
Chapter 25: Lessons

One of the most interesting Classes was Transfiguration, the ability to change the shape of the World around him into whatever he wanted. The only piece of magic that Harry knew from the Underworld in that Class was Transformation Magic, as Professor McGonagall showed her ability to transform into an Animal in her first Lesson.

This form of Transformation Magic was apparently an advanced form of Transfiguration, but far more limited than what Harry knew from the Underworld. Even the most basic knowledge in Transformation he currently had, fell in the Wizarding World into a highly advanced and restricted branch called Human Transfiguration.

Meanwhile, the magic he was completely unfamiliar with, like transfiguring something into something else, was what they started with to his great pleasure. After a quite fascinating theoretical explanation, they started to change a match into a needle. Harry was the only one who Succeeded during his first lesson after multiple tries, while only Hermione managed to change the shape slightly.

The both of them earned a rare smile from Professor McGonagall, "Well done Ms. Granger take a point to Ravenclaw. And you Mr. Potter have five for your Successful transfiguration, you seemed to have inherited your father's Talent for transfiguration." She praised the two of them, before she silently muttered, "Hopefully he didn't inherit his father's talent for pranks.", but Harry still heard her with his sharpened Senses.

Charms was another enjoyable Lesson, especially after he learned that his Mother had quite the Talent for it, and was one of Professor Flitwick s favorite Students. His head of House even invited him to visit him for a cup of Tea, if he wanted to hear some stories about his Mother. Apparently, she was doing her Charms Mastery under him before her death.

Meanwhile, Defense against the Dark Arts was a complete joke, not only smelled the Classroom unpleasant like Garlic. Professor Quirell their Teacher was even Scared of his own Shadow. With all his stuttering it was impossible to follow anything in his lessons, and Harry quite early had to accept that these Lessons would be a waste of time. So he used the time to discretely do some of his Homework. Although he felt that something about the Professor with the Turban felt wrong, he had a bit of Darkness around him.

But his least favorite Lesson from now on came on Friday, and it wasn't because of the topic itself, Potion was quite the fascinating branch of magic, a sub-branch of Alchemy brought to such height that Wizards managed to bottle up many powerful effects. They even worked on Devils, something that gave Lord Gremory quite a pleasant surprise when he purchased some samples at Diagon Alley, although weaker. But this could be solved with adjusted recipes, opening up a new branch of Business for House Gremory in the Underworld.

No for some reason his Professor was targeting him, even though he never met the man before or even spoken to him. Although he heard rumors that Professor Snape was favoring his own House Slytherin strongly, this shouldn't be a problem since Ravenclaw had their Potion Lessons with Hufflepuff. But from the start when the dark-clothed Professor took Roll call, he began to target Harry.

"Ah, yes, " he said softly, "Harry Potter. Our new — celebrity."

Professor Snape had black greasy hair and black eyes. His eyes were dark, cold, and empty, and made you think of dark tunnels, as he began his Lesson.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making," he began. He spoke in barely more than a whisper, but they caught every word — like Professor McGonagall, Snape had the gift of keeping a class silent without effort. "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses. ... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death — if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

The whole class was silent in Awe, all of this still sounded amazing in Harry's ears until his big disappointment began, "Potter!" said Snape suddenly. "What would I get if I

added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"Powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood, would create the Draught of Living Death a powerful Sleep potion." Replied Harry remembering the information from one of the many Potions books he skimmed through, but according to his memory, this wasn't in his first-year potion book.

"5 Points from Ravenclaw for studying far ahead in such a dangerous Art." Said Snape without even thinking, "Your Celebrity Status must have gone to your head. Trying to be special Potter?" Sneered Snape.

"What?" muttered Harry clearly baffled at how this unknown Teacher was treating him, if it were another Student, they would fast lose interest in the Art. But Harry was determined to learn as much Magic as possible, especially such a useful sounding topic like Potions.

After questioning a few more Students, especially the Hufflepuff s that looked unknowing, the Professor continued with his Lesson revealing a Potion Recipe on the blackboard. A simple Potion to cure boils, a potion that wasn't very hard to make, and Harry felt he did a pretty good job.

But it became very fast clear, that Professor Snape hated him for some reason since he was deliberately targeting him. Someone close by did a Mistake? Why didn't you warn them, Potter? Preparing Potion ingredient? You didn't dice them evenly Potter!

That's how his first Potion Lesson has gone, and Harry didn't feel like any future ones would go better. But that didn't curb his enthusiasm, different from the other Students he had his own Potion Lab always with him and could practice whenever he wanted.

"Well, Snape seems to hate you, Mate." Said Terry Boot as the other Ravenclaw s gave the bespectacled boy a pitying look.

"Did you do something to Professor Snape?" asked Hermione confused, "He seems to have a personal vendetta against you."

Harry answered with a downcast look, as they left the Dungeons, "No, I saw the man for the first time at the Welcoming Feast. Today was the first time I even interacted with him."

"Strange. It's no secret that he only likes Slytherin s and is heavenly biased towards them. But I didn't hear that he would pick on one Student, that's quite unprofessional even for his Standards." Added Daphne equally confused, since she heard quite a lot about Hogwarts from her Parents and other Students during Social Meetings that she attended.

As they arrived in the Entrance Hall Harry saw that it was quite the beautiful day outside, "The Dungeons were quite stuffy I will go take a breath of fresh air, does anyone want to join me?"

In the end, he headed out alone, as the others had to finish their homework that he already finished during DADA or wanted to check out the Library. The Hogwarts grounds were beautiful Green today. As he explored he passed the Hut of the gigantic Groundskeeper and neared the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Suddenly a loud voice behind sounded, "Oy, Stay away from tha' forest boy!" It was Hagrid who is standing in the Door of his Hut, having spotted the boy closing in on the Forest.

"Hello, Mr. Hagrid. I just were exploring the Grounds and took a look at the Forest. I didn't want to head in." Replied Harry with a friendly smile.

"Oh, 's yeh harry. Look at yeh all grown up since I saw yeh the last time." Recognized Hagrid as he beamed at the boy.

"You met me before Mr. Hagrid?" asked Harry interested since he was quite sure he would remember such a big Person.

"Nothin' Mr. Jus call me Hagrid. An' yes I met yeh when yeh were still a baby, it was me who picked yeh up from the ruins o' your old home." Explained Hagrid as he invited the boy in, "Come in! I will make us some tea. If I knew wha' these damn Dursley's would do I wouldn' have yeh left there." Said the friendly Giant with regret in his Voice.

"Don't blame yourself Hagrid. Nobody would expect that they were this kind of Humans." Said Harry, following the Giant into his Hut. Where a big dog was sitting.

Harry and Hagrid had quite an enjoyable Conversation in that Afternoon. Hagrid could tell him quite a lot about his Parents, during their School time, since he was good friends with them. He enjoyed this talk with Hagrid quite a lot, he was the first person who could tell him more about his Parents who also knew them quite well personally.

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