
[marvel] an idea

When a student fresh out of highschool takes a mysterious survey asking what world he would like to go to he obviously chose to go to the mcu read as his story unveils

zaron · Movies
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year: 1988 a 9 year old boy from Missouri hands starts to glow as a blast comes from his hand he looks down at his now glowing hand and blasts as music to max volume while he blasts the ground over and over. In a spaceship that is currently looking for the boy they get a signal of high spacial material which is what they thought was quill but it was actually wakanda. As that happens young peter produces a blast that he held on two causing him to fall as this happens there radar picks up some energy greater than the vibranium.

They would end up heading to that area and end up picking up this young man named peter quill as they collect him and take him in to space he would freak out and end up making a whole in the ship as this happens he would fly threw the whole ending up in space as this happened some random guy on the ship flew towards the whole and before he got sucked out something got pushed in front of the whole causing the whole to go away and the air to return.

They thought the reason they came to this planet was for nothing but it was actually for something as they turn the ship around they see a young peter quill breathing in space perfectly fine he's even floating around with this blue aura around his legs letting him fly around.

Back to the current day: Oscorp is currently under investigation since about a week ago two of nyc's biggest schools had many students become sick after going to oscorp so that's under investigation.

It's official that tony stark is missing after an attack in the east while he was testing out new weapons.

This was big news to the world as tony stark was declared one of no not one of the smartest persons alive in the world and he's missing, not only that one of the only companions that could rival stark is also in the fire with it being possibly harmful to people in the building. Sometime later the board directors at oscorp thought it would be smart to kick Osborn out of his own company which caused him to use the oz serum starting the events of spider-man one.

It's been about a month since everything went down a little after the news spread only those the board members trust me being one of them as they think when i grow older ill join the bored, they end up saying that Norman would be kicked out of Oscorp as soon as i heard the news i decided that it's time to quit Oscorp as after this things would turn out for the worst.

The news of me leaving actually hurt the board and they begged me to stay since im one of their most promising workers but no matter what I left to go and do whatever i was planning to do which was relax chill and buy stocks since they're dropping low.

We'd skip to about a week later at a festival. Id think this really does look like how it was in the movies this would be the first time spider-man fought green goblin the scene was remade perfectly it was Norman flying in the distance just flying around on the glider in tell he came down and tossed a goblin bomb at the building but this is when it really turned around the second the bomb exploded peter changed in to spider-man the bomb wasn't how they had it in the movies though when the bomb went off it leveled the building causing the building to start to fall this wasn't like the movies at all where it just blew up the inside and mass panic this was about to be the death of thousand basically marvels 9/11 since in this world that never happened. When the building started to fall peter didn't even fight the goblin it was just him webbing around 10 people at a time to some area where there shouldn't be damage on top of that there was a lot of police as this was a Oscorp sponsored event and a festival so you should expect trouble.

I had successfully gotten out of the area and into a safe area. This event woke something up inside of me making me remember this isn't an easy road ahead. I have to be strong enough to fight aliens.

A couple hours later it said the estimated amount of deaths that were found are slightly under 6k deaths and around 12k injured. This event was really bad causing even more mayhem. We now go to the perspective of peter parker im currently enjoying my time when all of a sudden, a thing no man on a glider in a goblin suit came down with what looks like to be a bomb in his hand i would change into my spider suit red and blue. Looks more like the suit he fought vulture in not like Tobey's or Andrews.

Some sense i had was going crazy and before he even tossed the bomb i had webbed around 20 people to an area away from the main building as the entire first floor gets destroyed as the building would tilt as that happens Mj who was on the second floor just chilling not really being noticed in tell the bombing she had ended up apart of the group that he saved he mainly went for the people in the building first.

When he was bringing them, his senses had a familiar sense with her, and she had one with him so he decided he would check it out later. Me and the police would end up getting as many people as we can out of the area before the building collapsed causing more buildings nearby to collapse. I think this was a good debut but such a bad event I wonder how aunt may would react to this.

Now back to Zeaks Pov: I think it's time I start. spider-man just made his debut and this happens yeah I shouldn't have waited as I was chilling the whole time.

I should start to assemble my own group as I know a couple supers from the Oscorp incident.

This chap is shorter as i wanted to make this before i go to bed. Also can i get some names for some of the oscorp people and name some powers they should have ( ps all powers should be animal based)