
Chapter 3: Meetings and Revelations

They changed into a fresh set of clothes, Harry's old ones were discarded since they were mostly sheds anyway. He was happy to wear something for once that wasn't worn by anyone else before and a few sizes too big for him.

After they finished changing, they headed to meet with Rias' Family, especially her older Brother wanted to talk to Harry once he woke up. He apparently held some kind of important Position in Devil Society, 'Devil' a word that Harry still had trouble getting comfortable with, he was a Devil now. 'They are not necessarily evil Harry, just a different race. Don't be discriminatory because of their name.' He calmed himself internally as he followed Rias.

They passed many doors in, this massive Mansion before they arrived in front of an elegant wooden door decorated with many carvings. This whole place was gigantic, and Harry felt that he only saw a very small part of it now. The Dursleys would have been outright jealous if they ever saw this place.

Once Rias knocked on the wooden Door, and a voice from inside told them to enter. They stepped inside a massive Drawing Room. One of these Places rich people use to welcome Guests. Just in an outrageous size even for normal rich humans, at least that's what Harry believed after seeing this Room.

Four people were waiting for them inside the spacious room, two quite similar-looking men with the same Crimson hair as Rias, one of them a bit older looking, with a short red beard, and two women one of them looks like an older version of Rias with brown hair and violet eyes, the other one a young beautiful woman who has back-long silver white hair with long braids on both sides and red eyes, she was also wearing a French Maid outfit.

"Ah, Ria you and your new friend are finally awake!" greeted the older man, "I am Zeoticus Gremory, the head of House Gremory and father of Rias, this is my Wife Venelana, my son Sirzechs Lucifer and his wife Grayfia Lucifuge. It's good to see that you are a fine young man."

"Good Morning, I am Harry Potter. Thank you for helping me out, Sir." Introduced Harry himself politely while thinking about the name of one particular individual, 'Lucifer!? Like the fallen Angel and Original Devil Lucifer?'

Meanwhile, Sirzechs straightened up at the name Harry Potter as he recognized it. While Zeoticus replied amiably, "Not to worry young man, and call me Zeoticus. As a member of my daughter's Peerage, you are part of our Family now!"

"Eh, Are you sure? Am I not something like a servant or employed?" questioned Harry confused, still unfamiliar with the structures of the Underworld.

"Technically that's true, in the eyes of the Devil Society, you would be considered a servant. But our Family handles this quite differently. We treat our servants and employees well and with respect, and our Peerages are part of our Family." Explained Zeoticus with a smile before turning to Sirzechs, "But it seems my son knows something about you, young man. Do you want to share it with the rest of us, Sirzechs?"

"Harry is quite famous in the right circles. Are you aware of that Harry?" asked Sirzechs carefully.

"I am famous? How could that be? I am just Harry!" replied the young boy confused and unsure.

"There are many Supernatural Communities in the world. One of them consists of Wizards and Witches, called the Wizarding World. A Community of Magic Users, with the ability to use image-based Magic quite similar to us Devils." Explained Sirzechs.

"Ah, I remember them they were, one of our society's attempts to create more Devils after so many of us died during the great war. We don't have any contact with them anymore since the ones responsible for their creation deemed them a failure. And Harry is one of them?" questioned Zeoticus interested.

Everyone in the room now looked at Sirzechs with interest, "Yes, and not just anyone. He is one of the most famous people in their Community. Almost on the same level as Merlin who also originated from their Community, and is famous in the whole Supernatural world."

"Why would I be famous? Although I am aware that I possess magic, I didn't even know there was a bigger Magical Community I am part of."

"That's what I guessed. Combined with the circumstances of your arrival this makes your whole life concerning. First of all, I would like to know how you grew up and what you know. It would allow me to fill in the blanks better. If you are fine with it Harry?" offered Sirzechs having a hunch about the boy's life.

After thinking things through, Harry nodded and began to retell the story of his young life, while the Adults were serious from the start and already guessed that there had to be something wrong, Rias was excited at first that she could learn more about her new Peerage member, which quickly changed into sadness and tears as she learned about the hard life and abuse he had to endure.

Once Harry was finished he was quickly engulfed in a Hug by Rias who had tears in her eyes. "I am so sorry that you had to live with such vile people, even if they are still alive you will never have to return to them." She said as the others in the Room nodded. Harry still was unsure of what he should think, but he had to admit the hug felt nice.

"I see it is as I guessed. Your Story explains the energy readings we got from the area you arrived at. The dark mist that broke out of your body was the result of yourself suppressing your magic, you developed something called an Obscurus. A parasitic being formed through your magic, you seemed to have reached its critical mass and it began to become uncontrollable. But you somehow opened a rift in space and arrived here in the Underworld, the only reason Ria was able to reincarnate you is because your Obscurus was destroyed by the destructive force in the rift. Or else the transformation would have annihilated your body in its entirety. At the same time, the transformation protected you from the Rift." Explained Sirzechs seriously, "Now that you are a Devil, you won't have to fear suppressing your demonic energy, but it's still not advisable or your sinful desires could become uncontrollable and you could rampage or something similar."

Harry nodded solemnly, as he realized what cruelty the Dursleys caused him, and even that they probably knew he was a Wizard and they lied to him his whole life, "Do you know who my parents were and what happened to them?"

Sirzechs nodded, "Yes, it's closely related to the reason you are so famous in your magical Community. Around 8 years ago the Wizarding Community was at the height of a war, around twice a Century a Dark lord or lady appears amongst Wizards and Witches and tries to conquer it. This time the Dark Lord who used the prejudices of one side to lead them was on the verge of winning the whole war, until one fateful night he decided to attack your home in order to kill you for a reason I am not aware of. He killed both your Parents before he also tried to kill you with one of the most powerful Spells a Wizard could perform, the Killing Curse which usually kills any normal mortal. But somehow you were able to reflect the curse and vanquished that Dark Lord. I am sure your mother performed a powerful piece of magic, by sacrificing herself since there are remains of a sacrificial Protection Spell on you. And as the only known survivor of the Curse and vanquisher of their Dark Lord, you earned massive Fame in the Wizarding World. Soon after you were hidden away and nobody knew where."

After processing this massive amount of information and revelations, Harry had to know, "What was the name of my Parent's Killer?"

"He called himself Lord Voldemort. The fear of him is so strong, that they even today don't dare to say his name. And usually resort to calling him You-know-who. But that's pretty much all I know about him since the Wizarding Community is very insular and doesn't interact with the bigger Supernatural world." Replied Sirzechs seriously.

"Was he really that powerful?"

"It depends, for the Wizarding Community yes. But in the larger Picture not really. He has the strength of about a High-Class Devil which is basically reached by most adult devils after a few years. Even the Killing Curse is only lethal for low-class Devils and may hurt a High-Class one." Explained Sirzechs.

"I see. That's a lot to take in." Muttered Harry while he was still hugged by Rias who tried her best to support him.

"We understand." Replied Venelana, Rias' Mother, warmly before adding, "I think it's best if we stop this discussion for today. And let you have some rest, you learned a lot of new things about the World and yourself and will need some time to digest it."

"Thank you." Muttered Harry.

"Ria, get Harry something to eat and lead him later back to his room so he can get some sleep."

"Of course Mother."

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AN: So Harry learned much earlier about the Wizarding World, this will be one of the major changes to the Character Harry Potter. He won't be as naive and innocent like in Canon. He will have a better understanding of everything and about himself. There will be more he will learn about himself.

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