
[OLD] Konosuba: Love Circle!

This is an old story, read the official here. https://www.webnovel.com/book/konosuba-love-circle!-rewriting..._17855854405244205 Satou Kazuma died because he had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital, but he passed on and is transferred to the afterlife where he meets the Goddess Aqua. The Goddess Aqua is very nice towards Kazuma but he's not going to be fooled by some stranger who looks to be cosplaying. He was given the choice to either go to heaven or reincarnate and bring something with him and unluckily, Kazuma choose Aqua, forcing the goddess to be his partner. Now together they try to live through this world they have been sent to. Kazuma slowly but surely wants to something to change for once. His previous life sucked ass so he decides he's going to have girls right up to his crotch, that's right. He wants girls on his dick. But Kazuma is not really lucky In general as he suffers most likely everyday. Megumin and Darkness later joined his party, or what he calls a harem and together, they explore and maybe have some quality time together when they get the chance to? And so, Kazuma officially starts his new life, but he will make it what he really wants when he was in Earth, at least he tries to.

Raseru_8586 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Aqua Abuse

I won't add random text here for the next few chapters.

Kazuma and Aqua look down while they're sitting down in the table near the table or whatever, they're sitting and it has a table, so shut up.

They have failed to get money, there's still a chance but it will probably take long.

Kazuma looks at Aqua and looks at the old man behind.


"Pst. Aqua. Oi. You useless goddess! listen!"

Aqua immediately looks at Kazuma.

"What?? Can't you see I'm drowning in my own puddle of sadness? What the hell do you want, Kazuma??"

Kazuma points behind her, at first she doesn't get what he meant but she turned around and... she still doesn't get what he meant.

She looks back at Kazuma with a confused expression.

"What? Is there something up with that old man there?"

Kazuma looks around and gets close to Aqua to whisper to her.

"Rob that old man"

Aqua almost fell at the table but she managed to not fall.

"What?? What are you saying, Kazuma?? I can't rob an innocent old man who's enjoying his water or Coke or whatever! That's not what a goddess do!"


"I swear if you don't do it now."

Kazuma grabs Aqua's clothes and he pulled her face to his and they hit foreheads.

"I will find an opportunity to rape you so hard, or maybe I'll rape you here, right now. So get your ass there, find a way to milk some money out of him and come back here! You got it?"


Aqua was in the verge of tears as Kazuma let's go.

Kazuma crossed his arms and sighs.

Instead of Aqua being violent towards Kazuma back, she just decides to follow his order and get off the bench she's sitting in and go to that old man and she can be heard crying.