
Well, I hope you can find him.

Irina felt hot breath hit her ear and felt her body heat up.

They really should celebrate, right?! It sounded like a good idea.

The two pulled away from that embrace and Irina subtly nodded, yes they would.

She finally took the trophy for herself and stepped up to the microphone for her speech.

Amany walked away, but she still kept to the stage close enough that she was able to admire and diligently watch what Irina had to say.

Irina stopped for a few seconds to look at the trophy in her hands and let out a sigh.

People were still applauding wildly, it was a bit of a funny and embarrassing situation.

She smiled gently and started to speak, which made the audience gradually become silent again in order to hear her speech.

"Good, thanks. I really feel happy for this award, it's like a reward for my efforts..."

Irina glanced lightly at Amany and saw the beautiful smile break out on her face. It made her smile too.

This situation did not go unnoticed by Bella, who was writhing with jealousy.

But Irina couldn't care less, I'm not looking at you so it doesn't matter.

"... I didn't think I would win, so I came here without any expectations, but someone today told me that I would definitely win... Of course, she said that just to please me, but it made me really want to win to be proud of her. there..."

Amany was especially surprised and happy that she was being remembered for that speech, her face was hot and she could hardly contain herself.

Well, now she had to use all her acting skills to hide that she was really happy.

She barely fit inside herself at that moment.

Amany could only think: Fortunately, I insisted on presenting this award.

Upon learning the nominees and finally knowing that she would present the award, she made a single request. I definitely want to be able to hand over the award for Best Villain/Antagonist and hopefully have a moment with Irina.

Well luckily Irina won and they got to have that moment.

Initially Amany expected to just talk to Irina when she went to present the award in her hands.

Well, now she could have more than just a single good memory with that woman.

"... Thanks to the 'Unbreakable' team and my Envoy... You can't imagine how hard work it was, but I'm glad we got it done... Thank you so much for that!"

Irina finished her speech amid applause and felt satisfied, that stage of her life was finally over.

'Unbreakable' was the past she would remember with bittersweet feelings.

But there was no going back and she didn't even want to go back.

Leave it in a place of your mind and never come back.

She looked one last time at Amany and smiled softly in her direction, finally walked back to her seat.

She walked lightly and it didn't take long for the program's production to take her prize and keep it.

For a simple convenience, the trophies were kept and handed out again when the winners were leaving after the event.

Returning to her chair, she soon saw that Bella had switched places with the person who was sitting next to her.

Her heart missed even a few beats. Not some, many.

She felt her body petrify, even if you welcome me with a beautiful smile, I can only think that this is wrong.

Almost immediately upon sitting down she felt a hand on her shoulder. "You were great..."

Bella chose to ignore the interaction between Irina and Amany onstage, she really wished she could get closer to that woman.

Let me have you in my arms.

I will treat her right and make her happy no matter what happened in the past.

[The Envoys are chosen according to the role of each individual and the necessary influence capacity that each one needs to have to guarantee the success of the Plot and consequently of the individual's mission.

Manipulation is what the level of influence is called, ZDF987 was ranked at the highest level of the ranking among the Envoys.

ALS143 was ranked with a moderate level of influence.

The level of influence was one of the factors that guaranteed the success of the Trama de Sistemas.

The individual must be under control of the System, after all a successful mission means a success story.]

Irina internally was panicked and completely bewildered.

She doesn't have the emotions for that kind of interaction with Bella and all she could do was smile and settle back in her chair forcing Bella to remove her hand.

It seemed impossible not to feel frustrated and irritated.

What should I do for you not to run from me?!

A little irritated Bella complained to the Envoy. "Why is she avoiding everything I do?"

ALS143 who saw and heard everything, sighed a little tiredly.

Really you don't know?! You can't seem to see that she's afraid of you.

He was tired of Bella too, but he was especially tired of the annoying and stubborn personality that girl had.

Now that you want to conquer this woman, you can't think of anything other than that.

I don't know whether to support or crucify.

He tried a milder, more placating tone, but was harshly reprimanded and ignored.

If there was anyone who couldn't stand that Envoy anymore, it was Bella. She was completely fed up with all that System and mission stuff.

I don't care, just let me live my life.

ALS143:*Maybe you should be less insistent so as not to scare her...*

Bella who didn't like what ALS143 said and simply ignored him. "I don't want to hurt her, why should I hold back?!"

The Envoy was tired, especially tired of this girl who seemed more like a madman as she fell more in love with Irina.

You've been mistreated for months and now you run desperately for love?! What kind of person are you?! Don't you have self love?!

Bella looked once more at Irina and sighed, she should dismiss the idea of contact.

Honestly, it wasn't a matter of self-love, Bella just really liked Irina.

She knew what the other had been through and how hard it was for her those times of 'Unbreakable, of course she knew, there wasn't a person who didn't know that the Cerdic family was broken.

It was ironic to say this, but the two brothers looked ready to succumb.

At least Emil just needed to pretend to love Bella, Irina needed to hate and mistreat her, hurt her and try with all her might to destroy her.

Even if the System existed and cured her of any pain or suffering.

Irina could hardly stand one day after another.

Bella gave up momentarily, backtrack a bit and try to get a few words exchanged, I must first manage to have a civil conversation.

Bella approached Irina softly, but this time trying not to intrude too much on any personal space. "How's your brother?"

Irina heard that and felt a bit complicated, she hadn't really heard from her brother. "We don't know where he might be..."

It was amazing how incompetent her parents could be and never once worry about where their own child might be.

It took Irina out of prison to start a proper search.

Irina finally looked at Bella and saw her thoughtful face, she seemed to be thinking about what she should say at that moment.

She couldn't even imagine the bad relationship between the two of them and she still believed in the small possibility that they were together.

Bella sighed and reached into her small purse, pulling out her cell phone. "Give me your contact, I'll send you the address where Emil was living... I believe he's still there..."

It would be harder than she thought to tell Irina the whole truth.

Yes, one step at a time.

Irina watched Bella's gentle face and somehow agreed, she didn't want to be too close, but she desperately wanted to know where her brother could be.

The two finally exchanged contacts and almost immediately Irina received a location.

Bella might have many faults, but she wouldn't lie to a desperate person looking for news of her family.

"The last time I saw him was at a party... He didn't look too good, I heard some rumors about him breaking off relations with his Envoy... Well, I hope you can find him."

Irina nodded with a heavy heart and stared at her cell phone screen.

Could that be where Emil was, could she finally find him?!

She forwarded the location to Dominica who quickly followed orders to investigate and find anything relevant on Emil.


Bella smiled weakly and nodded. "Don't worry… Just let me help you and I'll be happy."

The two looked at each other and a slight trace of happiness appeared on Irina's face, Bella had finally managed to make that woman smile a little.

Bella had to get a hold of that and she put her cell phone away again and turned her face away trying to hide the flush in her cheeks. She was a little shy.

You now make me feel like I'm a teenager?!

How can you be so cute?!

The awarding went on for some time.

'Unbreakable' managed to win all the People's Choice Awards, including best acting for Irina.

It was a memorable night for everyone, whether it was the winner of the awards or simply those who stayed home and tuned in to that broadcast.

As expected Amany caught everyone's attention and that only did her favor when taking into consideration that she was working on her debut as a singer.

I'm going to break new seas and any sigh that can help me will be welcome.

Her beauty always stood out, but she shone mainly for making that event a light entertainment and easy to follow.

The people who watched it all from their homes didn't even seem to feel the time pass and were openly amused.

A hot topic and one that would resonate with people for a few days to come.

The party would take place in the same place as the awards ceremony.

The luxury hotel had prepared itself very rigorously and had ensured that its restaurant and bar were temporarily closed exclusively to attend the awards guests.

The night had barely started and everyone seemed to have great reasons to celebrate.

People couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some free food and drink and gobble it up.

For many that was the last opportunity to be in an environment of extreme luxury and get contacts. They desperately mingled and communicated.

The casts merged with each other with greater ease and fluidity, but Irina always chose to stay close to the bar and the cast table of 'Unbreakable', she was there exclusively in search of Amany.

Her initial plan had drastically changed and now she had the ambition to have a fun night accompanied by a beautiful woman.

So she sipped her drink while she waited.

Amany as presenter had to take care of some behind-the-scenes matters and this left her with more time than expected with the event organizers, but they had not exchanged their contacts.

All I can do is wait for you and hope you find me.

Irina watched intently from all sides and whenever a new face appeared she felt the brief anticipation of finally being Amany.

She was really excited to be able to see her one more time.

Next chapter