
[Infinite Clone System]

“Speaking of which, you may not believe it, the apostle over there who wants to bring all things together and implement the human completion plan, the Great Demon King Piccolo who wants to rule the world, the Aizen who wants to become a transcendence to reach the realm of gods, and the one who claims to be The White King who ruled the age of the ninja world 10,000 years ago.... They are all my clones.” “Oh, of course, the same is true for the Avengers who fought against their Shichibukai.” “Uh, you said Fenris? He is too, but I haven’t decided whether it would be better to let him hunt Akatsuki organization or hunt the Mist Village.” To put it simply, this is a story of constantly opening vests in the ninja world. NOTE: (Not really translated, but just edited) (Cover photo are not mine) (If you want translated chapters, go to translatinotaku website, and the ch. 1-14 are from TranslatedOtaku, the chapter's there are translated unlike mine. And here is the continuity starting from ch. 15) (I'm doing this for free anyway, and no Patreon, I'll edit some chapter's in my spare time)

Reverse_9612 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 32

[Chapter 14]

The cyan ripples spread along the water dragon to Jinpachi Musashi's body, causing even the corpse who didn't feel the pain to let out a howl.

On the soles of the feet without pears or even eight, green shoots burrowed out from the ground, and the abundant life force gave birth to all things and destroyed the evil.

At this moment, he was lying weakly on the ground, but his eyes looked at JoJo and said, "Jonathan Joestar, you are doing well…"

"Did the curse finally break?" JoJo took a breath and said after regaining her breath.

"…Yeah…" Jinpachi Musashi smiled, "After being resurrected for a short time, I became someone else's pawn, and even my own thoughts were controlled by others, like a puppet from Sand Ninja Village…" His In the body, the ripples began to spread, and half of his body melted in a short time, but he only had the half of his body above the waist, still talking.

"Well…I can be considered to have freed me from this curse…but I'm not reconciled. If it was the real me, I would definitely not lose to you."

"I know." JoJo solemnly looked at Jinpachi Musashi who was about to become ashes, then slowly walked towards him, and finally extinguish by a ripple

"These ripples can barely relieve your pain…bye."

He looked at the land that had been completely suppressed by Kuriarare Kushimaru, and ran over quickly.

However, the corpse who was rescued by Kuriarare Kushimaru stood in front of him, and he waved his hand and ordered, "Damn! How can I let you just pass by like this?! Listen to me! Stop him. !"

Those corpses who had been stopped by Jinpachi Musashi before screamed and ran over in large strides.

"It's troublesome…"


"Lord Jiraiya, there seems to be no one in this village."

The Konoha crowd, who came all the way from another village, shook their heads, instinctively feeling a trace of unease in this quiet little village.

Kakashi said attentively, "According to the information, this village is actually the base of a bandit group that was rampant for a while. Most of the people in it are gangsters who can fight at any time. Their leaders are two Chunin. According to Anbu's Judging from the news, these two people should have been sent by the Land of Water to our rear to carry out sabotage operations during the war, and they could not go back in time after the war."

Shishui answered, "The two Chunin are not weak are in such a remote place."

Naoto echoed, "Well, it stands to reason that the war is over. There is no need for them to carry out robbery and other sabotage actions that will only anger the country of fire, but why are they all out at night?"

Mighty Guy also joins in the fun and proposes a possibility

"Could it be related to Shichibukai?"

"It may also be related to demonic energy."

Seeing the little guys who were having a good time discussing each and every one of your words, Jiraiya rarely showed a solemn expression.

The uneasiness that had appeared a few hours ago was getting worse, as if something big was about to happen!

(Could it be related to Tsunade?)

He thought of Tsunade's abnormal behavior not long ago, and suddenly felt that it was a stupid behavior that he didn't stop Tsunade to ask questions.

That old hag Tsunade definitely didn't come here by accident by wandering around!

As he was thinking about things, he suddenly felt a cold murderous aura. He hurriedly turned to the source of the murderous aura, and found that Suzuki Toichiro in the intelligence was standing on a house in the distance watching them!

Jiraiya's heart sank, he didn't expect to be exposed so quickly.

(This guy Suzuki has been hiding here for a few hours. Could he have discovered the demonic energy here?)

Are we going to fight?

For a mysterious organization like Shichibukai, he didn't want to provoke them unless he was forced to.

But the demonic energy is very important, and it must not be handed over easily, otherwise no one will know what the Shichibukai Organization will do with the demonic energy.

But unexpectedly, the murderous aura quickly disappeared, and Suzuki waved at him as if to greet him.

He wants me to come over?

Or is it still not over?

Suzuki had come here a few hours before them, and now he might be ambushed if he rushes past.

But he finally decided to go and have a look.

One is that he wants to find out in front of this Shichibukai member and get some information about this organization.

How many people are there in Shichibukai?

What is the agency?

What is the purpose for?

These are mysteries.

The second is because he believed in the judgment of Minato, who once said that Suzuki was a rather proud man.

Since he canceled the murderous intent and made a gesture to let him pass, he would definitely not set a trap.

Thinking of this, he interrupted the conversation between the four, and then ordered, "You guys wait here and don't move, I'll leave."

"Leave?!" Mighty Guy was shocked, "Master Jiraiya, are you going to drink again?"

Jiraiya staggered, a well appeared on his head, and shouted in dissatisfaction, "How could it be for such a thing!"

After finally calming down, Jiraiya no longer cares about these little ghosts, and the instant body technique disappeared.

At this time, the moon had already climbed up into the sky, and when the cool wind passed, some dust on the ground was blown up and scattered in the night, making the night even more hazy.

Jiraiya crossed a short distance in two strokes, and as soon as he arrived, he heard Suzuki Toichiro speak.

"You Konoha people have been following me for several days. I don't like being followed."

Obviously, Suzuki didn't have any emotional ups and downs when he spoke, and he didn't have any accent or force, but there was always a sense of order in what Jiraiya's heard from the voice.

He frowned, and then heaved a sigh of relief, "A dangerous guy like you came to the country of fire, but it's already very face-saving for us to just monitor you. A guy like you, a bad guy that can cause damage comparable to a tailed beast. "

"…we will not do anything, we're just…"

"We're not malicious either." Jiraiya interrupted Suzuki.

"Humph! It's up to you, but I still advise you to put the perception network on the national territory instead of having the power to monitor me."

Suzuki snorted and said sarcastically.

"What do you mean?"

Jiraiya frowned into a Sichuan character, he could hear the sarcasm in Suzuki's mouth, but he was more curious about what Suzuki was referring to?

So he followed Suzuki's gaze and swept over in advance.

then stunned

That kind of creature full of evil aura, with bone spurs on its body, can charge forward without fear even if it has a broken limb.

He don't know why, but just looking at these strange creatures, an indescribable chaotic and terrifying feeling arises in his heart, which is the instinctive disgust of the living for such monsters.

Suzuki, who saw Jiraiya's shocked expression, laughed out loud, "Anyway, your also Konoha's Sannin, a legendary character who has no control over the situation on his own country at all. It really makes people laugh. ."

"You bastard…" Jiraiya also choked, and after a moment of stunned he answered, "This…what is that thing?"

"I don't know." Suzuki sneered, "How can I know such a thing if I don't even know how it develops?"




Jirai also began to feel a sense of disappointment, but he was quickly stoked by the teasing in Suzuki's tone, but he was one of the three sannin after all. "Anyway, if you really don't know these guys, then I'm going to get rid of them."

In any case, as a Shinobi of Konoha, the country of fire, after seeing such evil and weird monsters, he has the responsibility to take action.

What's more, for the unknown, intelligence is the most important thing.

He wants to capture them here, and then bring them back to Konoha with the demonic energy!

"And, looking at this, they seem to be chasing and besieging someone. Maybe they knows some information about these monsters!"