
[Naruto]Sunagakure Legends:Genin's Comeback

In a twist of fate, an adult man is reborn into the world of Naruto, becoming a ninja of the Hidden Sand. His heart beats for Temari who will later be known as the wife of Shikamaru Nara of the Hidden Leaf... Set just before the Chunin Exams, the tale unfolds as the Sand and Sound's plot to destroy the Hidden Leaf, though yet to be executed, has already set the ninja world astir. Our hero, a Sand ninja with mastery over Puppetry and Mental Mysteries, partakes in the scheme to bring down the Leaf. He seizes the Kekkei Genkai of both Sakon and Ukon's doppelgangers and, using puppetry as his foundation, establishes an aerial combat unit. This propels him to the rank of Jonin and sets him on an ascendant path to become the Kazekage.

BlackSheep9 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Be Careful, Don't Die

As the influx of examinees from various nations continued, the already bustling Hidden Leaf Village grew livelier. Due to the scuffle a couple of days prior, Daimaru had been grounded for reflection, only today being granted permission to venture out.

Before the initiation of the Leaf Destruction Plan, the Sand shinobi were careful not to stir up too much trouble, not wishing to draw the Leaf's attention. But the examinees, blissfully unaware of the higher stakes at play, weren't as reserved.

While there weren't any more bloody incidents like the fight between Team Onfū and Team 7, the constant disputes never ceased, giving the Sand Jonin and Chunin tasked with maintaining order quite the headache.

Daimaru, who had been cooped up and going stir-crazy, spent the entire day roaming the village. The theater was playing an old movie starring Fujikaze Yukie, which failed to hold his interest, leading to an early exit. Minors weren't allowed in the izakaya unaccompanied; he had already visited the Yamanaka Flower Shop to buy the apology basket for Team 7, though he didn't encounter any familiar faces there.

However, the Leaf's cool beverages were indeed delicious, and the hot spring district had its unique charm. The famous teas were a bit too strong for Daimaru's taste, but the renowned "Amaguri Ama" dango was as delightful as its reputation suggested.

As for Ichiraku Ramen, Daimaru invited Yoru and Senza to try it out, but found it didn't quite live up to the hype—though the daughter of the ramen chef, Ayame, was quite fetching.

Lastly, the only place selling the "Icha Icha Paradise" series in the village—Jikyūdō Bookstore—was surprisingly deserted, probably because the series had sold out.

Not wanting to leave empty-handed, Daimaru ended up buying a copy of "The Fidgety Fidget Club" on a whim.

"The area isn't as big as I imagined!" The village's footprint wasn't much larger than that of the Hidden Sand; it was just far more densely populated.

Yoru and Senza had gone their separate ways, and Daimaru, after wandering around, hadn't come across many familiar faces, though he did pass by a trio from the Hidden Sound.

The narrative trope of 'adventures always find the protagonist' certainly didn't apply to Daimaru. Being in a "quasi-enemy state," he had to be cautious about his actions, and even finding a suitable place for training proved difficult.

With nothing of note discovered and feeling aimless, Daimaru was about to head back to the inn when he bumped into Kankuro and Temari. Gaara, certainly not one for leisurely strolls, left his siblings to scout out the Leaf's terrain.

"Daimaru, they let you out?" Kankuro asked with a hint of mockery.

If Daimaru hadn't drawn attention with his antics, perhaps the spotlight would have fallen on Kankuro and Temari. Daimaru's freedom to roam and observe the Leaf could be seen as a contribution of sorts.

"Team Leader Onfū is just making a big deal out of nothing. The Leaf didn't care that much, yet he insisted on grounding me. A bit overkill, don't you think?" Daimaru waved his hand dismissively. "This place really is different from the Sand... Huh?"

The rustling of paper startled him as the colorful cover of "The Fidgety Fidget Club" caught Temari and Kankuro's eyes, the few open pages revealing content far more risqué than the cover itself.

"Indeed, the Sand doesn't have such... interesting fare," Kankuro coughed awkwardly, turning away to suppress a laugh.

Temari's disdainful gaze fell squarely on Daimaru. "So you're into this kind of thing. You must have been suffering in the Sand."

"You've got it wrong. I just wanted to critically examine the Leaf's shallow and vulgar cultural life. I have no actual interest in this..."

"Whatever your preferences are, they're none of my business! Kankuro, I'm heading back," Temari said, dismissing Daimaru and walking away.

"Temari, wait! How could I possibly look at anyone else the way I look at you? I swear on the honor of 'The Red Sandstorm,' I'm not the fickle type..."

Kankuro grabbed Daimaru, who was about to shout after her. "Keep it down. If you make a scene here and Temari gets angry, I won't be able to hold her back."

"What am I supposed to do? At this rate, my reputation is done for."

"You haven't needed to worry about that for a long time, okay?" Kankuro replied irritably. "Temari's mad right now, she won't listen to anything you say. Wait a while before you try to explain."

"Then you have to help me. When Temari's in a good mood, put in a good word for me."

"That's not impossible, but..." Kankuro gestured subtly at the book in Daimaru's hand. "You'll have to let me borrow that book for a few days."

"Deal!" Daimaru hooked his arm around Kankuro's. "Also, I need you to secretly deliver a letter to Temari..."

"What a hassle. Let me see it!" Kankuro nonchalantly opened the unsealed envelope and pulled out the crumpled letter.

"I want to say thank you.

First, to your parents for raising someone as beautiful as you,

I say: thank you very much..."

"Stop reading that in public!" Daimaru protested.

"Is this supposed to be a poem? A love letter? It's utterly nonsensical. Is this some kind of joke? And there's no signature..."

Kankuro crumpled the letter and tossed it into a nearby trash can.

"You bastard!" Daimaru grabbed Kankuro's collar. "That was a heartfelt love letter, painstakingly crafted! If you don't make this right, you'll regret it!"

"Are you a child? Have you been reading too many romance novels? Since when do ninjas need such roundabout, bizarre stuff? Listen, Temari likes handsome guys, but it's not a strict requirement. Right now, no one's closer to her than you..."


"Who do you think I am? I'm her brother; nothing escapes my eyes."

"So what should I do now?" Daimaru rubbed his hands together, both nervous and excited. "Should I get a new haircut? I just passed a beauty salon. Maybe I should give it a try?"

"Perform well in the Chunin Exams. Becoming a Chunin might help. A powerful ninja always carries more weight!"

"Strength, got it. If I can defeat Temari, will that seal the deal?"

"Your strength is decent among the Sand Genin, but hardly noteworthy in the wider ninja world..."

"Don't worry, I'm confident!" Daimaru boasted. With his overwhelming advantage in intelligence, if he couldn't make a name for himself now, he might as well resign himself to obscurity in the Sand.

Kankuro nodded, glancing at the neon lights starting to illuminate the streets. "You should head back before Team Leader Onfū gives you another scolding."

"Alright, brother-in-law, make sure to keep me posted on any developments!"

"Don't call me that!" Kankuro hesitated, then added softly, "And be careful. If it's not