: Amnayelth Sopheriel

Class: Rune Scriber

Energy: 500/500

Age: 22

Gender: Male (Female: Fertile)

Class Ranking: Beginner (Beginner > Novice > Experienced > Advanced > Master > Grandmaster > Rune Creator)]


[◆Legendary Rune of Support Magic◆]

[Basic Runes of Support:

Basic Runes of Buff: [Speed Up], [Jump Up], [Strength Up]

Basic Runes of Debuff: [Slow], [Paralysis], [Fear]

Basic Runes of Defense: [Barrier], [Protection Dome], [Minor Elemental Resistance]

Class Skills:

[Instant Scribble (A): Instantly creates and activatss a rune known by you!

Cooldown: 1 Minute

Consumes 100 Energy points]

[Scriber Knowledge (P): You know how to perfectly write a perfect rune of all runes you know, you can also make a special item that help you write runes everywhere- A Anywhere Pen. Limited to Beginners Information.]

[Rune Crafting (P): You have knowledge on how to create and destroy magical items using runes, this knowledge is limited based on your ranking.]

[Ranking Boon:

Beginner: All runes you draw have 10% more power, increases with ranking!]

He opened his eyes once again, but his head was resting against the lap of a burly, big, and hairy Orcs that held him with care. "What happened...?" He whislered as the orc holding him says: "Ah, you're such a cutie, wanna be mine?"

"Hey! We found him, he's ours by right!"

"Do you two pussies think i won't fight to have my own female so i can have my own children!?"

"We'll fight you too."

Awkwardly, he rose himself from the comfort of the lap his head was on before he stared at the one who was claiming him as their own- "Do i have a say on this or are you going to fucking ignore my existence here?" He stared at the big, bigger than those two orcs he saw earlier, he had this beard on his face that covered his whole chin and a sexy grin on his lips as he chuckled: "A feisty one! I love those!" While the big orc was chuckling to himself, one of the brothers snorted loudly before asking: "Isn't this the first female you've ever seen?" That shut the other bigger orc way faster than anything he's ever seen before! "Hey, my name's Òrkus." The other brother kneeled close to him as he spoke, smiling gently to show that he was not a threat: "That's my brother Órcûs, he's the dumb one- 'Hey! No I'm not' - and that big one there is Küi, he's the oldest brother..." And as if it was being written, another big and burly orc entered their tent, which was where they were now that he is looking around with more attention- "Oh, dad!" Órcûs, the dumb brother walked over to his dad and raised a hand, his father grabbed it before they did a strange handshake, he didn't know the meaning of that handshake.

"Dad~ These two don't wanna share~" Küi whined like a little kid, making Amnayelth feel blood pump to his head- "Well, you little bitch-" He heard the orc he was looking at choke on his spit, this made hin even happier than just dissing him! "I am my own person, and i don't ever want you- Even if you were the last person on this world, i wouldn't want you." He huffed as he turned around, getting up from the soft ground that was covered in a fur of some beast, before walking up to one of the twin brothers who were with their jaws hanging down from shock- Aren't females supposed to be delicate and shy? Their father only grinned wider, chuckling: "Ah... I haven't had such a laugh in years!" Looking closely, he had several scars scattered around his arms, naked torso, and exposed legs, he had some grey hair and white on his black hair, but this did not diminish how handsome he was, only increased his charm: "The name's Zürk, but you can call me Z, little one."

"Well, Zürk, can you tell me where am I?" He must've sounded tired- not only because he was, in fact, tired, but also because he felt mentally exhausted for a moment- because Zürk just smiled at him while opening the tent's entrance and showing him the burning bright outside- It was filled with green skinned people and tents, they were moving and talking, but there were mostly kids and adolescents here, with at least a few adults. "Huh, i don't see many big ones." He turned to look at Zürk who nodded and explained: "Oh, they're dealing with a Worm problem... I'm sure you've seen it, haven't you?" Amna only nodded and followed the big orc as he left the tent- Only then did he notice he was wearing this long and thick piece of fabric over his body, it also had a large piece to cover his head from the sun, and his arms and legs as well... Or maybe he was just small.

"Heh, you're adorable like that." Suddenly, Küi was beside him, making Amnayelth almost jump from his skin- "You fucker- you almost fucking killed me!" He shouted, poking Küi on his big muscular wall of a six pack. "Hehehe~" He smlied, tusks glowing with the harsh sun. "Fuck, it's hot out here..." Amnayelth sighed as he suddenly stopped, turned to the sand on the ground and with his fingers that- hurt under the hot sand- he wrote the [Minor Elemental Resistance], he wondered how his feet would've been if he wasn't wearing these strange sandals (He was wearing sandals made of leather of some kind, it was hot on his feet, but it protected the flesh), but thankfully he was wearing them, so it's okay. With his finger a little hot and probably burned, he activated the rune on the ground- It shone with a red and orange color before it dissipated and entered his body-

[You received the (Minor Elemental Resistance: Fire) buff, you'll take less 50% less damage from fire and heat]

And soon enough, he felt way better now with this glowing second layer of energy around his body that protected him from 50% of the heat, which was still too little, but he could feel better now- He remembers not being that hot inside that tent. "Oh, neat trick." Küi smiled at him, but he just ignored him, Órcûs and Òrkus were following him as he followed their dad. They walked a few more feet until they were before a larger tent- This one had to be the chieftain's tent becsuse this one hsd several markings on the surface of the leather over ther tent, and also two orcs before the entrance acting like guards. "You two can come in as well, how many times do i have to say to not do that outside?" Zürk sighed, turning back to him as he said: "Those are Trigug and Hibub, they are best friends and they are my guards too, but they keep trying to be stupid and do that outside."

Amnayelth just snorted a little as he entered the tent and was instructed by Z to sit down and be comfortable... "So, i want to be direct here... Please marry one of my sons."

Next chapter