
Sarah Wilson (revised)

Sarah woke up in daze, her mouth was dry and her head was a little groggy. She was feeling uncomfortable all over her body. A huge pain hit her head and she almost screamd.

After the headache subduided a little, Sarah could see more clearly and looked at her surroundings. She felt into trance for a moment not knowing where she was.

It was a large room with many people around her, including men and women, most of them half naked, all young with most of them beautiful.

They all laughed, their eyes blurred and expressions ambiguous. The room was filled with heavy smoke, mixed perfume, body odor and a slow music was being played.

It seems to be one of night parties in Hollywood, but how could she be here. She had obviously stopped going to such parties after leaving the industry.

A thought flashed in Sarah's mind and she was stunned. She hurriedly stood up and ran to the bathroom bare feet.

Sarah looked at the girl in the mirror carefully: she had smooth shoulder length black shinny hair, a round face that looked very young, clear steel blue eyes with curved eyebrows, delicate collarbone, and a smooth glowy snow white skin. There were dark circles under the eyes which seemed to be because of overindulging oneself and not sleeping properly.

She was confused by what she saw: Am I dreaming? The face was clearly hers, but not of her usual thirty years old self. It was

of time when she was 16, and at the start of her rebellious phase. The last thing she remembered was having a road accident.

After going through the recent memories, Sarah confirmed that she had traveled back in time when she was at the start of her career and had just recently came to Los Angeles. Its hard to believe, but it seems real, at least for now.

Sarah Wilson was the daughter of Emily Wilson, a divorced college professor at New York University. There were three members in the Wilson family, one Emily Wilson and other two were her children Rick Wilson and Sarah Wilson.

Emily brought up her children alone after the divorce with her husband James Patrick, a British buisnesman belonging to an influential family. The two met during their college years and soon fell in love, and got married after the graduation. It was a perfect love story, till James cheated. Emily was very decisive, she filed for divorce and also got the custody of children. At that time, she was pregnant with another child but had a miscarriage. Rick and Sarah were fifteen and five at that time.

Unlike Rick who was fifteen and mature enough to understand things and support his mother emotionally when their parents got divorced, Sarah was only a five year old girl who lost her perfect family in a single day. She couldn't understand why they didn't live with father anymore, and why did they had to leave their home in London and move to America.

After experiencing so many ups and downs in such a short span, Sarah became a dull kid who lost all her previous liveliness. Psychiatrist concluded that she was under a lot of mental stress after going through so much, and advised Emily to introduce her to new hobbies and friends. Despite herself going through so much during that time, Emily behaved strong and followed the psychiatrist's advise. She did everything she could do for her daughter. She introduced Sarah to various kids of her age, new games and parks.

The efforts proved to be successful and Sarah showed intrest in acting and singing. She was even found to be talented in it, so Emily enrolled her into acting classes at a young age. Sarah shined through all the courses, and became a part of school drama club. On instructors advice, Emily sent Sarah to Los Angeles to become an actress, her cousin who worked in Hollywood.

Emily was very nervous about sending her daughter to an unfamiliar place, but she still agreed seeing her daughter's talent and her cousin Frank's reassurance to take proper care of Sarah.

Sarah went to Los Angeles to Frank where he helped her get some minor roles in some dramas and movies. He was quite caring and took care of her in every possible way, but Sarah was blinded by the shinning and dark life of Vanity fair that she continued to indulge in it and become its prey like thousands of other people. The next thing was simple, the same everyday story of Hollywood happened, where thousands of people are discarded everyday and become a part of rehabilitation centers.

Sarah pulled herself out of past thoughts and looked at herself closely in the mirror again. She doesn't even know if this is a miracle or just a dream, but if its true then she can't let the the things go the same way as they did in past. She will be a successful star this time and fulfill her ambitions.

There was a knock on the door and someone shouted: "Who is inside? Can't you go somewhere else. It's an emergency."

Hearing the shouts, Sarah hurriedly washed her face and left the bathroom without even looking at the person who was waiting outside. She didn't want to stay in these parties anymore as they remind her of her destructive choices.

Chris was impatiently waiting outside the bathroom, but no one came out after ten minutes and no sound was heard. He thought maybe someone was fucking inside, so he shouted. Can't people go to a private room.

In the end, a very beautiful girl came out alone and she left without even looking at him.

Chris was surprised at the beauty of the girl, but he couldn't appreciate it properly due to the emergency. He hurriedly went inside and got lighter.


P.S. Female Protagonist and her details are written by me, no such character exists in reality.

>> I will try to make the movie selection and career choices as relevant as possible I can.

>> There will be a written reason for every choice and path the female protagonist will choose in future.

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