
[MHA:Laughing At Death]

Lowlife Alex dies a dumb death in his opinion and gets reincarnated after a very long time in the void, even though Alex got a new chance at life the void still affected him in some ways. Alex now Shikage plans to live his new life in the world of my hero academia to its fullest while laughing at the face of death but did Shikage reincarnate with nothing to help him? No, he has a rather bizarre power. Want to know more? Read to find out.

Lox_Of_Sins · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


As Aizawa wrote on his Holopad I decided to walk over to the group of students, some flinched at my Approach some waved at me excitedly and others just stared at me with a stoic visage and of course Bakugou who always has a glare on his face.

"What's up Kiddos!" I said grinning, I always have been good at starting conversations, I used to be an introvert before the void changed me. A few of the students grumbled at me calling them 'kids', some were more vocal about it mainly Bakugou.

"Shut the fuck up you smiley trash bag!" He spat out with rage in his red eyes. HAHA~! Smiley trash bag?! Who am I Sans the Skeleton?! Pft, priceless.

"Shut up Blondielocks~" A tick mark appears on his head and he looks like he is about to jump at me but my eyes suddenly glow bright purple and he stiffens and locks up.


Quirk: Terror.

Description: The user can temporarily make the people he locks eyes with stiffen and feel an unbelievable amount of fear.

Note: This can be stopped if a person has a strong will to push the effects away with raw willpower.


He stays like this for 20 seconds and then shakes violently and grits his teeth in anger, "Y-you bastard! What did you do to me!!" I merely laugh and ignore him.

I turn to Kirishima and pat his shoulder, "Train so you can use that Unbreakable mode longer okay?" He nods and flashes me a manly smile, "Of course!" I laughed and walked over to Ojiro.

"You're doing great, you just need more experience." He smiles and I walk back over to Aizawa, "You almost done Shota?" I asked starting to get impatient.

He sighs again and nods, "Yeah, Just give me a second." he writes something and then puts the Holopad in his belt once it shrinks down to the size of a pen.

He looks over at the group of teenagers and points at Bakugou.

A massive grin appears on my face and I shake in excitement, This one was going to be fun.

Bakugou had a similar look on his face but he looked less happy and more feral. He stomps over to the box and his hands crackle with sparks of his quirk.

"I'm going to beat your ass furry boy!" He shouts with a wide grin. My eyes twitch and for the first time, I look with anger at the stupid fuck that just called me a furry! A furry!!!

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME STUPID LITTLE SHIT?!" Bakugou flips me off with a taunt-like laugh and I snap my head towards Aizawa "Shota! Start the Fucking count!!! I'm going to teach this brat some manners!" Aizawa sighs for the millionth time and starts counting.

So he thinks he is hot shit huh?! I will show this little cunt!

My skin starts to change into a magma-like look and heat emits from me like a furnace.


Quirk: Magma Body.

Description: The user's body hardens to that of steel and gains lava veins all over their body that can produce a lot of heat, this heat can be sent at opponents in a steam-like blast.

Note: The user can't control Magma just Steam and the user's body just becomes much more defensive.


Smoke and steam come out of my body in an aura of heat and magma. Bakugou gains a glint in his eyes as he feels that he is sweating more meaning his quirk will be in a much better state than before.

I did this on purpose, I want to show off a bit and this Quirk is a mutation of a bunch of quirks that were similar and compatible with each other, A rock quirk that hardened my body like Kirishima's own quirk, A Steam quirk that allowed me to control steam and a heat quirk that heated my body.

All of those mixed to make Magma Body. I Grin at Bakugou with teeth that look like metal that had been heated up to the point that they glowed bright red.

My hair also became lava-like and flowed down my back like a volcano emitting magma.

Aizawa stared at me for a moment in shock and he finished his countdown, and Bakugou blasted forward with his explosion quirk he was like a rocket blasting directly towards me at great speeds.

I crouch down into a position that runners do when they are about to run forward In a great burst of speed.

Speaking about a great burst of speed Steam blasts from my feet, at some point, I threw my shoes outside the box so I couldn't do this, I blasted forward like that guy from Fire Force(Shinra?) and reared my glowing fist back and he did the same with his palm with an explosion.

The result was a giant cloud of steam and smoke from his explosion, and both of us were sent flying back at the concussive blast of steam and explosion power.

I used my steam to land on the ground in the classic hero landing Bakugou did something similar but he rolled and used the momentum to shoot forward in a sudden blast and punch me right in the face.

I rear back but push forward seemingly injured this makes Bakugou grit his teeth in anger and he slaps me with a massive explosion of flame and whatever else was in an explosion.

I just laugh at his shocked face when he sees that I am again not injured by his attack.

I am going to humble this brat…

I suddenly blast forward and towering above him I quickly grab his neck before he can react and lift him into the air he gasps for air frantically with his eyes still filled with rage and hits me with various explosions of various sizes.

I jump into the air in a blast of steam spin around angle him downwards and shout at the top of my voice.


I slammed him into the ground with a huge blast of heat and steam.

A cloud of dust covered the box and when it cleared up I was standing with my feet on the unconscious form of Bakugou.

He had various burns all over his body, and he was out like a light.

Everyone stared with shocked faces, especially a certain green-haired teen.




Magma Body is one of his strongest quirks it's probably the strongest defensive quirk he has currently.

Also another 1K chapter?! Am I insane, three chapters in the same day?!

Well, I wanted to get as many chapters out before college started on Monday, I won't post any chapters on the days I am in college, (Monday Tuesday and Wednesday.)

I hope you guys enjoyed the Chapter!
