
[Let me be]

It will be fine. that’s all we can do in the least. (Try to) be fine.

Wrinkle_writer · Realistic
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1 Chs

Ch 1 -Let me die-

"And please remember I love you mom, hina , haruto....i will miss you all. 

-with love, son." He finished, closing his diary while putting on the cap of his pen.

This was it. His 21 years had been awfully hard,the day since birth till his adulthood had been a pain, and this was surely a good way to escape the pain. What big deal can it be, a few weeks of his funeral,a month or so of his mom crying and a little pressure on Hina, that's all besides there's nothing they haven't endured yet .

"I feel bad for them.... he paused for a moment switching between decisions

...but I'm tired" he looked down at the viscous nature of the water , barely flowing yet looking so hungry for his soul

" can I.....? He muttered as if backing up from his decision

"That looks deep, guess no one can find my bodily in there" he said somewhat scared

"But I've to do this..... he closed his eyes , tightened his eyelids and fists his hands while trembling in process.

"Goodbye world, I love you mom , I love you Hina , I love you Haruto,I love you all but I'm sacred"he kept muttering

"If you're going to jump make it quick" a voice interrupted his action

"I know but I'm scare- wait what! " he opened his eyes to a boy standing beside him arms folded,wearing a school uniform.

"I said if you're going to jump off this bridge make it quick" he leaned on the brick eyeing the other.

"What that's with you?" He turned away

"Go on  I won't tell nobody" he grinned

"Tch You are a psychopath"

"Says the one who is trying to commit suicide"

"Go away kid you know nothing" he gritted his teeth

"You look more like a kid to me honestly" well he wasn't wrong

"So what kid,you know nothing how an adult feels" he glared at him

"Stop with that 'kid' you aren't that old I know barely years apart from me"

"Arghhhh go away will you?"

" but I want to witness a suicide" he exclaimed

"Ugh ! Psychopath!"

"Haha thanks suicidal"

"tch Leave it "he back away from the edge picking up his stuffs and started walking

"Ah now I'm kinda disappointed you know?I really wanted to see you jump" he sulked

"Not with you gawking your eyes out" he turned around complaining

"Anyway, what's the reason?"

"What reason"

"For your suicide"

"What is your problem! He stomped towards him pointing his finger

"Now now no violence" he back away hands up

"Ugh leave it , don't waste your time watching others,don't have any school work to do?" He folded his on his chest eying him

"Ah I just finished my class , last year of high school heh" he said standing proud

"Tch no need to be proud,now piss off" he started walking

"You've got a great temper"

"Doesn't bother anyone"

"Will you tell me the next time we meet" he shouted at the other a meter apart

"Tell you what?!" The other answered not bothering turning

"What was the reason"

"Like in hell"

"We'll meet again right?"


"It's haruto btw" he waved at the other's back

"No need to tell me your name kid"

"What's yours??"

"Not telling"


"No go home mom's waiting"

"I've no mom"

"So wha- wait you have no mom?" He turned around meters apart from the other who wouldn't buzz moving from the position

"Yea" the other beamed a smile

"Why are you so happy?"

"It's just my elder sister and me"

"Oh....I'm sorry....

"Now tell me you name?"

"Why are you so pent upon my name"

"You seem nice mister"


"Fumi what??"

"Akifumi Ito"

"Oh nice to meet you  Ito san I'm nakamura haruto" he bowed

"Ahh ok..."

"Bye then let's meet again" he shouted and jogged away

"Weird lad.... he stared at the running back of the other

"Whatever,I was supposed to leave first " he scratched his head walking away

I hate him for saving me.

Writer's note : the haruto Ito mentioned at the first para was actually his doggy's name . Haruto was bought home when Ito was in his middle school, as old as he gets they share a special bonding as brothers .It struck to him the moment nakamura mentioned his name has haruto in it, haruto(doggy) loves water and dislikes veggies.