
[MHA: The Ice King]

What happens when some random guy gets the chance to go to a fictional world with 2 wishes? Well interesting things happen. *NO HAREM. *KINDA OP MC. *FUNNY MOMENTS. *HERO MC BUT IS NOT A PUSS PUSS.

Lox_Of_Sins · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


I laid in my bed and groaned at the light that decided to shine on my face, I was still sore from going that hard in the exam while being in my Crown State. I honestly can't be arsed with this shit. I am a Scott and we don't do getting up early.. okay perhaps I'm not Scottish anymore but come on man, I hate getting up early.-

So I won't be get up fuck that shit.. I point a finger to the curtain and a small zap of frost hits it and freezes it, this results in the crack between the curtain being frozen and the light coming through is being filtered to a Pleasant baby blue.-

I close my eyes and go on my side facing away from the curtain.-

I soon slip back into my deep sleep..-

[Couple hours of Kori being a Lazy ass later..]

I yawned and loosened my muscles and got up, "Good sleep." I commented but my eyes wonder to the curtain I froze over.. It was soaking wet and my floor had a small puddle on it.. "Shit…" I said simply.

[3 days later]

So here I am, just chilling, heh, while watching a movie with Gunther. The little penguin seemed to be enjoying the movie, we were watching Happy Feet, I found it weird that some movies from my past life existed in this universe, but Eh, whatever, I don't care.-

"Wonk." Gunther commented when he saw the movie ended, "Yeah buddy that's the movie over." I said getting up and stretch out my back making a slight clicking sound as a result of my bones cracking.-

Gunther jumped off the couch and waddled off to god knows where. As I was about to sit back down to play Heroes Legacy I hear my mother walked into the living room with a package. "Son you letter from UA is here." She said handing the light brown package to me, she continued on "Remember to tell me of you got in." She said with a joking smile. I nodded nonetheless and she walked out of the living room to give me privacy.-

I Teared open the package and a small disk falls and landed on th coffee table infront of me. It soon beeps and a hologram of A small rat in a suit is showed. "Hello Kori Petrakov, I an the principal of UA. I am here to personally say that you have passed with flying colours!" He said excitedly, I smiled and listened on.-

"Here is this year's entrance exam Practical tests leaderboard of points." He said pointing a remote to a board behind him and a bunch of names with points next to them show up. On the top was my name saying; Kori Petrakov, Villain Points: 156, Hero Points: 14. I gaped at the number on the board, the hero points must've been from helping that random girl.-

"I must say I'm impressed, you beat All Mights score by 9 points. Quite a feat if I do so myself." Said Nezu with an amused tone. "As you can see on this board we also reward Hero points, you got a small amount from directly helping people and for helping that girl from lose three robots." He explained on, I nodded to myself, "Anyway enough with my rambling! Welcome to Your Hero Academia Young man!" He said with a small grin. The hologram soon cut off and I pumped my fist in the air, however I slightly wince because my major muscles groups still hurt like my biceps, I went all out on that test in my Crown state and I'm still paying the price.-

"Mum! I passed!" I shouted and my mother shouts back, "Well done sweetie I knew you could do it!" I laughed and Gunther waddles in confused at my shouting, I picked him up and spin him around slowly.-

"Wonk!" Said the annoyed penguin, "Hahaha Papa got into UA!" I said but got a flat look from Gunther. "Okay, Okay I'll put you down." I said sitting him back on his feet.-

"Honey!" I heard my mother shout on my father, "Kori passed the Exam!" I hear my dad come out off the basement were he tinkers with his gadgets.-

"Really!? That's my boy right there haha!" He said happily, "How about we go out to a restaurant to celebrate." My father said with a grin finally walking into the living room with my mother.-

"Sounds great." I said with a smile, he nodded and said, "go get some good clothes on then haha." He said walking upstairs to change my mother soon followed.-

I rushed upstairs and quickly shift through my clothes, I green a black button up shirt with black pants. I put the one and roll up my sleeves, I looked in my mirror. "Looking fire! Or looking.. Frosty? Eh. I'll work on my shit puns later.." I comment, and put on my shoes and head down stairs. My father was already waiting but my mother was still getting ready.-

"Your mum will take 19 years so be prepared for that haha." He joked, "haha." I said sarcastically with a smile. "I know I am hilarious." He said waving me off.

Soon my mother was ready and we went to a nice Italian restaurant…-

[Timeskip 1 week.]

I stare at the giant doors to Class 1A with a nervous aura and slowly pushed the door open.-

This was the beginning to my future as a hero…-



Chapters might be slow on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I have college on those days and will probably be tired by the time I get home so if I don't post a chap those days that's my reason.

I would also like to say something, to that guy who said the last chapter was cringe, that hurt my feelings and I would like a public apology! Hahaha just joking.

Anyway hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter and have been having a good weekend and I will see you guys the next chapter, when I feel like making one that is.

Au revoir!