
[Random Novel Ideas]

Some random stories I come up with to keep my boredom away. Contains original novels and fanfics as well. They may become a novel I'll write if I like them enough or if there is a sudden rush of inspiration that takes over me. If you like one of them comment on it and I may consider writing more about it one day, I am highly sleep deprived so I guess I will someday if i do not commit suicide first.

DaoOfGay · LGBT+
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423 Chs

Black Lion [#1]

[An idea i had

To say it was a shock when he woke up in a dark cave is an understatement of his feelings, but he felt a weird sense of... Peace, when he heard a purr-like sound that echoed from above his, he blinked lazily and saw an enormous lioness above him, cradling him like her kitten, which apparently he was seeing as he had fucking paws instead of hands and feet! His shock was short when he saw a man entering the cavern, the man had log golden hair and beautiful dark brown eyes, he was completely naked but carried a large bull-like being by the neck with claw-like fingers, the lioness purred louder with glee before she got up and her body transformed into a beautiful woman with big and long black hair, she smiled at the man before saying: "Ah, my dear, i was almost thinking you weren't coming back~" The man smiled gently at her before they started to kiss, the poor lion cub couldn't help but feel bashful and before he heard the woman say: "Let's not take this too far, Heracles is watching dear-" The man sighed before he turned to look at him with a small smile, the woman already going to the killed beast that the tiny liom cub couldn't discern what it was.

"Look at our son... Our beautiful Heracles." His father smiled as his mother choked on blood, he blinked and he no longer was on that cavern-

Sincerely, remembering the past is weird sometimes, even more so when it happened at least a few years ago? Something like that... Well, let's just say he didn't actually want to be captured by people who called themselves Hunters, nor did he want to be sold to some weird people, but it happened and he's not proud of it! However, he's very proud of his victory over his captors and his return home after years, not exactly home but somewhere far from Greece at least. Don't get me wrong, the place is awsome and beautiful, but he didn't like the monsters that he attracts to himself due to his majestic power and status as a Alpha Nemean Lion, which sounds fucking stupid but it's very, very true.

Apparently, he was indestructible, both inside and out, and the only way to kill him was through magic or asphyxiation, which he has covered both thanks to his natural abilities and things he learned in life. Now standing in Wolf Territory, he sighed as a deep rumbling feeling of magic called for him and he followed its thumping until he found it, another broken and destroyed Συγκέντρωση Μαγείας, which translates to a Gathering of Magic, of Energy, which is a point where a bunch of leylines gather and magic is stronger, acting like a beacon: "Oh, you poor thing..." For being a... Enchanted Shifter, his connection to nature was a thousand fold stronger than a Druid's, meaning he can feel it deep within his mind the pain the poor thing felt: "Oh, who neglected you so deeply?" His fingers touched the stump and felt energy vibrate, his own magic beating like a drum on it- the telluric lines beneath the soil were paths he could take, so he tapped the old stump and focused for a second before he could feel where the Alpha of this land was-

He needed to trade some words with them.

-Scene Cut-

"Oh, so you're the little puppy taking care of this land..." Derek Hale, alongside his pack, all froze when suddenly a man sat beside them in their own home, as if he was always there. His large and muscular body exhaled power like waves in the ocean, his bushy mane-like dark, very dark black hair was long enough to touch his waist, the three black piercings on his left ear and the piercing on his right eyebrow made him look strangely cool, his dark brown skin was covered in tattoos that looked like they were part of his skin, and the flash of red light in his eyes made everyone tense- Alpha: "I must say... I'm a little sorry for the Synkéntrosi Mageías of this land." His hand lazily grabbed a cup on the table in front of the whole pack, drinking it without a pause as he smiled, teeth sharp and white: "The only ones who felt something different were the little red spazz, the red haired girl, and this fine gentleman here~" The man purred as he suddenly was beside Peter, Derek's uncle, with his eyes basically stripping him naked.

"Who are you and what are you doing in Hale land?" Derek growled, snapping everyone out of their stuppor, Erica and Boyd, followed by Isaac and Jackson got in action, circling the unknown man while Lydia was pulled away alongside Stiles, the man never took his eyes off of Peter though, he flashed his eyes red as Peter fleshed his own eyes blue to the man, who smirked deviously as his uncle looked.... Bashful: "Uh... Did new hot-but-intimidating guy just flirt with Uncle Bad Touch?" Stiles, who couldn't keep his mouth closed for a second, blurted it out before anyone could even process what just happened: "Well, I'm a little old for you Little Spark, but i appreciate your like to my appearance." The man smirked flirtatious, his body vanishing from sight just as he appeared beside Stiles, his hand stretched forward while he bowed with precise practice, another hand stretched to Lydia, both humans froze as surprise and a little bit of fear was smelled in the room: "You both felt my presence before i revealed myself, so for that i congratulate you both, so young and yet so... Powerful." Derek was ready to attack, but the man was already on the other side of the room by the side of his uncle, his finger teasingly touching the man and making him freeze as a large black claw touched his neck

"You know... When i felt the call of a broken Synkéntrosi Mageías, I really needed to meet the pack that failed to protect such pure and innocent being... And i must say, a Hale was not who i expected." His claw pulled back into his skin, now only his blunt nail scratching Peter's neck that- Was he purring? "Ah, puppy likes it?" Derek, Erica, Boyd, Jackson, Isaac, and even Scott who was terrible at using his supernatural senses cringed when they smelled the scent of lust flowing through the air out of Peter's body: "Don't worry puppy, I'll take care of you later... Now i need to have a talk with the Alpha, no, the whole pack." At his words, everyone tensed, the mysterious man sat down on the couch while pulling Peter alongside him before coughing to clear his throat and gather everyone's attention (As if it had left him the moment he appeared): "Well, my name's Hercules Aíttitos Léon, and i am here to discuss some problems with your... What's that name again..."

The man tapped his hands on his chin, seemingly trying to remember something: "That tree stump on the forest, what you people call it again?" Stiles, the everbrave and stupid, decided to speak: "The Nemeton? Sorry creepy guy who has the hots for uncle bad touch, but if you wanna know where it is we can't tell you, can't have you sacrificing babies or some crap like that." There was a moment of tension before the man laughed, it felt like a wave of air breeze past them and they all felt heat, but it vanished easily: "Wait, you're serious? Little Spark, why would i try to sacrifice infants to a Synkéntrosi Mageías?"

"'Cause, i don't know, you appeared here out of nowhere, can seemingly teleport or run so fast we can't see you, and you are being horny with uncle creep, which puts you on my worry about list." The man sighed, his body almost looked like it exhaled power with him as he breathed out, his eyes rose to meet Stiles' before he said with such sincerity that Stiles was surprised: "I swear to you, Little Spark, that I would never touch a child, a cub, with the intention to harm them unless it's 'save-the-world' dire. Or unless the child is annoying, or unless the child is, like, an asshole." The man was relaxing against Peter as Stiles, who was the only one talking, scoffed: "Wow, really reassuring... Also, what's with the Little Spark thing?" The face the man made could be considered surprise, but it was replaced by a small annoyed expression: "Hasn't the Druid of this land explained to you what a Spark is? My love-" He turned to the bashful and surprisingly quiet and shy Peter, who's whole body shivered when he heard the words 'My love' leaving the man's mouth, it took Derek a while but he realized- "My dear Soulmate, has the rules of druidism changed or this land's Druid's just an asshole?"

"Deaton's a cryptic idiot." Lydia scoffed, the second one to speak as all others analyzed the tall, dark man with this tension, as if he was allowing only some to talk while others had to stay quiet: "Well, Little Banshee-" Lydia's eyebrows hit her hairline: "A Druid is supposed to help out the supernaturals of the land they stay on, providing assistance and information for those in need of such... Keeping the balance of the land by providing and helping the ruling pack, or pride, or council, or whatever." Rolling his eyes, the man turned to his mate, Peter, and licking his lips as he continued his explanation: "And to explain it, a Spark is a rare magical being, in my lifetime I've only met 6 of us, myself included, am a Spark." To prove, his hand came forward a small black tendril of something moved out of his hand, it waved almost an 'hello' to Stiles, whose eyes were shining with interest at the opportunity to learn more: "But, Little Fox, today I'm here to speak to the alpha about how your pack will need to clean off the Nemeton or else this while side of California will surely become a Piece of Hell, and trust me- I've been there, it isn't fun."

There was a story behind that, Peter saw it, but just like Peter didn't want to talk about the fire of the Hale house, he understood if the man- Hercules Aíttitos Léon- didn't want to talk about it then he understood. He was absolutely stunning, his body was like the Greek Gods sculpted him, he was Adonis incarnate: "Awn, thank you my darling." Peter didn't know he said it out loud, but being praised by his Mate was something out of this world- He felt it when the man smiled at him, how the barely-there wolf inside of him, tired, older than it should've been, and hurt just- Got up, excited, overwhelmingly happy and playful and just younger: "Well, I was saying... Alpha Derek, the corrupted magic of the Nemetok called to me, begged help, and I'll help such powerful and pure being... It's one of the things i enjoy doing, therefore I'll stay on your land until the Nemeton is cleansed and pure again, until it grows once more, this is me asking you... Also, my Mate's kinda your uncle i guess, and i don't want to separate your family if i can help, so I'll just stay here and take what is mine."

And just like, the man was gone alognside Peter.

-Scene Cut-

Laying down on a soft bed, Peter never felt like this, his lips were stolen from him alongside his breath and hands, the stronger and bigger man stood above him as his eyes glowed red in deep passion: "Do you want me to claim you, my dear? I want to claim you, but this is on your hands, do you want to feel me?" Peter was... Static.

In the fire, he lost his wife, his love, but now he was offered a new chance on love after the whole burning thing and- Sincerely speeking, he was too hard to think abotut anything other than being fucked, so he nodded sharply at the man's question without truly knowing what he signed up for...

Because normal lions can copulatr between 40-50 times per day... A Alpha Nemean Lion Spark? Well...

Peter lost count after the 10th time.