

Katniss Jane Blake is just a 16 year old high school girl living a simple yet complicated life. She intends to spend her summer with her dad to escape the current horrors of her life but is unaware of what awaits her in Scotthe Hills and how her life will be turned upside down when she meets the rude boy, Aiden. Inside beats all stereotypes, gives you a look on the inside life of a teenager. It's not all fun and party, it is complicated, teenagers are depressed and true love doesn't exist, at least not for all. Life is not even close to being fair. It is one hell of a roller coaster ride. [ONGOING]

imaginingaddict_ · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

*there's some swearing, so don't read if you can't take it*

"Heyy," the familiar voice echoed in my ears. It had been over a month since I'd seen that face and heard that angelic voice. Even though, I thought I was over him, I wasn't, my heart was breaking into a million pieces all over again and I couldn't concentrate on the matter at hand. What was he fucking doing here? Wasn't he relieved after tearing my heart apart once? Weren't BOTH of them, my conscience added. All of a sudden, anger welled inside of me, they both had done this to me, my own fucking blood had done this to me, how could I ever trust anyone now? My blood was boiling at the sight of him and I couldn't help it, all those mixed emotions had now turned into pure hatred. All I wanted to do was put his fucking head through the wall, drag him, no both of them through the streets and kick them in their stupid fucking balls! God damn it, you need therapy, and you know, you can't do anything to her, my conscience chuckled at me. Frustrated, I took a step towards the door where he was standing.

"Tyler, what the hell are you doing here?" I said without looking at him.

"I heard you needed a ride?" He responded calmly as if everything was alright, after everything they'd done to me, how could everything be okay?!

"And how is that any of your concerns?" I said taking my eyes off the floor and directly staring him in those chestnut, brown eyes.

"It's the last day of Junior Year and I remembered how excited you were for it and never stopped talking about it, you know when we were-"

"That's enough, you can leave now, we're done here!" I snapped. It was taking every ounce of me to not cry and he clearly wasn't helping it!

"Let's just go, please, I told the school administration you had an accident and that you needed a ride, I'll seriously get in trouble if you don't come with me." He said breaking the eye contact.

"And does it look like I fucking care?" I questioned, glancing at Jason hoping he doesn't learn the 'F' word.

"Kayy, please." He pleaded.

"Don't fucking call me that, you lost that right when you slept-" I was interrupted by his coughing which made me realise Jason was still there. Fuck, fuck, how could I let this slip, stupid fucking bitch, I cursed myself silently.

"Can we go now?" Tyler asked pointing at the clock. I seriously wanted to attend the last day of Junior Year but if it meant going with him, I wouldn't mind skipping it! But wait, how did he know about you needing a ride, my conscience was as confused as I was.

The only person who knew was Peter, my mind started putting the pieces together. That loser had no idea what shit I was going through, not everything was one his idiotic games, and my life certainly wasn't. And what about the games you're playing with Elena, my conscience reminded me. I deliberately let go of that thought and looked at Tyler.

It was either staying home or leaving with him. What could he possibly do now, it's not like he could hurt me anymore; oh darling, his presence rips you apart, what else do you call pain? My conscience seriously needed to learn to shut up at times.

"Okay, let me just grab my stuff," I said without realising what I had just agreed to. Since I didn't really have a choice and I actually wanted to attend the last day, I padded up the stairs.

Five minutes later, I made my way down, Hayley had arrived and was standing next to Jason. I smiled at both of them and headed out.

Tyler was in his same old Honda, before getting in, I plugged in my earphones to avoid any sort of conversation. A while later, I heard him calling out my name.

"Huh?" I said, taking out my earphones, I still couldn't ignore him, what was wrong with me?

"Kayy, how long will we stay like this?" He repeated.

"Stay like this? Tyler, THIS IS NOT A FUCKING  PHASE, it's forever and don't say anything about it, you're the ONE TO BLAME, not me!!" I was half shouting but honestly, I didn't care.

"I know and I am sorry, Kayy, it happened, we were drunk, I am really sorry." He said looking at me.

"An apology doesn't change anything, Tyler. She's pregnant, do you even know how broken and disgusted I was, after I heard about this shit?" I replied, keeping my eyes on the road to avoid the Niagara Falls. This was the first time, we had actually talked without shouting and breaking stuff after the incident.

"I know, it doesn't but Kayy, we were best friends before this relationship mess, can't we just go back to that?" We were now close to WhiteShore High but out of nowhere, Tyler stopped the car. I took a deep breath and finally made eye contact with him.

"No we can't, Tyler! My sister is fucking pregnant with your child, how do you expect me to be okay with that?? No I won't be okay with anything! YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH MY SISTER, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET OVER THAT, HUH? YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING; EIGHT FUCKING YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP, SIX MONTHS OF BEING TOGETHER! NONE OF IT MEANT ANYTHING TO YOU! AND THE WORST PART IS THAT, NOW YOU CAN'T EVEN LET GO OF ME! BUT I AM DONE TYLER, COMPLETELY, UTTERLY DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR BULLSHIT!!!! JUST FUCKING DRIVE NOW!" I exhaled, getting rid of the burdens piling inside of me, I was tired of keeping everything inside, I was done being that girl, I had to let go of it all. WhiteShore wasn't a place for me, it was no more home. I felt tears wetting my cheeks and I instantly looked away.

We drove in complete silence and at last, arrived at school. I got out as soon as the brakes screeched to a stop in the parking lot. There was so much on my mind, I had to find Anna, she would know what to say to calm me down, I seriously didn't know what I would have done without her, I needed her desperately. So I texted her:

meet in the restroom asap, need you

Are u ok?


Aw I'm sorry baby, omw


I heard the door creak, thankfully, it was Anna.

"What happened? Are you okay?" She said, comforting me.

"I saw him; Tyler, it all came back, literally everything, no matter what I do, they find their way back." I couldn't help those tears, so I let them free.

"I am so sorry, you don't deserve this, you shouldn't have to go through this shit alone, I don't know what you're going through but remember I went through a breakup too, it was awful but honestly I am glad it happened because it made me who I am, made me realise my worth, and trust me, you will benefit from this too, soon it will be okay!" She sympathetically smiled at me and opened her arms. I sobbed and hugged her. Moments later she asked, "Why was he there?"

"To give me a ride, Peter sent him, I think," I said sniffing back a sob.

"He doesn't know anything, maybe that's why but it doesn't justify it, we'll talk to him during gym." She calmly responded.

"I will be okay," I reassured myself letting go of her.

"You will be okay," she repeated, smiling at me.

"Let's get to class now," I nodded towards the door.

"After you," she cracked into laughter and I couldn't help it. Together we walked out to face the world.

*this update is short but there's a lot of drama coming!!! i hope, all of you are doing well!!!

upcoming chapters: might change your view about Katniss, haha!

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lots of love<3*