
[MHA:Laughing At Death]

Lowlife Alex dies a dumb death in his opinion and gets reincarnated after a very long time in the void, even though Alex got a new chance at life the void still affected him in some ways. Alex now Shikage plans to live his new life in the world of my hero academia to its fullest while laughing at the face of death but did Shikage reincarnate with nothing to help him? No, he has a rather bizarre power. Want to know more? Read to find out.

Lox_Of_Sins · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


"So, Kid, where were you?" asked Jari while cutting a bit of his Pork chop, I looked up stone-faced and Shrugged, "Fucking around, I dunno Pops." He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow, "Sounds suspicious kid." He said though he had no suspicion in his tone, He was obviously fucking with me to get a rise out of me.

"Yup~," I said popping the ʼpʼ, "Not going lie, it's some suspicious shit." He laughed and scratched his clean-shaven face. "I won't pry, but if it's a crime, don't get caught." he said half seriously.

I nodded and we both continued to eat in comfortable silence. Soon however Jari put a box on the table, I looked down at it and was surprised, it was a smartphone. "One of my pals in AA said that I should get you a phone so you could make friends." He said which surprised me.

"You told your friend you had a kid? Didn't you sign a contract to keep me a secret?" He nodded, "It's called Alcoholics Anonymous, for a reason kid." And I nodded, "For the record, I don't want to go to school." He laughed at that and soon we both finished our meals.

I pick up the phone and look at Jari who is picking up the dirty dishes. "Thanks." I said and he smiled slightly, "No problem kid." then so I left to my room while setting up my new phone.

[One Week Later.]

"Come on Suta, I know you know where the Storage for the drugs are.." I said as I pushed a man who was heavily beaten and had a swollen face and a pair of slightly damaged antenna.

"Listen! I can't tell ya' Gelasius!" He said with a panic and feared expression.

"Come on. Don't make me break your kneecaps.." I said with a feral grin, He flinched back and sighed, "Okay, okay!" He put his hands up and I let him go and he slumped against the wall.

He then proceeded to tell me the location of where his gang, Slug fest. I noted this and left him in the alley after knocking him out.

This week had been productive, I had gotten two more quirks from my ability upon dying to two beasts.

Super regeneration and A quirk that allows me to daze people for 5 seconds but it only works on the same person every 10 minutes so it's pretty shity..

Anyway time to bust a drug ring!

[To be continued]

{AN: Sorry guys I am feeling tired and I wanted to get this chapter out as soon as I could so I made it shorter than I normally do, life has been a bitter bitch and I have no motivation to write anything when I come home from college.

I won't drop anything.

I am just going to be one of those writers who drop a chapter every week or so. I ain't a consistent person and that's not going to change.}