
[R-18] System: Conquering The Worlds

[Warning! Implicit R-18/Lemon/ Contents!] -[R-18] System unlocked! "Uh?" That was my reaction when I found myself inside a half-japanese and half-italian body. I was also offered a system asking me to conquer girls and women including the ones of my own family? Having passed a crappy previous life, this time I won't hold back and will live my life to the fullest, wealth, hot women and everything else! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/UgAJMTyJ (If you want more explicit characters Arts, dear men of culture~)

BlackMarcel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Talk With Erika And Stealing

"Eh? Onii-chan?!" Erika's surprise was evident as she swiftly made her way over to me. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I found myself with some free time, so I thought I'd visit the middle school where my sisters are studying and inquire about it. I mean, I've been absent for a month, and I want to make amends," I explained.

"Woah! Onii-chan!" Erika's face lit up with delight.

"Come on, let's head home together," I suggested.

"Wait, Onii-chan! Flora's here too," Erika pointed out, indicating Flora chatting with her own group of friends.

"I'm aware, but she's just made acquaintances. I don't want to intrude and disrupt her. It's a new environment for her, after all. Let's move on."


"Don't worry. She can always catch up with us once she finishes speaking with them," I reassured Erika, flashing a smile as I gently tugged her wrist, urging her forward.

"Okay," Erika relented with a nod.

Thankfully, she didn't press the matter further, and we proceeded ahead of Flora, who shot us a puzzled glance. She likely anticipated me to call out to her as well, but I deliberately overlooked her.

I craved some alone time with Erika, and to achieve that, I had to appear indifferent to Flora's presence.

"U-Um, Onii-chan? Can you let go of my hand now?" Erika's voice carried a hint of embarrassment as I continued to hold her wrist while walking. I noticed other students casting curious glances our way, but I pretended not to notice.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot. I have a gift for you," I announced, reaching into my pocket for the pink bracelet nestled within. It gleamed, a radiant symbol of elegance.

Aphrodite's Bracelet.

"Wow! It's beautiful!" Erika exclaimed in awe.

I smiled warmly as I carefully slid the bracelet onto her left wrist. "I'm glad you like it."

"It's amazing, Onii-chan! Thank you!" Erika exclaimed in excitement as she leaped toward me, enveloping me in a tight hug. I returned the embrace, acutely aware of her developing curves pressing against my chest. Her scent, the softness of her body, and the sweetness of her voice only fueled my desire to mark her with my scent, to hear her voice moaning beneath me while I fucked her.

It felt like a dark deep-seated impulse, one that had only intensified since my transmigration, yet strangely, it seemed to be benefiting me. After what happened in my previous life…I only wanted to do whatever I wanted in this one and enjoy it to the fullest.

In any case I have to be a little patient nonetheless.

With a heavy heart, I reluctantly pulled away from Erika.

"How much did this cost you, Onii-chan?" Erika's voice held a hint of wonder as she traced the bracelet's contours with her fingers.

Its divine glow and exquisite appearance could easily deceive anyone into believing it was an exorbitantly priced piece.

"It was quite pricey, but don't fret over it," I reassured her.

"Did you give similar gifts to Yumiko nee-chan, Flora, Ayaka nee-san, or okaasan?" Erika asked curiously.

"No, I plan to do so later when I have the means. But you're the first," I admitted.

"Onii-chan..." Erika was moved.

+100 Affection!

I watched as a cascade of hearts seemed to flutter around Erika's head, her affection for me climbing from 55% to 56%.

The bracelet was already beginning to work its magic.

"Then, how's your new school?" I redirected the conversation.

"It's been great, Onii-chan! I've made some friends, and I even signed up for the volleyball club!" Erika's excitement was evident in her voice.

Ah, yes, she had mentioned her interest in volleyball before, and she was exceptionally skilled at it.

"I'm sure you're one of the best players there," I said.

"Hehe, there's a younger student who's really talented, but yeah, I'm up there!" Erika replied proudly.

Noticing that she was wearing a snug shorts under her skirt instead of panties, I brought up the topic. "Did you have practice today?"

"Yep, it was intense!" she confirmed.

"I have no doubt you'll make us proud, little sister."

"Eheheh," Erika giggled, her cheeks flushing with delight.

As we made our way back home, I engaged Erika in light conversation, subtly increasing our pace to ensure Flora wouldn't catch up with us. Erika was so engrossed in our conversation that she didn't even question our hurried pace.

Though I gained a significant amount of affection, it seemed to plateau at 56%.

Well, winning over his little sister's heart wasn't going to be an easy task. Especially since, in my case, things were a bit different, and she wasn't aware of that.

Before we knew it, we were standing in front of the imposing mansion belonging to Nobuo Miyano, our step-father.

With a swipe of my badge, I opened the front gate, and we made our way along the meticulously manicured path leading to the house, flanked by immaculate gardens tended to by professionals hired by Nobuo.

He was undeniably wealthy.

"We're home!" Erika exclaimed as she swung open the door with enthusiasm.

"Oh, you both came back together? Where's Flora?" Kristina, our caretaker, greeted us.

"She was chatting with her friends. She should be home soon," I replied.

Erika quickly ascended the stairs, heading toward her room, while I lingered in the foyer, observing Kristina as she worked in the kitchen.

Despite having given birth at a young age, Kristina still retained a youthful appearance, her figure betraying no signs of having borne four children.

She sure has a good ass…

Her apron wasn't able to hide that.

"Is Nobuo-san home?" I asked.

"He's in his office, working. Please don't disturb him," Kristina replied.

I nodded in understanding and made my way up the stairs to my own room.

The mansion boasted three floors, each with its own array of rooms.

On the first floor, there was Kristina's room, along with several vacant rooms.

The second floor housed Erika and Flora's shared room, as well as a separate room for Ayaka.

Finally, on the third floor, my room sat adjacent to Yumiko's.


Daily Tasks unlocked!

◊ Do a naughty thing [100 A]

◊ Kiss someone [500 A]

◊ Sleep with someone [1000 A]


If only the idea had occurred to me this morning, perhaps I could have fulfilled it with the same fervor as the passionate kiss I shared with Keiko.

But today, such intimacy was out of reach, much like sleeping with someone.

That left me with the option of doing something naughty.

But what?

Pausing on the second floor landing, I noted Flora's absence and realized Erika was likely occupied with changing.

Perhaps a bit of harmless peeking?

As I pondered, I tiptoed toward Erika's room, entertaining the idea of accidentally stumbling upon her.

However, before I could proceed, a peculiar sound caught my attention from the room next door.

Ayaka's room.

The unmistakable sound of running water indicated she was likely taking a shower.

Without much thought, I turned the knob and entered her room.

It was impeccably arranged, as expected.

My footsteps masked by the sound of the shower, I made my way to the bathroom door and cautiously pushed it open, just enough to peer inside.

Ayaka was showering, her silhouette unfortunately obscured by the curtain.

I waited for a moment, hoping for some indication of increased affection, but none came.

Was peeking not enough?

My gaze wandered to the bag of used laundry nearby. Among the clothes, her today's uniform lay atop, with her pink bra resting on the top.

My heart raced at the audacious idea forming in my mind, but I needed to confirm something.

Swiftly, I snatched the pink bra from the pile and hurriedly retreated to my own room, locking the door behind me. Clutching the bra in my hand, I pondered.

"Is this enough?" I muttered to myself, feeling a pang of uncertainty. Bringing the bra closer to my nose, I inhaled deeply.

A pleasant scent enveloped me, reminiscent of the one I caught when I accidentally bumped into her earlier.

As I continued to sniff the fabric, my eyes wandered to the size tag on the bra.

Despite her seemingly petite frame, Ayaka had surprisingly ample breasts.

+100 Affections!

I knew it.

I'm acting like a creep but it can't be helped.

Hormones were working.

I thought as I saw my dick hard.

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