
[MHA: The Ice King]

What happens when some random guy gets the chance to go to a fictional world with 2 wishes? Well interesting things happen. *NO HAREM. *KINDA OP MC. *FUNNY MOMENTS. *HERO MC BUT IS NOT A PUSS PUSS.

Lox_Of_Sins · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs




Okay, here to address something that is bugging me deeply.

Stop making those shity comments about how it's weird to make a fanfic about two 16 year olds dating and WILL eventually have sex.

I don't give a shit what bullshit you will pull, I have seen some naruto Fics were the mc is Fucking at 12-14! So don't be telling me how to write my fic before going to the other 100 thousand other Fics out there with underage sex.

Here's my opinion on the matter. I am not making a 20 year old man have intercourse with a 13 year old! I am going to make two 16 year olds have sex! Okay?! Sigh… look I understand where you are coming from but please stop..

Plus I would never make a fic where under 16's are having sex, I would feel uncomfortable doing that! And here in the Uk 16 is the legal age of consent! I know some who are reading this are from the US but you need to understand that it's different in other places!

Remember, Paedophilia is a disgusting act that should never be supported in any way.

This is the reason I aged them to 16. Because that isn't wrong here in the UK.

Enjoy the chapter!


As the train stopped at our destination I got up with Tsuyu. We left and began walking in a normal speed to the restaurant me and her were heading to. "Where are we going, Kero?" She asked with a tilt of her head.-

"Oh, we are going to an Italian restaurant called 'Prelibatezza del tramonto' it means Sunset delicacy in italian." I said and Tsuyu stopped with slightly widened eyes.-

"I have heard of that place, They are super expensive like thousands of yen!" She exclaimed in surprise.-

She wasn't wrong, Last time me and my family came there it cost around two thousand pounds worth of yen. My father was depressed when the bill came that's the main reason we haven't went back since I was 12. However the food is amazing! I have a spicy mozzarella chicken pizza and it was divine! I am just dying to get more, it costs are 299 pounds though.. Thank fuck got paid! Haha-

"Nah it's alright, I am in a good place right now when it comes to money." I said dismissively. She laughed and walked beside me again.-

"It sounds like you are trying to land some Super model, Kero." She said smirking, I blushed and looked away, "Well, m-maybe you are a Super model in my eyes." I said nervously. That took a lot out of me to say, Tsuyu giggles at that which made me smile. I have never heard her giggle in the anime so that's a first.-

We soon arrived at a large and expensive looking restaurant with beautiful potted plants and a person at the front in fancy clothes standing with a clipboard.-

"Hello Sir. What can I do for you today?" He said in a formal manner. I smiled, "We would like to rent a private booth for two please." I said and his eyes widened slightly but he regained his composure pretty quickly.-

The reason he did that is because just renting a booth is one thousand pounds in yen. "I see I will get that for you right away sir." He said and clicked a button on the side of the front door.-

Soon a waiter came out and the man we were previously speaking two whispered something in the waiters ear which I heard vaguely thanks to my passive boost from the crown even without wearing it, "Rich kid….. Private Booth… Thanks." I laughed internally he thought I was from some rich family.-

The waiter nodded and turned to me and Tsuyu, "Follow me Sir and madam." We followed him inside to be greeted by a luxurious restaurant golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling and Italian decor was all over the place showing what the restaurant specialised in.-

We entered a small area in the back and see a room with to window and a door with VIP written on it, "In here." He said opening the door to let us in, we entered and took a seat on the comfy seats. He handed me another Tsuyu a menu each and gave us a small Device with a buzzer on it, "Just click this button to call me and I will be over as soon as I can but before the, Is there anything I would like for a drink?" He asked pulling out a small note book with a pen attached by a string.-

"Yes, I would like fresh lemonade with lime and ice please." I said and he nodded and wrote it down, "And for your miss?" Tsuyu nodded and put a finger to her lip, "I would like some coconut water with some ice please." He nodded and wrote that down.-

He soon left to get our drinks and me and Tsuyu went through the menu, "I'm going to have some fresh bread sticks with cheese in the middle. And some spicy mozzarella chicken pizza." |AN- Imagine it's like expensive cheese.| I said looking up at Tsuyu who was looking at the menu with widened eyes.-

"Half of these are what my dad makes in a month!" She exclaimed, "It's okay just get what you want." I said reassuringly, she nodded and looked at th menu in detail.-

"I will have Caprese salad for my starter and I'll have the Risotto as my main." She said and I nodded and just in time the waiter came in with a our drinks, "Here you go." He said placing the drinks in our respective places.-

"Can we take our order sir?" I asked politely to which he nodded. "Of course." Me and Tsuyu said our orders and he left to give it to the chefs.-

As we waited I decided to start a conversation, "So, what is it that made you want to become a hero." I asked curiously. I know some reasons but not all of them..-

"Well, many reasons. I guess one of the main reasons is thanks to Gang Orca he is my favourite hero and he inspired me to help people so I decided to go to UA." She began with a slight smile.-

"Another reason is that I want to give my family all the luxuries they could ever want, but the main reason is I just want to help people." She said smiling, I didn't know that. If I remember correctly that is similar to Uraraka goal to help her family so they don't have to work so hard.-

"What's your reason Kori, Kero?" She asked with a croak. I smiled and leaned forward with a grin.-

"A great man once said with great power comes great responsibility. I want to use my power to save those who truly need to be saved, Where that be by fighting a villain or changing society. Whatever means possible." I began and she listened with full attention, "A other reason which is quite selfish on my part is I want to be known, To be recognised as someone great. I want to be this Countrys number one hero." I said grinning, she laughed slightly then smiled sweetly.-

"Those are fantastic reasons.." she said gazing into my eyes, I could have sworn I saw them twinkle slightly.. God she's pretty.. and cute.. Stop! No horny! Sigh, why sixteen year old body why must you treat me like this..-

I looked at her and smiled, "Did you know my Uncle is the number 1 hero of Russia?" I said grinning.-

Her eyes widened slightly, "Really?! Avalanche is your Uncle, Kero!?" She said surprised. Avalanche was very much known, he even sometimes got compared to all might though he said in a press conference that he would lose in a one on one, His quirk just isn't good enough to hold back the raw strength of the Symbol of peace.-

Did you know that a couple number 1 heroes get title by a symbol, currently there are three named Symbols, Peace, Determination and Grace. These titles are gave to the Number 1 heroes of Japan, China and the UK respectfully.-

The Symbol of Determination is a woman who has a quirk called Pride, She has this power inside her that manifests as in two ways it increases her speed unkin to Rocket going off, this Quirk isn't only a speed based one though, It gives her the ability to come back from the dead. Once she dies her body reverts back to a state to when she was still in top shape. This power is what made China so feared So feared in fact that when the man known as All For One Attempted to take her quirk it REFUSED, As if the quirk factor itself denied it. All For One killed her and she reverted back to her prime physical state and ran away.-

The Symbol of Grace is a boy who has a quirk called Petals dance. It basically turns him into the MHA equivalent to a Logia. He can transform into petel like Crystals that can shot lasers out of them. He can Control these Crystals like telekinesis. He is young and is 14 years old. He is also known as the youngest Number one hero. He was once a vigilante but was given a heroes license because no one could stop him. Plus he basically safe guards the UK like some Guardian angel.-

|AN- I believe I said there was the youngest number 1 hero, But I can't remember if I said an age, if I did just imagine I said he was 14.|

|AN- Ps also it isn't his uncle anymore if I did say it was his uncle|

Both heroes could give All might a run for his money, however that his in his current form, Prime all might could whip them silly. I mean maybe not The Rose, who is the Symbol of Grace. He can't be physically harmed unless you catch him before he transforms into his Crystal-Petals. The Symbol of Determination is called Relentless.-

Anyway back to the date.

"Yup! Cool right?!" I said excitedly. We then went into a back to fourth conversation about my Uncle then we talked more about ourselves in greater detail.-

"So yeah, I find it hard to start Conversations." I said with a sigh. Tsuyu put a finger to her lip. "I never had a problem with that, I believe it is just the way I was brought up and my nature too." She commented and I nodded, "I find that amazing about you. You can just go into a conversation with no worries in the world, I overthink things too much haha." I said and stop my chuckle when the door opened and then Waiter came inside with 4 plates. He was using his quirk to levitate the other two. Seems he has a telekinesis quirk.-

"There you go sir, Miss. enjoy your meals." He said with a bow and left us to our food.-

I eat my bread sticks which had cheese within the middle. Tsuyu was eating her salad and we sat there in comfortable silence eating our meals, "Do you want to try a bread stick?" I asked holding the dish to her. She nodded with a smile an took one, "Do you want to try some of my salad?" I smiled and nodded she put some on her chopsticks and held it out for me to eat. I didn't want to make it awkward so I chomped it immediately she giggles at this.-

We soon moved onto our main meals after finishing our Starters. I gave Tsuyu a slice of my pizza and she came me some of her Risotto. It was nice amazing even, ten out of ten would try again.-

After we finished our meals I patted my stomach, "Man that was some good shit!" I said grinning. Tsuyu laughed and nodded to my remark with a smile.-

I pressed the button for the waiter and he came, "I would like to pay now." He nodded and left to get the bill.-

Thank god I lifted money for this situation I brought about two and a half thousand pounds in yen in my backpack. Soon he came back put the bill on the table and I picked up. [Bill- ¥367,480 (£1,971)], Oof thats a lot thank god for being a popular Author! Haha.-

I placed two stacks of bills on the table and Tsuyu's eyes widened at the amount that cost, "Oh my.. Are you sure you want to Pay for all that? I could pay-" I cut her off there, "Nope I am the Rich Prince taking the Beautiful princess out on a date, I will be paying my lady." I said and kissed the back of her hand, my eyes began glowing and my teeth sharpening, shit! I just unconsciously tapped into the crown without thinking! Wait I can do that? Go into a partial transformation? I feel.. so free right now.. No, No! I need to get out of this state now! I deactivate the partial transformation and my eyes return to normal so do my teeth.-

Tsuyu blushes at this and smiles, "Why, thank you kind prince." She said in a fake posh voice. I smiled and we left the restaurant. I looked at my phone, [16:47], okay we were in there for about 1 hour and 40 minutes.-

Soon we arrived back at the train station and headed back to Tsuyu's home by train. Me and her chatted alone the way we were feeling happy near each other.-

As we left the train Tsuyu boldy held my hand making me smile stupidly although she didn't see it she was looking ahead.-

We get to Tsuyu's house and she knocks on the door and sadly let's go of my hand (Insert crying face again.), this time Beru opens the door, "Oh, your back. Did you have a nice dinner?" She said stepping to the side.-

Tsuyu smiled brightly and walked into the house with me behind her. "Yeah, Kori took me to 'Prelibatezza del tramonto'! It was amazing." She said excitedly. Beru looked at me and we looked eyes she nodded to me approvingly, "That's fantastic Tadpole! Come inside, we are just about to start movie night." She said and we entered the living room to see everyone and Ganma on the couch while Gunther was on Satsuki's lap getting petted with a relaxed smile.-

"Kori! Tsu! Come on, take a seat! We are going to watch that movie about Captain celebrity and his downfall." I nodded and me and tsu took a seat next to each other.-

The movie was good, I feel bad about Captain Celebrity wife, dude cheated so many times! But still she forgave him..-

After the movie the kids got carried by me and Ganma to their beds, since they fell asleep at the half way point of the movie.-

As me and Ganma placed the kids in their respective beds we Left the room and Ganma patted my shoulder and looked into my eyes, "Do you like my Daughter?" He asked seriously. I stilled and looked back into his stern eyes, "Absolutely, she's incredible." He smiled at my reply, "That's the right answer my boy, I heard you took her to the extremely expensive restaurant. That's some first date, something you should be proud of." He said patting my shoulder with a grin.-

I smiled and nodded, "Nothing less for a beauty like her." I said and he laughed. "She gets it from her mother! Haha" he laughed out.-

"Okay, I best be getting some sleep." He said letting go of my shoulder. "Have a nice sleep Kori." He said and went into his room.-

Soon Beru and Tsuyu came upstairs. Beru walked over to her room door where her husband was, "Good night." She said warmly and went inside.-

Gunther was currently sleeping with Satsuki in her bed, the little Penguin was sleeping like a log.-

"Do you want to sleep at the bottom of my bed again, Kero?" Tsuyu asked with a tilt of her head, I nodded and ee went into her room I slipped into the bottom left of her bed and she went to the top right.-

"Thank you for taking me out to dinner." Thanked Tsuyu softly I chuckled softly, "It's no problem… Princess." I said and she giggled lightly, "Good night my Prince, Kero." She said and got comfortable in her spot.-

"Good night my lady." I said back.. soon I could hear the soft breath of Tsuyu as she slept.-

I smiled and looked at the roof of Tsuyu's room. This is the best I've ever felt. I will do anything for this feeling to be protected. Afterall good things must be protected. Like a king protecting as treasurer I shall do the same…

My eyes slowly got heavy and I fell into the soft embrace of sleep…-

That night I dreamt about a winter landscape where a giant castle lay with all the things a treasured Dearly, and I was laughing madly with my Queen by my side.. after all whats a King without hsi Queen?



A Fucking 3k chap!?!? Praise me!!!! praise me!!! For I have stayed up to 4 in the morning writing this!!

Hahaha I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, I think I did pretty well if I say so myself.

I wanted to make this long because I promised to a chapter later today but I couldn't get around to doing it. I was playing lego pirates of the Caribbean to ba honest, that game was my childhood and I bought it on my Xbox one for nostalgic reasons. I also played walking Dead season two, the one with Clementine I completed chapter one. Anyway have a nice night!

Au revoir!