
Chapter 399 - The Secret Realm is Really Moist

  The number of spiritual plants planted in the spiritual fields of the cave is too many, and it is about to exceed the limit of what can be planted. Lu Xuan plans to plant these newly acquired spiritual seeds in the incomplete secret realm that is about to be obtained.

  Earth Emperor Jujube, including the sword-raising gourd, and the flame fruit.

  Based on his understanding of the secret realm, the secret realm is more likely to meet the growth conditions of the Earth Emperor Jujube, and there is no need to worry about it not growing normally after planting.

  Speak of the devil, the devil will appear. A few days later, a blue bird puppet flew to the outside of Lu Xuan's cave.

  "Is Junior Brother Lu here? Please take some time to come to the formation hall. It is related to the secret realm that Junior Brother controls."

  A gentle voice floated out of the blue bird puppet. Lu Xuan hurriedly followed the blue bird, crossed many mountains, and came to the sect formation hall. In

  the sect hall, he usually went to the Sinong Hall, the General Affairs Hall, the Sword Hall and other places more frequently, but it was the first time he came to the formation hall.

  While looking at the formation arrangement, Lu Xuan followed the blue bird puppet closely.

  Compared with other halls, the formation hall seemed much quieter. Occasionally, one or two inner disciples were seen, but they were all in a hurry. They nodded to Lu Xuan and disappeared quickly.

  Deep in the formation hall, violent spiritual power fluctuations were heard from time to time, as if spiritual power bombs were hidden and could explode at any time.

  "This is the fellow disciples of the formation hall trying to set up the formation. Junior Brother Lu, don't worry."

  A middle-aged monk with a medium build and ordinary appearance walked out silently and said to Lu Xuan gently.

  The monk looked ordinary on the outside, but his temperament was extremely good. His eyes were bright and clear. When he walked, he had a hazy feeling, as if he would enter another space at any time.

  "Let me introduce myself. My name is Li Yunyuan, one of the true disciples of the sect, and I have certain attainments in the formation."

  "Regarding Junior Brother Lu's incomplete secret realm formation plate, I am fully responsible."

  "So it's Senior Brother Li. Won't those brothers who set up the formation have a huge impact?"

  Lu Xuan looked at the direction where the spiritual energy fluctuations came from and asked curiously.

  "Generally, it is within the control range. Occasionally, the formation fails and goes beyond control, so you may get hurt, but it's not a big problem."

  Li Yunyuan said, and a flash of light flashed in front of him, and a bronze formation plate appeared silently in his hand.

  The formation plate is only the size of a palm, with ancient spiritual charm and dense runes drawn on it. The closer to the middle area, the more the formation plate tends to be empty, as if it is connected to an unknown existence in the void.

  "Junior Brother Lu, this is the key to your entry and exit of the incomplete secret realm."

  "This formation plate is connected to the core formation of the formation hall. With the help of the power of the formation, you can travel through the void. It was jointly arranged by several formation masters in the formation hall, and its stability is considered to be the ultimate."

  "When Junior Brother Lu enters and exits the secret realm, he only needs to provide a small amount of spirit stones to freely travel between the sect and the secret realm."

  "According to common sense, the formation plate can be used for a long time, but just in case, Junior Brother is better to come to the formation hall every few years or more than ten years to check it and do a good job of maintaining the formation plate."

  The middle-aged cultivator introduced it to Lu Xuan in detail.

  Lu Xuan respectfully took the bronze array plate in his hand, and dripped a drop of blood essence into the center of the array plate according to the monk's reminder. The

  blood essence fell on the center of the array plate and disappeared in an instant. The runes on the array plate flickered, and Lu Xuan had a vague sense of the existence of the distant outside world.

  "The secret realm is usually located in the void, or in a dangerous place. It is difficult to reach it in a short time at ordinary speed. We can only use the teleportation array in the array hall."

  The middle-aged monk took the initiative to explain when he saw Lu Xuan's expression.

  "According to my understanding of the secret realm of my junior brother, the density and purity of the spiritual energy in the secret realm is lower than the three blessed places and other secret realms of the sect, but it is obviously stronger than the spiritual environment of the inner sect."

  "At the same time, there are several natural spiritual places in the secret realm, which are very suitable for cultivating spiritual plants. Junior brother Lu will definitely be satisfied."   

  "Brother Li, I wonder how safe the secret realm is?"

  Lu Xuan asked the question he was most concerned about.

  "Safety is self-evident."

  "Although the secret realm is incomplete, there are space barriers on the edges. After being discovered by the sect, they stabilized the secret realm space and set up powerful restrictions. Even Yuanying cultivators cannot easily enter the secret realm."

  "In addition, the monsters and evil spirits in the secret realm have been cleared out. There are only some spirits that will not actively attack. With my cultivation level, I can easily deal with them."

  "It can be said that unless the sect is broken and the formation hall is destroyed, the secret realm may have safety problems." Li

  Yunyuan said confidently. Lu

  Xuan was immediately relieved. The Tianjian Sect was a giant in the cultivation world, and he could not imagine the situation of the sect being broken.

  Then, Li Yunyuan continued to introduce to Lu Xuan the use of the formation plate, precautions, and the deadlines for entering and leaving the secret realm.

  Lu Xuan kept it in mind and returned to the cave with the bronze formation plate.

  "In addition to the newly acquired spiritual seeds, some spiritual plants can also be transplanted there to change the growth environment."

  "The sixth-grade Phoenix tree is too high-grade. With the existence of the Red Lotus Flame, it does not need to be cultivated every day. It is safer to put it in the secret realm."

  "The fifth-grade Vajra Bodhi can also be brought there. It can only barely maintain its vitality in the cave. If it is changed to a different environment, it may grow slowly under the conditions of richer and purer spiritual energy."

  "And the fourth-grade Thunderbolt Wood..."

  Lu Xuan considered carefully. He planned to bring the highest-grade spiritual plants in the cave that did not need to be cultivated frequently into the secret realm for safer and more stable growth.

  "The netherworld spiritual plants in the small courtyard of Jianmen Town... wait and see for a while, and if it is appropriate, move them there."

  He was a little hesitant about whether to bring the netherworld spiritual plants into the secret realm, and planned to enter the incomplete secret realm first to see what the situation was.

  "Fortunately, there is a fifth-grade gluttonous insect capsule. Even if a high-grade spiritual plant is transplanted, it can maintain the vitality of the spiritual plant very well, and it will not cause a big impact."

  Lu Xuan thought, and quickly prepared the spiritual plants he needed.

  He came to the formation hall again, paid dozens of spirit stones, and activated the teleportation formation. The bronze formation plate was shining brightly, taking Lu Xuan into a void.

  In the spiritual perception, the surroundings were in chaos. After a long time, Lu Xuan realized that his feet were solid.

  Before he opened his eyes to observe the secret realm, the rich and pure spiritual energy rushed in crazily, causing every pore of Lu Xuan's body to open involuntarily, greedily breathing in the extremely pure spiritual energy.

  "This secret realm is really moist."

  Lu Xuan secretly sighed.

  The spiritual power in the secret realm is no longer a simple "qi", and there is a tendency to transition to "liquid". There is a sense of moistness and accessibility in the limbs and bones during breathing. Entering the dantian, it easily condenses into drops of pure and transparent spiritual liquid.

  "I have never fought such a rich battle!"

  "I don't know how much time I can save by practicing in such a spiritual environment."

  Such an abundant and pure spiritual environment made Lu Xuan inevitably have an illusion that he was doing it again.

  (End of this chapter)

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