
[Infinite Clone System]

“Speaking of which, you may not believe it, the apostle over there who wants to bring all things together and implement the human completion plan, the Great Demon King Piccolo who wants to rule the world, the Aizen who wants to become a transcendence to reach the realm of gods, and the one who claims to be The White King who ruled the age of the ninja world 10,000 years ago.... They are all my clones.” “Oh, of course, the same is true for the Avengers who fought against their Shichibukai.” “Uh, you said Fenris? He is too, but I haven’t decided whether it would be better to let him hunt Akatsuki organization or hunt the Mist Village.” To put it simply, this is a story of constantly opening vests in the ninja world. NOTE: (Not really translated, but just edited) (Cover photo are not mine) (If you want translated chapters, go to translatinotaku website, and the ch. 1-14 are from TranslatedOtaku, the chapter's there are translated unlike mine. And here is the continuity starting from ch. 15) (I'm doing this for free anyway, and no Patreon, I'll edit some chapter's in my spare time)

Reverse_9612 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 20

[Chapter 2 Akatsuki Organization]

On an island near the coastline of the Land of Water, the sun shines brightly on a house on the island through the coldness of air.

Pakura opened her eyes and hurriedly got up to get dressed and washed. After everything was done, she hurried out of the house.

After being rescued by Shichibukai, Pakura doubted her previous life for a long time, and finally made a decision to make Sand village regret and chose to join Shichibukai. Currently, he is being trained by his senior Uesugi Koshi.

Feeling the breeze blowing across her face, Pakura took a deep breath and then exhaled, and the exhaustion of the day was swept away.

"Are you up so early?"

Hearing the movement here, Uesugi came over

"Yeah, I can't wait." Pakura stretched her muscles and bones.

"I heard that your going to compete with a little ghost for the place in Shichibukai?"

"It's not actually a competition." Uesugi smiled, but he didn't explain in detail, "You'll know when the time comes anyway."

"Tsk, it's so mysterious."

"Haha, Shichibukai is not a mysterious organization at all!"

"It seems like this, someone like me can become a reserve member without even taking an assessment, isn't this precautionary awareness too poor?!" Pakura complained.

In her mind, a mysterious organization like Shichibukai that lurks in the ninja world and cannot even be discovered by the intelligence agencies of the Five Great Ninja Villages, must be very strict in the investigation of personnel.

But now it doesn't look like this at all!

"There are indeed two fixed seats in the Shichibukai that are inherited by the family. For example, the Ace you have seen, their family has been in the Shichibukai for generations. I don't know how many years have been passed down."

"But there are also random recruits from the outside world. For example, I used to be a wandering ninja, and the boss brought me to Shichibukai. The restrictions on personnel are even more pitiful, after all…"

Having said that, Uesugi stopped suddenly.

Looking at Pakura's puzzled eyes, he smiled and said, "When you become the official Shichibukai member, let me give you a break for the time being."

"I can't wait…" Pakura thought of the village that betrayed her, and her words carried a strong anger, "Alright, if I become Shichibukai, the organization will help me beat them hard."

"That's right, and it won't take long." Uesugi Koshi looked up at the sky

"Why so?" Pakura also felt a little nervous when he saw the dignified expression on the old man's face.

"The assessment is coming soon, and the assessment this time is different from the previous ones."

"It's all different? Wait, shouldn't we go and attack Sand Ninja Village?!" Pakura exclaimed

"What are you thinking? If you attack the five major countries with your strength, isn't that courting death? But a trip to the five major countries is unavoidable."


Outside Rain Village, Ace sat on a large rock and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Really, this kind of errand work is always done by me."

And it's not necessarily a safe task.

"Okay, let's talk about why you are looking for the Akatsuki organization first."

Countless papers suddenly appeared behind him, and these papers finally condensed together to form a girl with blue-purple hair, with a bun on her back and a ninja with purple roses on her head. She was dressed in black The red cloud robe at the bottom looked indifferent.

"The Kunuochi, I didn't expect you to come in person." Ace said without looking back.

"Forget the polite words."

"She's really indifferent…" Looking at Konan's cold eyes, Ace quickly changed his words, "I came to see you for something."

"Say it."

"Recently, we investigated Rain Village and found some things about you." Ace said solemnly, "Your leader was killed by Hanzo?"


Ace's voice just fell,

An extremely cold murderous aura came from behind him.

There was a twist on Konan's cold face, and countless sheets of paper condensed behind her into a pair of incomparably noble and sacred white wings.

Next, as long as she has a thought, these paper wings will become countless sharpest weapons and pierce Ace's body.

Even if this man is a member of the mysterious Shichibukai organization, she should never consume Yahiko's sacrifice at will!

"Don't be so excited…" But the man seemed to have no sense of the murderous aura behind him and continued, "Let me tell you one thing, people killed by demons can't even rest their souls, if you If you want Yahiko's soul to ascend to heaven and become a saint, calm down and listen to me."



Konan, who suddenly heard two unfamiliar words, forcibly held back his killing intent and tried to calm down.

And Ace took the opportunity to explain, "You should know about our Shichibukai's recent actions. For the sake of demonic energy, we even had a fight with Konoha, one of the five major ninja villages. And this is because of this."

"You mean that Rain Village also has a Demonic energy?"

"It's not just the Demonic energy, but the Demonic energy of Fire." Ace shrugged, "I finally found the whereabouts of the Demonic energy of Fire, but it was disturbed by Konoha's people and caused it to escape again, but fortunately this time We had people tracking it down, so we went all the way here."

Konan's eyes widened, "You mean Hanzo is also collecting demonic energy?"

"It is possible that the base responsible for guarding the demonic energy was attacked not long ago. Although the guards barely repelled the attackers, the eight major demonic energy disappeared. When we arrived at the scene, only a large amount of poisonous gas was found. "

"I wasn't sure before, but this time, after the demonic energy of fire was attracted to Rain Village, I was finally certain. Although I don't know where he got the news about the demonic energy…"

"His purpose of fighting with us and pain should be… Hanzo must be searching for the demonic energy!" Konan gritted her teeth

She will never forget that day, when Yahiko died in front of her eyes, and the rampant Nagato summoned an outsider golem to repel Hanzo.

Hanzo must have seen the Rinnegan eye possessed by Nagato, and after knowing he couldn't fight against nagato, he stretched his demonic claws to the demonic energy instead!

"No matter what, Hanzo's behavior has already caused harm to the entire ninja world. So we will assemble the combat power of five Shichibukai to completely wipe him out in the near future."

"No! Hanzo belongs to us, this man must be killed by us!" Konan said angrily.

"I have no problem with that. It just so happens that we can still join hands, but are you sure you can kill Hanzo? You must know that he is known as a demigod shinobi, not to mention the Demonic energy he has recently collected."

"You underestimate Akatsuki's strength." Konan narrowed his eyes, "The eradication of Hanzo and his power is in our recent mission, and we don't need your power at all."

Akatsuki is still wary of this mysterious Shichibukai organization, and Rain Village is the future base of their Akatsuki organization, so she doesn't want to let Shichibukai get involved in this matter.

"Okay, but I suggest moving the civilians to a safe place as much as possible before starting the war. Otherwise, if there is a real fight, the strength of both of you will probably affect a lot of innocent people."

"… Of course you don't need to remind me of this."

"Okay then!" Ace stood up and stretched, "Then it's time to leave after my words are delivered, bye."