
[OLD] Konosuba: Love Circle!

This is an old story, read the official here. https://www.webnovel.com/book/konosuba-love-circle!-rewriting..._17855854405244205 Satou Kazuma died because he had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital, but he passed on and is transferred to the afterlife where he meets the Goddess Aqua. The Goddess Aqua is very nice towards Kazuma but he's not going to be fooled by some stranger who looks to be cosplaying. He was given the choice to either go to heaven or reincarnate and bring something with him and unluckily, Kazuma choose Aqua, forcing the goddess to be his partner. Now together they try to live through this world they have been sent to. Kazuma slowly but surely wants to something to change for once. His previous life sucked ass so he decides he's going to have girls right up to his crotch, that's right. He wants girls on his dick. But Kazuma is not really lucky In general as he suffers most likely everyday. Megumin and Darkness later joined his party, or what he calls a harem and together, they explore and maybe have some quality time together when they get the chance to? And so, Kazuma officially starts his new life, but he will make it what he really wants when he was in Earth, at least he tries to.

Raseru_8586 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Kazuma Now Hates This New World...Maybe & The Arrival Of Megumin or in other words... Kazuma's Future Play Thing

Later Kazuma ended up being beaten by Aqua.

Kazuma has a black eye and some wounds to his face.

He doesn't even bother eating anymore, his aching face tells him that it's better off not eating.

Aqua is trying to heal him but Kazuma keeps refusing.

She has already beaten his face up, he can't afford Aqua to use magic, he'll probably mess him up.

"Hmpf! Fine then! If you wanna look like that forever, suit yourself! Don't come crawling back when-! when...

Aqua sees Kazuma crying a little as he covers his face, it hurts but it doesn't matter.

"All I ever wanted was to be happy... I thought this new world would finally fix that, but it's giving me more stress! It's worse than my previous world! God damn it!"

He clenches a fist and hits the table.

Which scared Aqua.

"I regret being here... Aqua... Is it possible for you to just call your goddess friends and tell them I want to go to heaven instead of this...?"




Now Aqua feels super bad for hitting Kazuma.

She feels so bad that she can cry again!

"N-no- U-u-hm Kazuma... I-I D-dont think I can do that..."

Kazuma starts to cry.


"K-kazuma! P-please don't c-cry! I-If you cry-! I-I'll- I'll...!








Both start crying their eyes out and they don't even try to be quiet, they're loud as hell.

Aqua was more loud and Kazuma is more distressed.


"KazumaAAAA!! I'm so sorry!!"

She hugs Kazuma.

"I-I didn't mean to hurt youuu!!"

"P-please don't cry a-anymore! It's m-making me feel so b-bad!! UWAAAAAAAHH!"

Aqua's loud annoying cry is making Kazuma more stressed and makes him wanna cry even more, so it's just a never ending crying session.

Aqua sniffs as she tries not to cry.

She tries to think of a way to calm Kazuma down... ! An Idea!


"I-I'll suck your d-dick! *sniff* W-will that make you feel b-better??"





Kazuma looks at Aqua.



"E-eh?? Y-you want that??"

Kazuma grabs her wrist and he stands up, and then he starts dragging Aqua to the nearest private place.


"W-wait! Y-you really do want that?? W-Wait! H-how about s-something else?? Massage?? Food?? Anything! Anything but sucking you off!"

Kazuma doesn't listen as he continues to drag Aqua.


"Kazuma, nOOOHHOO!!!"

The Next Day!

Morning. It's a nice day in the guild hall, Kazuma and Aqua having breakfast for today.

Which is the same meal from yesterday.

Kazuma feels a little better after what happened yesterday, also he thinks it's better to have a new recruit. Aqua is still useless so he has no choice but to let someone in the party.

Kazuma: "Oi, Aqua."

Aqua looks at Kazuma.

Aqua: "Hmm? What is it?"

Kazuma hears something from the people that they heard like screams here yesterday, it was loud and clear but they couldn't identify who they were.

Kazuma is in relief to hear that as he looks back at Aqua.

"We need another member."

He says that so casual.

Aqua gulps her food as she looks to Kazuma.

"Oh! Oh! I was thinking the same!"

She drinks to clear the bitterness of the fried toad leg.

"I was supposed to tell you yesterday but, you know, things happened. Anyways, I set up a poster already!"


"You did? I guess that's good."

Aqua nods smiling as she continues to eat.

"Can you imagine how many people would be begging to join our party?? They already know, I'm already perfect - So we should be already good! I also didn't accept any weak ones to join our party! We already have one after all."

Kazuma looks at her.

"Yeah, we do. It's you."


"H-hey! Stop being so cruel, Kazuma!"




You already know what's written in Aqua's recruitment paper.




The Next Afternoon!

Everything seems fine, except for Kazuma and Aqua.


"No one is coming."

Kazuma shrugs.

"It's probaby because I'm here, or no one wants you."

Kazuma said as he looks to the left and sees a dead leaf.

Aqua just groans.

"Why does everyone not want to join?? I mean I didn't misspelled our names and all."

"They should be like.

Oh Master Aqua is here?? Ooh! I want to join! I want to join! Or! Hmmm, Master Aqua is here! I should join this party and be helpful!!"

Kazuma looks at Aqua and shakes his head.

"That's not going to happen, Aqua.

No one is going to be like that."

Aqua boops Kazuma!


"You will see! We just have to wait longer! Okay??"





Later they're sitting near a table, just thinking, why hasn't anyone came yet.


"Aqua, no one is coming, you suck."


Aqua stands up.


"W-why!?! Why is no one coming to join us??

I thought I was famous! Where's my fame! Where has it gone to??"

Kazuma: "First of all, you're not famous, and second, are you even sure you put up the poster."

Aqua: "Absolutely! I did! I checked earlier!"

Aqua just sits down and sighs.

Kazuma: "Look Aqua, I guess that's what happens when you are not famous."

A girl with a staff is reading Aqua's set up recruitment paper.

She's quietly reading it, making sure she does not mistaken herself.




She checked two times now.

She sees Kazuma and Aqua.

Looking at the drawing, it must be them.

So she approaches them.

Kazuma: "I'm sure we can probably recruit someone, maybe... one week later."

Aqua: "A w-week?"

The girl gets close enough as she stops.

"I heard you two are recruiting. Lucky for both of you, I have arrived."

Aqua looks at this girl and Kazuma noticed she was looking at someone behind him so he looks behind him.

It's a... a... what? It's a kid? with a staff and that eye patch on her.

Kazuma has not seen anyone dress up this crazy but he has seen Aqua so...

This kid smiled.

Her eyes are glowing.

"Hmph. You two are surprised? I expected it. But! It's time that you know me!"

She pushes her cape back and the wind suddenly makes her cape go wavey wave

as holds her staff and she touches her hat!

That's right!! She touches her hat!!

"My name is Megumin! I work as an arch wizard, and I love explosions so much! I am powerful enough and can one hit the entire world!!"

The cape stops going wavey wave.

and it has gone quiet.


"Uh, what."

Megumin covers her eye only to reveal them again!

"Do you wish to obtain the forbbiden power of my explosion magic that the world could not possibly handle?"

Kazuma looks to the side and at her.


"If so, Let us stare into the dark abyss! And once you do! It will stare back at us!

It will guide you to my dark path!

It's so dark indeed, all humans including you will be too weak to handle it!

But don't you worry! I am strong! Super strong! That I can handle it! If you let me join in your party, I will guide you throughout the dark dark space of the abyss and will teach you how to overcome it yourselves!"






Kazuma once again looks at a side before looking at Megumin.

"Were you belittling us just now? If so. No thanks. We're not interested."


"W-wait! N-No! I wasn't trying to belittle anyone!"


"You said we-

Megumin: "I-I was talking about... Other! Humans!"


"Aren't you a human yourself? I mean, you look human and sound human."

Megumin: "Uhm..."