
[OLD] Konosuba: Love Circle!

This is an old story, read the official here. https://www.webnovel.com/book/konosuba-love-circle!-rewriting..._17855854405244205 Satou Kazuma died because he had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital, but he passed on and is transferred to the afterlife where he meets the Goddess Aqua. The Goddess Aqua is very nice towards Kazuma but he's not going to be fooled by some stranger who looks to be cosplaying. He was given the choice to either go to heaven or reincarnate and bring something with him and unluckily, Kazuma choose Aqua, forcing the goddess to be his partner. Now together they try to live through this world they have been sent to. Kazuma slowly but surely wants to something to change for once. His previous life sucked ass so he decides he's going to have girls right up to his crotch, that's right. He wants girls on his dick. But Kazuma is not really lucky In general as he suffers most likely everyday. Megumin and Darkness later joined his party, or what he calls a harem and together, they explore and maybe have some quality time together when they get the chance to? And so, Kazuma officially starts his new life, but he will make it what he really wants when he was in Earth, at least he tries to.

Raseru_8586 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

The Megumin Blab 1 & 2

Aqua notices that Megumin has red crimson eyes, which she quickly realized where she's from, but just to make sure.

"Hey, those are red eyes, are you from the scarlet demon tribe?"

Megumin heard that as she went to character again.

"You are correct! I'm Megumin, the best magician from the scarlet demon tribe!"


"I'm so powerful that my deadly spell can destroy a mountain! The boulders! THe… the.. E-arth-

Megumin falls down for an unknown reason. Kazuma quickly got off the bench and kneel down to check on her while Aqua just wondered too why she did fall.


"You okay? You look weak."

Megumin's stomach is rumbling, she hasn't eaten anything at all when she was on her journey here.

Megumin sweats.

"I-I haven't eaten in three days… D-do you perhaps have some food to feed me…?


"Yeah, we can feed you, I guess."

Kazuma stands up.

"But why the eye patch? Are you blind or something?"

Kazuma then points to his bitch, Aqua.

"This girl is with me, she's a priest. She can heal you if you're injured.

From what I know she's only good at healing, that's all."



"H-hey! I can do more than just heal!"

Kazuma just realized that.

"Oh right, I'm sorry Aqua."

He looks at Megumin.

"Megumin, Aqua is also good at being a big bitch and she's also useless."


"H-hey! That's not very nice Kazuma!!"

Megumin starts to stand up.

"T-thank you for the offer for helping me heal my eye, but my eye isn't hurt at all…

For you see, this magical item is the one that controls my powerful magic energy… preventing me from causing destruction upon the world."

She looks at them.

"It will bring disaster to this world if I ever take this off, my eyes will glow red and can cause endless destruction upon this world!"

Kazuma tilts his head.

"Like sans...?"


"I'm just joking, It makes me really cool, so that's why I wear it. also who is sans?"

Kazuma is trying to take off Megumin's eye patch but Megumin begs for Kazuma not to remove it.

"I-im sorry for scaring you! Don't pull it please! I-It will tear off if you continue!! Stop it!

Aqua has been quiet for a while.

"You know Kazuma… People of her tribe are pretty smart and intelligent in magic.

Some are experts really, they depend on magic, and they really have strange names."

Kazuma looks at Aqua and lets go of Megumin's eye patch which hurts her.

"Oh, that's good to hear, if she's here to join us then we're lucky."


"Wah! Ouch! My eye! It hurts! It really hurts!!"

Kazuma massages his hands as he looks at her.

"Sorry about that, but I think you deserve it.

You were speaking nonsense and acting all cool like you're an op main character from an anime."


"Talking about nonsense… you're speaking nonsense right now…"


"Your name is weird"

Megumin looks at Kazuma.

"How dare you call my name weird! To me, everyone in this town right now has strange names."

Aqua and Kazuma look at each other and then back to Megumin.

Kazuma: "Well okay then, what are your parents names?"

Megumin does a pose, hoping to impress once again.

"My mother's name is Yui Yui, and my father's name is Jota- I mean Hyoi Saburo!"

Both Aqua and Kazuma just cringe.

Kazuma looks at Aqua.

"Oi, Aqua. Are you sure their tribe consists of strong magicians? I'm not convinced."

Megumin: H-hey! You have something to say about my parents' names??"


--Konosuba: Love Circle.--

Megumin: It's not Jotaro! It's Hyoi Saburo!

Aqua and Kazuma both look at Megumin's adventurer card.

While Megumin is, I don't know.

She's probably dead or something because of starvation.

Remember, always eat something, if you don't you'll die alive.

Aqua thinks about this.

"Well, adventurer cards can't be forged or to put it more simply, you can't stack it up. So she really is a high level magician.

Kazuma rubs his chin as he looks at Megumin.

"Oi, You alive?"


"Hu- Wha-

Looks like Megumin is still alive. Guess Kazuma is going to get another one after all.


"You know Kazuma, if what she's saying earlier is true, we can use her for explosions, we can take advantage of her! What do you think?"


"Hm… I'm not sure… I'm not convinced by just their levels and high skills, I wanna see it in person."


"Oh come on! The card itself doesn't prove anything?"

Kazuma shrugs.

"Dunno, I'm not familiar how tricks here work, and maybe you're not aware too."

Aqua grumbles but just agrees.

"I guess you make a point…"

Megumin once again awakens.

"H-hey. I appreciate that you see me as a strong individual but… was taking advantage of me really the right word for it…?"

Aqua has no clue since she's dumb.

Kazuma on the other hand doesn't seem to disagree with the idea of taking advantage of this loli, if she is one.

Can Kazuma even touch her legally?

Both of them once hear Megumin's stomach rumble.

That sounds like a stomach that hasn't got any food for the past three days alright.

Kazuma sighs as he offers the Menu to Megumin.

"Alright, fine. You convinced me. Just a little, and for that you can order something. Just please don't make sure to order expensive stuff, this bitch here always wants "quality" food."


"H-hey! It's right and neccecary for me to order something expensive! I'm a goddess. What goddess eats such peasant food??"

Kazuma: "You eat toads!"

Kazuma doesn't know what the delicacies here so he probably sounds stupid right now.

Megumin just sits up and takes the menu but she decides to question something about what Aqua said about herself.

"A goddess...?"


"Mh? Oh no, she isn't a goddess, she's just a priest who's an alcoholic bitch who just wants to impress everyone because she has no friends. Even if she's a goddess, she would still have no friends."

Megumin just looks bored and weak.


Megumin opens the menu and looks at the stuff.

"How sad…"

Aqua looks like she's about to cry again.